
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requestsdef check_sign():your_birth_day = input("输入您的生日的日期> ")your_birth_month = input("输入你生日的月份> ")if (int(your_birth_month) == 12 and int(your_birth_day) >= 22) or (int(your_birth_month) == 1 and int(your_birth_day) <= 19):sign = "Capricorn"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 1 and int(your_birth_day) >= 20) or (int(your_birth_month) == 2 and int(your_birth_day) <= 17):sign = "Aquarium"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 2 and int(your_birth_day) >= 18) or (int(your_birth_month) == 3 and int(your_birth_day) <= 19):sign = "Pices"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 3 and int(your_birth_day) >= 20) or (int(your_birth_month) == 4 and int(your_birth_day) <= 19):sign = "Aries"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 4 and int(your_birth_day) >= 20) or (int(your_birth_month) == 5 and int(your_birth_day) <= 20):sign = "Taurus"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 5 and int(your_birth_day) >= 21) or (int(your_birth_month) == 6 and int(your_birth_day) <= 20):sign = "Gemini"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 6 and int(your_birth_day) >= 21) or (int(your_birth_month) == 7 and int(your_birth_day) <= 22):sign = "Cancer"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 7 and int(your_birth_day) >= 23) or (int(your_birth_month) == 8 and int(your_birth_day) <= 22):sign = "Leo"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 8 and int(your_birth_day) >= 23) or (int(your_birth_month) == 9 and int(your_birth_day) <= 22):sign = "Virgo"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 9 and int(your_birth_day) >= 23) or (int(your_birth_month) == 10 and int(your_birth_day) <= 22):sign = "Libra"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 10 and int(your_birth_day) >= 23) or (int(your_birth_month) == 11 and int(your_birth_day) <= 21):sign = "Scorpio"elif (int(your_birth_month) == 11 and int(your_birth_day) >= 22) or (int(your_birth_month) == 12 and int(your_birth_day) <= 21):sign = "Sagittarius"return signdef horoscope(zodiac_sign, day):url = ("https://www.horoscope.com/us/horoscopes/general/horoscope-general-daily-{}.aspx?sign={}".format(day,zodiac_sign))soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")return soup.find("div", class_="main-horoscope").p.textdef main():# while 1:print("Daily Horoscope. \n")print("输入你的星座号码:\n","1. 白羊座-Aries\n","2. 金牛座-Taurus\n","3. 双子座-Gemini\n","4. 巨蟹座-Cancer\n","5. 狮子座-Leo\n","6. 处女座-Virgo\n","7. 天秤座-Libra\n","8. 天蝎座-Scorpio\n","9. 射手座-Sagittarius\n","10. 魔羯座-Capricorn\n","11. 水瓶座-Aquarius\n","12. 双鱼座-Pisces\n","或者,如果您不确定自己的星座,请输入'calculate'",)zodiac_sign = input("number> ")if zodiac_sign != "calculate":print("choose some day:\n", "0-yesterday\n", "1-today\n", "2-tomorrow\n")dayNum = input("enter the day(number)> ")dayMap = {0: 'yesterday', 1: 'today', 2: 'tomorrow'}day = dayMap[int(dayNum)]horoscope_text = horoscope(zodiac_sign, day)print(horoscope_text)else:print("\n好的,别担心。很快你就会通过这个小测验")print("\n恭喜!你绝对是", check_sign())if __name__ == "__main__":main()

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