
This is the second part of my series ‘What does Facebook actually know about me?’, where I use Data Science to analyse the 7,500 files of data Facebook have about me. See Part 1 for analysis of my own Facebook activity, Part 3 (tomorrow) to find out what Facebook thinks I like and Part 4 (Thursday) to find out what Facebook knows about my activity on other websites.

这是我的系列文章“ Facebook实际上了解我什么?”的第二部分,在那里我使用数据科学来分析Facebook关于我的7,500个数据文件。 请参阅第1部分,以分析我自己的Facebook活动 ,第3部分(明天),以了解我的Facebook观点,第4部分(星期四),以了解Facebook对我在其他网站上的活动的了解。

If you own a smart phone, your location can be tracked by any app you use. Thankfully it has become easier in recent years to restrict this and to identify which apps are using your location data, although many people either forget to check this or do not realise the setting is on in the first place.

如果您拥有智能手机,则可以使用任何应用程序来跟踪您的位置。 值得庆幸的是,尽管许多人要么忘记检查此设置,要么首先没有意识到设置已启用,但近年来限制此限制并确定哪些应用正在使用您的位置数据变得更加容易。

In this article I’m going to address the question of just how much location data Facebook collects and I’ll visualise it to show how it can be used to make deductions about your life.


这就是我 (This is me)

The first, most obvious way in which Facebook may access data on our location is when we willingly give it to them in the form of our profile. Most people will enter their hometown, current city and/or work locations and make this visible to their friends.

Facebook访问我们位置数据的第一个最明显的方式是,我们愿意以个人资料的形式将其提供给他们。 大多数人会进入自己的家乡,当前的城市和/或工作地点,并将其显示给朋友。

I have also done this over my time using Facebook, below you can see (roughly) where in the UK these locations are. Hopefully this gives some context that will make the following maps of locations easier to comprehend. Note that in all of these maps I’m using the exact coordinates that Facebook has, but for better visualisation I’ve shown them here as circles.

我在使用Facebook的过程中也这样做,下面可以大致看到这些位置在英国的哪个位置。 希望这能提供一些上下文,使下面的位置图更容易理解。 请注意,在所有这些地图中,我都使用Facebook拥有的确切坐标,但是为了更好地可视化,我在这里将它们显示为圆圈

You can see here that Facebook knows where I grew up, went to school and that I then moved to Nottingham for university (2014) and stayed after graduating, when I started a new job (2017). Although this is all public information it is worth pointing out that people often don’t think about how these ‘Life Events’ enable a picture to be built of your physical whereabouts over time.

您可以在这里看到Facebook知道我在哪里长大,上学了,然后我搬到诺丁汉上大学(2014年),并在毕业后留了下来,那时我开始了新工作(2017年)。 尽管所有这些都是公共信息,但值得指出的是,人们通常不会考虑这些“生活事件”如何使您的身体随时间的推移成为一张照片。

It also shows my ‘last location’, which is where I live now. A friendly reminder that Facebook knows where you live!

它还显示了我现在居住的“最后位置”。 友善提醒您,Facebook了解您的住处!

Explicit profile locations are not the only way in which Facebook stores your location data, however…


对数接收 (Logception)

One other way of Facebook tracking your location is identifying where you are when you log in to your account. I’ll admit I don’t fully understand the criteria for inclusion in this data set, as it doesn’t include every time I’ve opened the app but seems to be mostly locations from the past 18 months, with one from 2017. It consists of 192 locations. The darker the area, the more times I logged in from that location.

Facebook跟踪您的位置的另一种方法是在登录帐户时识别您的位置。 我承认我不完全理解包含在此数据集中的标准,因为它并不包括我每次打开应用程序时都包含在内,但似乎大部分是过去18个月中的位置,其中一个来自2017年。它包含192个位置。 该区域越暗,我从该位置登录的次数越多。

A map of my Facebook location history, built using the leaflet package in R. Labels added for further context.

You can immediately see some patterns here which can be used to make deductions - my living in Nottingham being the most obvious. Both my parents’ house and my girlfriends’ parents’ house are hotspots, as is Sheffield where I often travel for work and university (pre-Covid, anyway).

您可以立即在此处看到一些可以用来推论的模式-我在诺丁汉的生活是最明显的。 我父母的房子和女友父母的房子都是热点,谢菲尔德也是我经常去上班和上大学的地方(无论如何,前科维德)。

Some new information included in this data is the evidence of trips. In the last year and a half I have been to Liverpool twice, and to Dumfries & Galloway in Scotland (top left of the map). In both cases you can see I logged in at the end point, but also the route I took to get there: through Carlisle on my way to/from Scotland and through Stoke-on-Trent on my way to/from Liverpool.

