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1 img 2 { 3 border: 0; 4 } 5 a 6 { 7 cursor: pointer; 8 color: #014ccc; 9 text-decoration: underline; 10 } 11 a:hover 12 { 13 text-decoration: none; 14 } 15 .clear 16 { 17 clear: both; 18 height: 0px; 19 overflow: hidden; 20 } 21 .img_list 22 { 23 margin: 0 auto; 24 } 25 .img_list li 26 { 27 list-style: none; 28 } 29 .img_list .items 30 { 31 margin: 0 auto; 32 } 33 .img_list .item 34 { 35 width: 260px; 36 float: left; 37 margin-bottom: 5px; 38 font-size: 14px; 39 } 40 .img_list .item .order 41 { 42 display: inline-block; 43 width: 28px; 44 color: #f30; 45 } 46 .img_list .item .i_thumb 47 { 48 width: 100%; 49 height: 280px; 50 } 51 .img_list .item .i_title 52 { 53 width: 100%; 54 height: 20px; 55 } 56 .showmore 57 { 58 height: 35px; 59 background: #f8f8f8; 60 border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc; 61 cursor: pointer; 62 text-align: center; 63 margin-bottom: 25px; 64 } 65 .showmore .handle 66 { 67 display: block; 68 height: 35px; 69 text-align: center; 70 color: #909090; 71 font-size: 14px; 72 text-decoration: none; 73 line-height: 35px; 74 } 75 .showmore .handle:hover 76 { 77 text-decoration: none; 78 background: #e6e6e6; 79 } 80 .top 81 { 82 width: 100%; 83 height: 100px; 84 border: 1px solid #000; 85 } 86 .list 87 { 88 margin: 0 auto; 89 margin-top: 20px; 90 width: 1200px; 91 border: 1px solid #000; 92 } 93 @media screen and (min-width: 1201px) 94 { 95 .list 96 { 97 width: 1200px; 98 } 99 }100 /* css 注释说明:设置了浏览器宽度不小于1201px时 abc 显示1200px宽度 */101 /*102 @media screen and (max-width: 1200px)103 {104 .list105 {106 width: 900px;107 }108 }*/109 /* 设置了浏览器宽度不大于1200px时 abc 显示900px宽度 */110 /*111 @media screen and (max-width: 900px)112 {113 .list114 {115 width: 200px;116 }117 }118 */119 /* 设置了浏览器宽度不大于900px时 abc 显示200px宽度 */120 /*121 @media screen and (max-width: 500px)122 {123 .list124 {125 width: 100px;126 }127 }128 */129 /* 设置了浏览器宽度不大于500px时 abc 显示100px宽度 */

1 var iHeight = 0; 2 var iTop = 0; 3 var clientHeight = 0; 4 var iIntervalId = null; 5 var itemsSize = 0; 6 var pageNo = 1; // 当前页数,默认设为第 1 页 7 var pageSize = 4; // 每页显示的数量 8 9 getPageHeight(); 10 11 // 添加定时检测事件,每2秒检测一次 12 iIntervalId = setInterval("_onScroll();", 2000); 13 14 // 取得当前页面显示所占用的高度 15 function getPageHeight() { 16 if (document.body.clientHeight && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { 17 clientHeight = (document.body.clientHeight < document.documentElement.clientHeight) ? document.body.clientHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight; 18 } else { 19 20 clientHeight = (document.body.clientHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight) ? document.body.clientHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight; 21 } 22 23 iHeight = Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight); 24 } 25 26 // 调用ajax取服务端数据 27 function show() { 28 // pageNo++; 29 // $.ajax({ 30 // url: 'Handler.ashx?p=' + pageNo + '&r=' + Math.random(), 31 // type: 'GET', 32 // dataType: 'text', 33 // timeout: 4000, 34 // beforeSend: showLoadingImg, 35 // error: showFailure, 36 // success: function (date){ 37 //把取出的数据转换为html 38 // } 39 // }); 40 showDate(); 41 } 42 43 function showDate() { 44 var pageOffset = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize + 1; 45 itemsSize = 8; 46 var nextpagehtml = ''; 47 for (i = 0; i < itemsSize; i++) { 48 nextpagehtml += ''; 49 nextpagehtml += '

'; 50 nextpagehtml += '

' + (pageOffset + i) + '链接'; 51 52 nextpagehtml += ''; 53 } 54 nextpagehtml += '

'; 55 $('#items').html($('#items').html() + nextpagehtml); 56 57 // 当前页码数小于3页时继续显示更多提示框 58 if (pageNo < 3) { 59 $('#showmore').html('显示更多结果'); 60 } else { 61 clearInterval(iIntervalId); 62 $('#showmore').hide(); 63 } 64 } 65 66 function showLoadingImg() { 67 $('#showmore').html('显示更多结果'); 68 } 69 70 function showFailure() { 71 $('#showmore').html('获取查询数据出错'); 72 } 73 74 // 判断滚动条是否到达底部 75 function reachBottom() { 76 var scrollTop = 0; 77 if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { 78 scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop; 79 } else if (document.body) { 80 scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop; 81 } 82 if ((scrollTop > 0) && (scrollTop + clientHeight == iHeight)) { 83 return true; 84 } else { 85 return false; 86 } 87 } 88 89 // 检测事件,检测滚动条是否接近或到达页面的底部区域,0.99是为了更接近底部时 90 function _onScroll() { 91 iTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; 92 getPageHeight(); 93 if (((iTop + clientHeight) > parseInt(iHeight * 0.99)) || reachBottom()) { 94 if (pageNo >= 3) { 95 clearInterval(iIntervalId); 96 $('#showmore').hide(); 97 return; 98 } 99 show();100 }101 };



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