若是dicom格式的图片,得先转化为hu值(即ct图像值,若图片本来就是ct,则不需要转换)(见下面更新内容) ,因为hu值是与设备无关的,不同范围之内的值可以代表不同器官。常见的对应如下(w代表ct值width,L代表ct值level,即 [level - width/2 , level + width/2]为其窗口化目标范围):

对于nii格式的图片,经过测试,nibabel, simpleitk常用的api接口,都会自动的进行上述转化过程,即取出来的值已经是Hu了。
对于dcm格式的图片,经过测试,simpleitk, pydicom常用的api接口都不会将原始数据自动转化为Hu!!(itk snap软件读入dcm或nii都不会对数据进行scale操作)

import nibabel as nib
import SimpleITK as itk
import pydicomnii_file = r'G:\data\LITS17\LITS17_vol\volume-0.nii'dcm_file = r'G:\data\3Dircadb\3Dircadb1.1\PATIENT_DICOM\image_0'img = nib.load(nii_file)
inter, slope 将raw data转换到hu data
raw data。还需要注意的是,img.header中的
scl_slope, scl_inter为nan,因为对于转换后的
hu data而言,这两个值已经不重要了
img.dataobj.slope, img.dataobj.inter 获取
hu_data = img.get_fdata()  # Hu data
pixel_data = img.dataobj.get_unscaled() # raw dataseg = itk.ReadImage(nii_file)
segimg = itk.GetArrayFromImage(seg)  # == img.get_fdata(), Hu data
print(seg.GetPixel(0, 0, 0))  # unscale, raw data
# for key in seg.GetMetaDataKeys():
#     print("{0}:{1}".format(key, seg.GetMetaData(key)))print('---------------')dcm_itk = itk.ReadImage(dcm_file)
# for key in dcm_itk.GetMetaDataKeys():
#     print("{0}:{1}".format(key, dcm_itk.GetMetaData(key)))print(dcm_itk.GetPixel(0, 0, 0))  # -1024 unscaled, raw data
data_itk = itk.GetArrayFromImage(dcm_itk)
print(data_itk)  # -1024,unscaled, raw dataprint(pydicom.dcmread(dcm_file).pixel_array)  # == data_itk,unscaled, raw data


  • dicom转化为hu的示例代码
  • windowing
    • Window width
      • Wide window
      • Narrow window
    • Window level/center
    • Upper and lower grey level calculation
  • windowing代码



def get_pixels_hu(scans):#type(scans[0].pixel_array)#Out[15]: numpy.ndarray#scans[0].pixel_array.shape#Out[16]: (512, 512)# image.shape: (129,512,512)image = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in scans])# Convert to int16 (from sometimes int16), # should be possible as values should always be low enough (<32k)image = image.astype(np.int16)# Set outside-of-scan pixels to 1# The intercept is usually -1024, so air is approximately 0image[image == -2000] = 0# Convert to Hounsfield units (HU)intercept = scans[0].RescaleInterceptslope = scans[0].RescaleSlopeif slope != 1:image = slope * image.astype(np.float64)image = image.astype(np.int16)image += np.int16(intercept)return np.array(image, dtype=np.int16)



Windowing, also known as grey-level mapping, contrast stretching, histogram modification or contrast enhancement is the process in which the CT image greyscale component of an image is manipulated via the CT numbers; doing this will change the appearance of the picture to highlight particular structures. The brightness of the image is, adjusted via the window level. The contrast is adjusted via the window width.

图像的亮度取决于window level,图像的对比度取决于window width。

Window width

The window width (WW) as the name suggests is the measure of the range of CT numbers that an image contains.


A wider window width (2000 HU), therefore, will display a wider range of CT numbers. Consequently, the transition of dark to light structures will occur over a larger transition area to that of a narrow window width (<1000 HU).


Accordingly, it is important to note, that a significantly wide window displaying all the CT numbers will result in different attenuations between soft tissues to become obscured.


Wide window

Defined as 400-2000 HU best used in areas of acute differing attenuation values, a good example is lungs or cortical tissue, where air and vessels will sit side by side.


Narrow window

Defined as 50-350 HU are excellent when examining areas of similar attenuation, for example, soft tissue.


Window level/center

The window level (WL), often also referred to as window center, is the midpoint of the range of the CT numbers displayed.


When the window level is decreased the CT image will be brighter and vice versa.


Upper and lower grey level calculation

When presented with a WW and WL one can calculate the upper and lower grey levels i.e. values over x will be white and values below y will be black.

当给定了window width和window level后,就能计算出窗口的上下界。

the upper grey level (x) is calculated via WL + (WW ÷ 2)
the lower grey level (y) is calculated via WL - (WW ÷ 2)

For example, a brain is W:80 L:40, therefore, all values above +80 will be white and all values below 0 are black.


def transform_ctdata(self, windowWidth, windowCenter, normal=False):"""注意,这个函数的self.image一定得是float类型的,否则就无效!return: trucated image according to window center and window width"""minWindow = float(windowCenter) - 0.5*float(windowWidth)newimg = (self.image - minWindow) / float(windowWidth)newimg[newimg < 0] = 0newimg[newimg > 1] = 1if not normal:newimg = (newimg * 255).astype('uint8')return newimg

2019-10-9 更新

class StatisticalNormalization(object):"""Normalize an image by mapping intensity with intensity distribution"""def __init__(self, sigma):self.name = 'StatisticalNormalization'assert isinstance(sigma, float)self.sigma = sigmadef __call__(self, sample):image, label = sample['image'], sample['label']statisticsFilter = sitk.StatisticsImageFilter()statisticsFilter.Execute(image)intensityWindowingFilter = sitk.IntensityWindowingImageFilter()intensityWindowingFilter.SetOutputMaximum(255)intensityWindowingFilter.SetOutputMinimum(0)intensityWindowingFilter.SetWindowMaximum(statisticsFilter.GetMean() + self.sigma * statisticsFilter.GetSigma())intensityWindowingFilter.SetWindowMinimum(statisticsFilter.GetMean() - self.sigma * statisticsFilter.GetSigma())image = intensityWindowingFilter.Execute(image)return {'image': image, 'label': label}


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