
Have you tried Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010 (formerly Gemini)? It’s a powerful data analysis add-in for Excel, and is part of the Office 2010 Beta.

您是否尝试过Microsoft Excel for Excel 2010 PowerPivot (以前称为Gemini)? 它是Excel的功能强大的数据分析加载项,并且是Office 2010 Beta的一部分。

If you haven’t downloaded the Beta, you can test PowerPivot in the hands-on Virtual Lab.


That’s where I tested PowerPivot last weekend, and hit a few snags, but was impressed by what PowerPivot can do.


测试PowerPivot (Testing PowerPivot)

On Friday, a surprise package arrived in my mailbox – a set of power tools! It was a promotion for last week’s release of PowerPivot, and the power tools had clever labels, like this one on the flashlight.

星期五,一个惊喜包裹到达了我的邮箱-一套电动工具! 这是上周发布的PowerPivot的促销活动,并且电动工具带有巧妙的标签,如手电筒上的标签。

Did the power tools influence my decision to try PowerPivot? Of course! Testing PowerPivot was on my To Do list, and the power tools inspired me to move it to the top.

电动工具是否影响了我尝试使用PowerPivot的决定? 当然! 测试PowerPivot列在“我的待办事项”列表中,而强大的工具启发了我将其移至顶部。

Will the gift influence my testing? Nope. I’ll still tell you exactly what I think.

礼物会影响我的测试吗? 不。 我仍然会告诉你我的想法。

PowerPivot加载项 (The PowerPivot Add-In)

I had trouble with the virtual lab on my desktop computer, and couldn’t get the ActiveX control installed. My laptop is newer, and everything went smoothly there. Both machines are Windows XP, and I used Internet Explorer 8 as the browser.

我在台式机上的虚拟实验室遇到了麻烦,无法安装ActiveX控件。 我的笔记本电脑较新,并且一切都顺利进行。 这两台机器都是Windows XP,我使用Internet Explorer 8作为浏览器。

Once the virtual lab was running, it was easy to get started, and work with PowerPivot in Excel. The PowerPivot add-in creates a new tab on the Excel Ribbon.

虚拟实验室运行之后,就很容易上手,并且可以在Excel中使用PowerPivot。 PowerPivot加载项在Excel功能区上创建一个新选项卡。

Click PowerPivot Window, to launch the add-in, and open the PowerPivot client window. From there, you can connect to data from a variety of sources.

单击PowerPivot窗口,启动加载项,然后打开PowerPivot客户端窗口。 从那里,您可以连接各种来源的数据。

I’d normally connect to Access data, but in this example I used the SQL Server connection.

我通常会连接到Access数据,但在此示例中,我使用了SQL Server连接。

Next, select a table from the data source, and PowerPivot can automatically select related tables. You can also filter the selected data, before importing it.

接下来,从数据源中选择一个表,然后PowerPivot可以自动选择相关的表。 您也可以在导入之前过滤选定的数据。

In the virtual lab, I connected to a Sales table that had almost 4 million records, and it took just a couple of minutes to import.


导入的数据 (The Imported Data)

In the PowerPivot client window, each table is on a separate tab. You can change the tab names, and add calculated fields in the tables.

在PowerPivot客户端窗口中,每个表都在单独的选项卡上。 您可以更改选项卡名称,并在表中添加计算字段。

The formula bar looks just like Excel’s, and the field names appear automatically when you start typing.


创建数据透视表和数据透视图 (Create a PivotTable and PivotChart)

You can create a pivot table and pivot chart from the data, using the PowerPivot Task Pane (called the Gemini Task Pane in the virtual lab).


The pivot table and pivot chart weren’t connected though – adding fields to one, didn’t affect the other. I’m not sure if that was a bug in the virtual lab, or a Beta feature that will be fixed later.

数据透视表和数据透视表没有连接-向一个字段添加字段,但不影响另一个字段。 我不确定这是虚拟实验室中的错误,还是稍后将修复的Beta功能。

You can also add horizontal and vertical Slicers to the pivot table and pivot chart, to filter the data that’s displayed.


自己尝试PowerPivot (Try PowerPivot Yourself)

This was just a quick overview of the PowerPivot test in the PowerPivot virtual lab. If you don’t have the Office 2010 Beta installed, I’d recommend this as a great way to see what PowerPivot can do.

这只是对PowerPivot虚拟实验室中的PowerPivot测试的快速概述。 如果您没有安装Office 2010 Beta,建议您使用此方法查看PowerPivot的功能。

It took me about an hour to go through the 3 modules, while making notes and taking screenshots. There’s a button to download a PDF file with the instructions, but that didn’t work, so I copied the instructions and pasted them into Word.

我花了一个小时来浏览这三个模块,同时做笔记和截图。 有一个按钮可以下载带有说明的PDF文件,但是没有用,因此我复制了说明并将其粘贴到Word中。

It was easier to read the instructions in Word, where I could increase the Zoom level. Also, the instructions disappeared at one point, and I would have had to start over, if I hadn’t made a copy.

阅读Word中的说明比较容易,我可以在其中增加缩放级别。 同样,这些说明在某一时刻消失了,如果我没有复制的话,我将不得不重新开始。

The virtual machine hung on me a couple of times, and I don’t see a way to start anywhere except the beginning. Restarting was annoying, but it was pretty quick to go through the steps the second time.

虚拟机挂了好几次,除了开始,我看不到其他任何方法可以开始。 重新启动很烦人,但是第二次很快就完成了所有步骤。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2009/11/30/drill-into-data-with-powerpivot/




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