

/*** This view implements the drawing canvas.* * It handles all of the input events and drawing functions.*/class PaintView extends View {private Paint paint;private Canvas cacheCanvas;private Bitmap cachebBitmap;private Path path;private List<TimePoint> mPoints = new ArrayList<>();private float mVelocityFilterWeight;private float mLastTouchX;private float mLastTouchY;private float mLastVelocity;private float mLastWidth;private int mMinWidth;private int mMaxWidth;private RectF mDirtyRect;public Bitmap getCachebBitmap() {return cachebBitmap;}public void setSignatureBitmap(Bitmap signature) {clear();ensureSignatureBitmap();RectF tempSrc = new RectF();RectF tempDst = new RectF();int dWidth = signature.getWidth();int dHeight = signature.getHeight();int vWidth = getWidth();int vHeight = getHeight();// Generate the required transform.tempSrc.set(0, 0, dWidth, dHeight);tempDst.set(0, 0, vWidth, vHeight);Matrix drawMatrix = new Matrix();drawMatrix.setRectToRect(tempSrc, tempDst, Matrix.ScaleToFit.START);Canvas canvas = new Canvas(cachebBitmap);canvas.drawBitmap(signature, drawMatrix, null);// setIsEmpty(false);invalidate();}public PaintView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {super(context, attrs);TypedArray a = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,R.styleable.SignaturePad, 0, 0);// Configurable parameterstry {mMinWidth = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.SignaturePad_minWidth, convertDpToPx(3));mMaxWidth = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.SignaturePad_maxWidth, convertDpToPx(12));mVelocityFilterWeight = a.getFloat(R.styleable.SignaturePad_velocityFilterWeight, 0.6f);} finally {a.recycle();}init();}private void init() {paint = new Paint();paint.setAntiAlias(true);paint.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.ROUND);paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);paint.setColor(Color.BLACK);path = new Path();cachebBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(p.width, (int) (p.height),// *// 0.8),Config.ARGB_8888);cacheCanvas = new Canvas(cachebBitmap);cacheCanvas.drawColor(Color.WHITE);mDirtyRect = new RectF();mLastVelocity = 0;mLastWidth = (mMinWidth + mMaxWidth) / 2;path.reset();invalidate();}/*** Set the velocity filter weight.* * @param velocityFilterWeight*            the weight.*/public void setVelocityFilterWeight(float velocityFilterWeight) {mVelocityFilterWeight = velocityFilterWeight;}private void ensureSignatureBitmap() {if (cachebBitmap == null) {cachebBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(p.width, (int) (p.height),// *// 0.8),Config.ARGB_8888);cacheCanvas = new Canvas(cachebBitmap);}}public void clear() {mPoints.clear();mLastVelocity = 0;mLastWidth = (mMinWidth + mMaxWidth) / 2;path.reset();if (cacheCanvas != null) {paint.setColor(BACKGROUND_COLOR);cacheCanvas.drawPaint(paint);paint.setColor(Color.BLACK);cacheCanvas.drawColor(Color.WHITE);invalidate();}}@Overrideprotected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {// canvas.drawColor(BRUSH_COLOR);if (cachebBitmap != null) {if (topBitmap == null) {topBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(top_layout.getMeasuredWidth(),top_layout.getMeasuredHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888);top_layout.draw(new Canvas(topBitmap));setSignatureBitmap(topBitmap);}canvas.drawBitmap(cachebBitmap, 0, 0, paint);// canvas.drawPath(path, paint);}}@Overrideprotected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {int curW = cachebBitmap != null ? cachebBitmap.getWidth() : 0;int curH = cachebBitmap != null ? cachebBitmap.getHeight() : 0;if (curW >= w && curH >= h) {return;}if (curW < w)curW = w;if (curH < h)curH = h;Bitmap newBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(curW, curH,Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);Canvas newCanvas = new Canvas();newCanvas.setBitmap(newBitmap);if (cachebBitmap != null) {newCanvas.drawBitmap(cachebBitmap, 0, top_layout.getHeight(),null);}cachebBitmap = newBitmap;cacheCanvas = newCanvas;}@Overridepublic boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {if (!isEnabled())return false;float x = event.getX();float y = event.getY();switch (event.getAction()) {case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);mPoints.clear();mLastTouchX = x;mLastTouchY = y;path.moveTo(x, y);addPoint(new TimePoint(x, y));}case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {// path.quadTo(cur_x, cur_y, x, y);resetDirtyRect(x, y);addPoint(new TimePoint(x, y));break;}case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {// cacheCanvas.drawPath(path, paint);// path.reset();// cur_x = x;// cur_y = y;resetDirtyRect(x, y);addPoint(new TimePoint(x, y));getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);break;}default:return false;}// invalidate();invalidate((int) (mDirtyRect.left - mMaxWidth),(int) (mDirtyRect.top - mMaxWidth),(int) (mDirtyRect.right + mMaxWidth),(int) (mDirtyRect.bottom + mMaxWidth));return true;}public void addPoint(TimePoint point) {mPoints.add(point);if (mPoints.size() > 2) {if (mPoints.size() == 3)mPoints.add(0, mPoints.get(0));ControlTimedPoints tmp = calculateCurveControlPoints(mPoints.get(0), mPoints.get(1), mPoints.get(2));TimePoint c2 = tmp.c2;tmp = calculateCurveControlPoints(mPoints.get(1),mPoints.get(2), mPoints.get(3));TimePoint c3 = tmp.c1;Bezier curve = new Bezier(mPoints.get(1), c2, c3,mPoints.get(2));TimePoint startPoint = curve.startPoint;TimePoint endPoint = curve.endPoint;float velocity = endPoint.getSpeed(startPoint);velocity = Float.isNaN(velocity) ? 