ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate




for e in train[entity_column].unique():entity_group = data[data[entity_column]==e]data_time_steps = len(entity_group)if data_time_steps >= decoder_steps:x = entity_group[input_columns].values.astype(np.float32)inputs.append(np.stack([x[i:data_time_steps - (decoder_steps - 1) + i, :] for i in range(decoder_steps)], axis=1))  y = entity_group[[target_column]].values.astype(np.float32)outputs.append(np.stack([y[i:data_time_steps - (decoder_steps - 1) + i, :] for i in range(decoder_steps)], axis=1))e = entity_group[[entity_column]].values.astype(np.float32)entity.append(np.stack([e[i:data_time_steps - (decoder_steps - 1) + i, :] for i in range(decoder_steps)], axis=1))t = entity_group[[time_column]].values.astype(np.int64)time.append(np.stack([t[i:data_time_steps - (decoder_steps - 1) + i, :] for i in range(decoder_steps)], axis=1))self.inputs = np.concatenate(inputs, axis=0)self.outputs = np.concatenate(outputs, axis=0)[:, encoder_steps:, :]self.entity = np.concatenate(entity, axis=0)self.time = np.concatenate(time, axis=0)self.active_inputs = np.ones_like(outputs)

原因:当data为valid的时候,data_time_steps < decoder_steps,故返回的input为空

解决办法:添加当data_time_steps < decoder_steps情况时的处理

           else:return None


for e in train[entity_column].unique():entity_group = data[data[entity_column]==e]data_time_steps = len(entity_group)if data_time_steps >= decoder_steps:x = entity_group[input_columns].values.astype(np.float32)inputs.append(np.stack([x[i:data_time_steps - (decoder_steps - 1) + i, :] for i in range(decoder_steps)], axis=1))  y = entity_group[[target_column]].values.astype(np.float32)outputs.append(np.stack([y[i:data_time_steps - (decoder_steps - 1) + i, :] for i in range(decoder_steps)], axis=1))e = entity_group[[entity_column]].values.astype(np.float32)entity.append(np.stack([e[i:data_time_steps - (decoder_steps - 1) + i, :] for i in range(decoder_steps)], axis=1))t = entity_group[[time_column]].values.astype(np.int64)time.append(np.stack([t[i:data_time_steps - (decoder_steps - 1) + i, :] for i in range(decoder_steps)], axis=1))else:return Noneself.inputs = np.concatenate(inputs, axis=0)self.outputs = np.concatenate(outputs, axis=0)[:, encoder_steps:, :]self.entity = np.concatenate(entity, axis=0)self.time = np.concatenate(time, axis=0)self.active_inputs = np.ones_like(outputs)


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