numpy - Python中的多元线性回归

我似乎无法找到任何进行多重回归的python库。 我发现的唯一的东西只做简单的回归。 我需要对几个自变量(x1,x2,x3等)回归我的因变量(y)。


print 'y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7'

for t in texts:

print "{:>7.1f}{:>10.2f}{:>9.2f}{:>9.2f}{:>10.2f}{:>7.2f}{:>7.2f}{:>9.2f}" /



y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7

-6.0 -4.95 -5.87 -0.76 14.73 4.02 0.20 0.45

-5.0 -4.55 -4.52 -0.71 13.74 4.47 0.16 0.50

-10.0 -10.96 -11.64 -0.98 15.49 4.18 0.19 0.53

-5.0 -1.08 -3.36 0.75 24.72 4.96 0.16 0.60

-8.0 -6.52 -7.45 -0.86 16.59 4.29 0.10 0.48

-3.0 -0.81 -2.36 -0.50 22.44 4.81 0.15 0.53

-6.0 -7.01 -7.33 -0.33 13.93 4.32 0.21 0.50

-8.0 -4.46 -7.65 -0.94 11.40 4.43 0.16 0.49

-8.0 -11.54 -10.03 -1.03 18.18 4.28 0.21 0.55


Y = a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 + a4x4 + a5x5 + a6x6 + + a7x7 + c


90 votes


from sklearn import linear_model

clf = linear_model.LinearRegression()[[getattr(t, 'x%d' % i) for i in range(1, 8)] for t in texts],

[t.y for t in texts])



Dougal answered 2019-07-04T01:27:06Z

57 votes

这是我创建的一个小工作。 我用R检查它,它的工作正常。

import numpy as np

import statsmodels.api as sm

y = [1,2,3,4,3,4,5,4,5,5,4,5,4,5,4,5,6,5,4,5,4,3,4]

x = [





def reg_m(y, x):

ones = np.ones(len(x[0]))

X = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x[0], ones)))

for ele in x[1:]:

X = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((ele, X)))

results = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()

return results


print reg_m(y, x).summary()


OLS Regression Results


Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.535

Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.461

Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 7.281

Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00191

Time: 21:51:28 Log-Likelihood: -26.025

No. Observations: 23 AIC: 60.05

Df Residuals: 19 BIC: 64.59

Df Model: 3


coef std err t P>|t| [95.0% Conf. Int.]


x1 0.2424 0.139 1.739 0.098 -0.049 0.534

x2 0.2360 0.149 1.587 0.129 -0.075 0.547

x3 -0.0618 0.145 -0.427 0.674 -0.365 0.241

const 1.5704 0.633 2.481 0.023 0.245 2.895


Omnibus: 6.904 Durbin-Watson: 1.905

Prob(Omnibus): 0.032 Jarque-Bera (JB): 4.708

Skew: -0.849 Prob(JB): 0.0950

Kurtosis: 4.426 Cond. No. 38.6


使用Pandas Dataframe运行OLS回归

Akavall answered 2019-07-04T01:27:49Z

44 votes

只是为了澄清,你给出的例子是多元线性回归,而不是多元线性回归参考。 区别:

单个标量预测变量x和单个标量响应变量y的最简单情况称为简单线性回归。 多个和/或向量值预测变量的扩展(用大写X表示)称为多元线性回归,也称为多变量线性回归。 几乎所有现实世界的回归模型都涉及多个预测因子,线性回归的基本描述通常用多元回归模型来表达。 但请注意,在这些情况下,响应变量y仍然是标量。 另一个术语多元线性回归指的是y是矢量的情况,即与一般线性回归相同的情况。 应强调多元线性回归与多变量线性回归之间的差异,因为它会在文献中引起很多混淆和误解。





Franck Dernoncourt answered 2019-07-04T01:28:46Z

26 votes


import numpy as np

y = np.array([-6,-5,-10,-5,-8,-3,-6,-8,-8])

X = np.array([[-4.95,-4.55,-10.96,-1.08,-6.52,-0.81,-7.01,-4.46,-11.54],[-5.87,-4.52,-11.64,-3.36,-7.45,-2.36,-7.33,-7.65,-10.03],[-0.76,-0.71,-0.98,0.75,-0.86,-0.50,-0.33,-0.94,-1.03],[14.73,13.74,15.49,24.72,16.59,22.44,13.93,11.40,18.18],[4.02,4.47,4.18,4.96,4.29,4.81,4.32,4.43,4.28],[0.20,0.16,0.19,0.16,0.10,0.15,0.21,0.16,0.21],[0.45,0.50,0.53,0.60,0.48,0.53,0.50,0.49,0.55]])

