


Computer course;Computer lesson


Computer illiterate


Computers in stock


There is something wrong with the computer programme.


Remove(data that is no longer required)from the memory of a computer or calculator


He is a specialist in computer programming.


How do you switch off the iPad?


Public Key Cryptosystem


When did the first generation computers become obsolete?


I have computer savvy clients.


A programmer is a person who prepares a computer program.


The new fast computer is now the benchmark in the computer industry.


The quality of the computers are good || The quality of the computers is good


The computer virus is an outcome of the computer overgrowth in the 1980s



Computers,great revolution

Since the first computer of our country was made in 1958,computer science has been developing rapidly,bringing great changs in our life.Now computers have been in thousands of families and become part of our daily life.Computers can do many things for us,we can read news,get information we need,save our files,play games.We can also chat online with people all over the world,watch the movies,listen to music over the Internet.In addition,computers can do some comlex work,such as CAD and CAM.In industry,computer can have a wider use,like the control systems,communication systems and so on.

There is no doubt that with development of computer science,computers will play a more and more important role in our life in the coming days.


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