此数据中包含的一些新信息是旅行的证据。 在过去的一年半中,我两次去过利物浦,也去过苏格兰的邓弗里斯和加洛韦(地图左上方)。 在这两种情况下,您都可以看到我在终点登录,也看到了我到达终点的路线:在往返苏格兰的途中经过卡莱尔,以及往返利物浦的途中经过特伦特河畔斯托克。

You can see how this information could be used to track my location and even predict it. If you knew I was travelling from home to Liverpool you could perhaps assume I would be travelling through or near Stoke-on-Trent.

您可以看到如何使用这些信息来跟踪我的位置,甚至可以预测我的位置。 如果您知道我是从家到利物浦旅行的,那么您可能会以为我会穿越特伦特河畔斯托克或附近。

人生的道路上 (Life on the road)

The third way in which Facebook could detect my location is by using my account activity. This is the largest set of location information I could find in the data I downloaded.

Facebook可以检测到我的位置的第三种方法是使用我的帐户活动。 这是我在下载的数据中可以找到的最大位置信息集。

Dating back to October 2017 there are over 1500 instances where I took an action such as: log in, end a session, change a password or add information (i.e. payment info) to my account. The locations of these are plotted below.

追溯到2017年10月,我执行了1500多次操作,例如:登录,结束会话,更改密码或向我的帐户添加信息(即付款信息)。 这些的位置绘制在下面。

A point to note first - there are two instances of account activity not shown here. One from Washington, Seattle (US) and one from an unknown location in Germany. Both of these actions were ‘Login checks failed’ - presumably hackers attempting to access my account.

首先要注意的是-这里没有显示两个帐户活动实例。 一辆来自美国华盛顿州华盛顿市,另一辆来自德国不知名的地方。 这两个动作都是“登录检查失败”-大概是黑客试图访问我的帐户。

I should also mention that this doesn’t seem to be 100% accurate. This could be because locations are adjusted to the nearest urban centre/cell tower or because the location is calculated from the IP address rather than my actual location. Having said that, the vast majority seems to have roughly the correct location and you can see the same patterns here as previously.

我还应该提到,这似乎并不是100%准确的。 这可能是因为位置已根据最近的城市中心/手机信号塔进行了调整,或者是因为该位置是根据IP地址而不是我的实际位置计算得出的。 话虽如此,绝大多数似乎都具有正确的位置,您可以在这里看到与以前相同的模式。

The hotspots show where I spend most of my time - my house and families’ houses. The isolated circles I can only assume are times when I have been travelling, either logging on to Facebook as a passenger or having stopped on the way to my destination. By comparing the hotspots to the individual locations, you can see how it would be easy to track my location in real-time and make educated guesses about my final destination.

热点显示了我大部分时间都在哪里度过-我的房屋和家人的房屋。 我只能假设的孤立圈子是我旅行时,以乘客身份登录Facebook或在前往目的地的途中停下的时间。 通过将热点与各个位置进行比较,您可以看到实时跟踪我的位置以及对我的最终目的地进行有根据的猜测是多么容易。

鳍 (Et fin)

That concludes this second part of my series “What does Facebook actually know about me?”. I hope it has been illuminating and you’re enjoying getting an insight into the thrilling story of my life. Next up I’ll be delving into my own psyche by looking at what Facebook thinks I like and dislike- and giving my own opinion on how accurate they are. I’ll also be explaining why it sometimes feels like Facebook are listening to your conversations…and why they’re not.

到此为止,我的系列文章的第二部分“ Facebook实际上对我了解什么?”。 我希望它一直在照亮您,并且让您享受对我一生中那激动人心的故事的了解。 接下来,我将研究Facebook自己喜欢和不喜欢的事物,并对它们的准确性发表自己的看法,从而深入研究自己的想法。 我还将解释为什么有时感觉Facebook在听您的对话,以及为什么不听。

If you’ve enjoyed this article and the series then please give me and my publication Data Slice a follow to stay up to date. Part 3 coming tomorrow!

如果您喜欢本文和该系列文章,请关注我和我的出版物《数据切片》 ,以获取最新信息。 第三部分明天开始!

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/what-does-facebook-know-about-my-location-4a6c372e1254




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