0.0f : velocity;velocity = mVelocityFilterWeight * velocity+ (1 - mVelocityFilterWeight) * mLastVelocity;// The new width is a function of the velocity. Higher// velocities// correspond to thinner strokes.float newWidth = strokeWidth(velocity);// The Bezier's width starts out as last curve's final width,// and// gradually changes to the stroke width just calculated. The// new// width calculation is based on the velocity between the// Bezier's// start and end mPoints.addBezier(curve, mLastWidth, newWidth);mLastVelocity = velocity;mLastWidth = newWidth;// Remove the first element from the list,// so that we always have no more than 4 mPoints in mPoints// array.mPoints.remove(0);}}/*** Resets the dirty region when the motion event occurs.* * @param eventX*            the event x coordinate.* @param eventY*            the event y coordinate.*/private void resetDirtyRect(float eventX, float eventY) {// The mLastTouchX and mLastTouchY were set when the ACTION_DOWN// motion event occurred.mDirtyRect.left = Math.min(mLastTouchX, eventX);mDirtyRect.right = Math.max(mLastTouchX, eventX);mDirtyRect.top = Math.min(mLastTouchY, eventY);mDirtyRect.bottom = Math.max(mLastTouchY, eventY);}/*** * @param curve* @param startWidth* @param endWidth*/private void addBezier(Bezier curve, float startWidth, float endWidth) {ensureSignatureBitmap();float originalWidth = paint.getStrokeWidth();float widthDelta = endWidth - startWidth;float drawSteps = (float) Math.floor(curve.length());for (int i = 0; i < drawSteps; i++) {// Calculate the Bezier (x, y) coordinate for this step.float t = ((float) i) / drawSteps;float tt = t * t;float ttt = tt * t;float u = 1 - t;float uu = u * u;float uuu = uu * u;float x = uuu * curve.startPoint.x;x += 3 * uu * t * curve.control1.x;x += 3 * u * tt * curve.control2.x;x += ttt * curve.endPoint.x;float y = uuu * curve.startPoint.y;y += 3 * uu * t * curve.control1.y;y += 3 * u * tt * curve.control2.y;y += ttt * curve.endPoint.y;// 设置画笔的大小paint.setStrokeWidth(startWidth + ttt * widthDelta);//控制线显示的范围if (y > top_layout.getHeight()) {cacheCanvas.drawPoint(x, y, paint);}expandDirtyRect(x, y);}paint.setStrokeWidth(originalWidth);}private ControlTimedPoints calculateCurveControlPoints(TimePoint s1,TimePoint s2, TimePoint s3) {float dx1 = s1.x - s2.x;float dy1 = s1.y - s2.y;float dx2 = s2.x - s3.x;float dy2 = s2.y - s3.y;TimePoint m1 = new TimePoint((s1.x + s2.x) / 2.0f,(s1.y + s2.y) / 2.0f);TimePoint m2 = new TimePoint((s2.x + s3.x) / 2.0f,(s2.y + s3.y) / 2.0f);float l1 = (float) Math.sqrt(dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1);float l2 = (float) Math.sqrt(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2);float dxm = (m1.x - m2.x);float dym = (m1.y - m2.y);float k = l2 / (l1 + l2);TimePoint cm = new TimePoint(m2.x + dxm * k, m2.y + dym * k);float tx = s2.x - cm.x;float ty = s2.y - cm.y;return new ControlTimedPoints(new TimePoint(m1.x + tx, m1.y + ty),new TimePoint(m2.x + tx, m2.y + ty));}private float strokeWidth(float velocity) {return Math.max(mMaxWidth / (velocity + 1), mMinWidth);}private int convertDpToPx(float dp) {return Math.round(dp* (getResources().getDisplayMetrics().xdpi / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT));}public Bitmap convertViewToBitmap(View view) {view.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED),MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));view.layout(0, 0, view.getMeasuredWidth(), view.getMeasuredHeight());view.buildDrawingCache();Bitmap bitmap = view.getDrawingCache();return bitmap;}/*** Called when replaying history to ensure the dirty region includes all* mPoints.* * @param historicalX*            the previous x coordinate.* @param historicalY*            the previous y coordinate.*/private void expandDirtyRect(float historicalX, float historicalY) {if (historicalX < mDirtyRect.left) {mDirtyRect.left = historicalX;} else if (historicalX > mDirtyRect.right) {mDirtyRect.right = historicalX;}if (historicalY < mDirtyRect.top) {mDirtyRect.top = historicalY;} else if (historicalY > mDirtyRect.bottom) {mDirtyRect.bottom = historicalY;}}}



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