X = X.T # transpose so input vectors are along the rows

X = np.c_[X, np.ones(X.shape[0])] # add bias term

beta_hat = np.linalg.lstsq(X,y)[0]

print beta_hat


[ -0.49104607 0.83271938 0.0860167 0.1326091 6.85681762 22.98163883 -41.08437805 -19.08085066]




[ -5.97751163, -5.06465759, -10.16873217, -4.96959788, -7.96356915, -3.06176313, -6.01818435, -7.90878145, -7.86720264]

Imran answered 2019-07-04T01:29:21Z

11 votes


from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

import scipy

def fn(x, a, b, c):

return a + b*x[0] + c*x[1]

# y(x0,x1) data:

# x0=0 1 2

# ___________

# x1=0 |0 1 2

# x1=1 |1 2 3

# x1=2 |2 3 4

x = scipy.array([[0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,],[0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2]])

y = scipy.array([0,1,2,1,2,3,2,3,4])

popt, pcov = curve_fit(fn, x, y)

print popt

Volodimir Kopey answered 2019-07-04T01:29:45Z

8 votes


import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

lm = smf.ols(formula='y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7', data=df).fit()




canary_in_the_data_mine answered 2019-07-04T01:30:23Z

4 votes


from random import random

from pandas import DataFrame

from statsmodels.api import OLS

lr = lambda : [random() for i in range(100)]

x = DataFrame({'x1': lr(), 'x2':lr(), 'x3':lr()})

x['b'] = 1

y = x.x1 + x.x2 * 2 + x.x3 * 3 + 4

print x.head()

x1 x2 x3 b

0 0.433681 0.946723 0.103422 1

1 0.400423 0.527179 0.131674 1

2 0.992441 0.900678 0.360140 1

3 0.413757 0.099319 0.825181 1

4 0.796491 0.862593 0.193554 1

print y.head()

0 6.637392

1 5.849802

2 7.874218

3 7.087938

4 7.102337

dtype: float64

model = OLS(y, x)

result =

print result.summary()

OLS Regression Results


Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 1.000

Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 1.000

Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 5.859e+30

Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00

Time: 15:17:32 Log-Likelihood: 3224.9

No. Observations: 100 AIC: -6442.

Df Residuals: 96 BIC: -6431.

Df Model: 3

Covariance Type: nonrobust


coef std err t P>|t| [95.0% Conf. Int.]


x1 1.0000 8.98e-16 1.11e+15 0.000 1.000 1.000

x2 2.0000 8.28e-16 2.41e+15 0.000 2.000 2.000

x3 3.0000 8.34e-16 3.6e+15 0.000 3.000 3.000

b 4.0000 8.51e-16 4.7e+15 0.000 4.000 4.000


Omnibus: 7.675 Durbin-Watson: 1.614

Prob(Omnibus): 0.022 Jarque-Bera (JB): 3.118

Skew: 0.045 Prob(JB): 0.210

Kurtosis: 2.140 Cond. No. 6.89


xmduhan answered 2019-07-04T01:30:49Z

4 votes

可以使用上面引用的sklearn库来处理多元线性回归。 我使用的是Anaconda安装的Python 3.6。


from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

regressor = LinearRegression(), y)

# display coefficients


Eric C. Bohn answered 2019-07-04T01:31:21Z

3 votes


Moukden answered 2019-07-04T01:31:46Z

1 votes


def linear(x, y=None, show=True):


@param x: pd.DataFrame

@param y: pd.DataFrame or pd.Series or None

if None, then use last column of x as y

@param show: if show regression summary


import statsmodels.api as sm

xy = sm.add_constant(x if y is None else pd.concat([x, y], axis=1))

res = sm.OLS(xy.ix[:, -1], xy.ix[:, :-1], missing='drop').fit()

if show: print res.summary()

return res

Alpha answered 2019-07-04T01:32:12Z

0 votes


from patsy import dmatrices

import statsmodels.api as sm

y,x = dmatrices("y_data ~ x_1 + x_2 ", data = my_data)

### y_data is the name of the dependent variable in your data ###

model_fit = sm.OLS(y,x)

results =



newbiee answered 2019-07-04T01:32:45Z

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