Spire.Office for Java--no has 破解版-578867473
Spire.Office for Java is a combination of Java Office APIs that contains Spire.Doc for Java, Spire.XLS for Java, Spire.PDF for Java, Spire.Presentation for Java and Spire.Barcode for Java.

With the help of Spire.Office for Java, a large number of office document operations can be performed in Java applications without installing Microsoft Office, such as create, open, read, modify, convert, print and save Word, Excel, PDF and PowerPoint, generate and scan 1D&2D barcode

release of Spire.Office for Java 7.7.1. Some new features are included in this version. For example, Spire.Doc for Java supports setting the comparison level when comparing Word files, and Spire.XLS for Java supports filling the chart series markers with custom images. Besides, many known issues have been successfully fixed. More details are listed below.
Here is a list of changes made in this release
Spire.Doc for Java
Category ID Description
New feature - Support setting the comparison level when comparing Word files.
Document doc1 = new Document();
Document doc2 = new Document();
//setting comparison level
CompareOptions options = new CompareOptions();
doc1.saveToFile("result.docx", FileFormat.Docx_2013);
Bug SPIREDOC-7530 Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after merging two Word files.
Bug SPIREDOC-7625 Fixes the issue that the result was incorrect after comparing two Word files.
Bug SPIREDOC-7674 Fixes the issue that the picture position was incorrect after converting Word files to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7776 Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after converting Word files to images.
Bug SPIREDOC-7799 Fixes the issue that the content position was changed after converting Word files to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7818 Fixes the issue that the obtained word count was incorrect.
Bug SPIREDOC-7840 Fixes the issue that the saved doc format file was incorrect after adding comments.
Bug SPIREDOC-7891 Fixes the issue that some text content was lost after converting Word files to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7921 Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after converting Word files to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7940 Fixes the issue that the line wrapping position was changed after converting Word files to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7953 Fixes the issue that the application threw "IndexOutOfBoundsException" when accepting changes and clearing the comments.
Bug SPIREDOC-7970 Fixes the issue that the application threw "The local name for elements or attributes cannot be null or an empty string" when appending HTML.
Bug SPIREDOC-7983 Fixes the issue that the application threw "IllegalStateException" when converting Word files to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-8003 Fixes the issue that there was an error when detecting with the virus scanning tool.
Bug SPIREDOC-8077 Fixes the issue that the application threw "WindowsPreferences.WindowsRegOpenKey(int,[B,int)" when using on the higher JDK version, such as jdk11, jdk17.
Spire.XLS for Java
Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-3948 Supports filling the chart series markers with custom images.
IShapeFill markerFill = chart.getSeries().get(0).getDataFormat().getMarkerFill();
//If use pattern filling, foreground color and backgroud color are needed. 
New feature - Supports loading and saving files in UOS format.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.saveToFile("output.uos", FileFormat.UOS);
Bug SPIREXLS-3891 Optimized support for multiple cultural names and regions.
Bug SPIREXLS-3899 Fixes the issue that the data was incorrect after updating pivot tables.
Bug SPIREXLS-3925 Fixes the issue that the styles were incorrect after converting charts to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-3930 Fixes the issue with incorrectly reading the trendline equations.
Bug SPIREXLS-3931 Fixed the issue of judging whether the excel file is encrypted incorrectly.
Bug SPIREXLS-3938 Fixes the issue that the image position moved up after converting HTML to Excel.
Bug SPIREXLS-3939 Fixes the issue that the text after the checkbox control was lost after Excel was converted to PDF.
Spire.PDF for Java
Category ID Description
Bug SPIREPDF-4764 Fixes the issue that the cells were not split correctly after converting PDF to Excel.
Bug SPIREPDF-5130 Fixes the issue that the application threw "Path is empty" when converting PDF to HTML.
Bug SPIREPDF-5202 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "Invalid token 'flex' " when converting SVG to PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5224 Fixes the issue that the content became image after PDF was converted to Excel.
Bug SPIREPDF-5229 Fixes the issue that it failed to generate output when merging.
Bug SPIREPDF-5252 Fixes the issue that after converting PDF to Word, the image can't be displayed when opened in WPS and mobile phone.
Bug SPIREPDF-5265 Fixes the issue that the application hung when converting PDF to GrayPdf.
Bug SPIREPDF-5272 Fixes the issue that the location of found text was incorrect.
Bug SPIREPDF-5285 Fixes the issue that the content was lost after converting PDF to image.
Bug SPIREPDF-5286 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "NullPointerException" when converting PDF to PDFA3A.

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