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Python怎么过滤 emoji表情符号呢? 下面是剔除表情字符串的代码片段 python3.6下测试

import re
def re_emojis(text):emoji_pattern = re.compile("["u"\U0001F600-\U0001F64F"u"\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF"u"\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF"u"\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF""]+", flags=re.UNICODE)return emoji_pattern.sub(r' ', text)
text = 'Lamo see this edit guys?Hi guyhttp://ssoo ://gere comes one more video? Enjoy ♥️'
print('init:', text)
result = re_emojis(text)
init: Lamo see this edit guys?Hi guyhttp://ssoo ://gere comes one more video? Enjoy ♥️
Lamo see this edit guys Hi guyhttp://ssoo ://gere comes one more video? Enjoy ♥️

这里根据 unicode 范围来删除表情符号,通用的和IOS中的,不是很全,也没找到非常全的list。后面证实还是有写过滤不掉



pip3 install  emoji


import emoji
import re
text = emoji.demojize('Lamo see this edit guys?Hi guyhttp://ssoo ://gere comes one more video? Enjoy the song Its just for fun guys dont take it far serious?Comment down your views and comment  ? down for my next video♥️')
result = re.sub(':\S+?:', ' ', text)
Lamo see this edit guys Hi guyhttp://ssoo ://gere comes one more video  Enjoy the song Its just for fun guys dont take it far serious Comment down your views and comment      down for my next video ️



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