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原型 变形 英译 汉译
sta stit,sist stand, set up, be 站, 组织, 存在 insist instant persist state assist
capt cept,cip,ceiv take, seize 拿取 accept anticipate captivate concept deceive
sta stit,sist stand, set up, be 站, 组织, 存在 insist instant persist state assist
capt cept,cip,ceiv take, seize 拿取 accept anticipate captivate concept deceive
fac fec,fic do, make effect defect facile perfect sufficient
spect spic look, see compose deposit expose impose component
pos pon,pound place 位置,放置 contain content entertain obtain despite
tain ten,tin hold 抓住, 控制, 占有 access exceed precede process accede
cede cess,ceed go 进行 apply complication duplicate implicit triple
ple plic,ply fold manage manifest manipulate manual emancipate
man main hand 手, 经手, 用手操控 remain remainder remains remnant manifest
vert vers turn, change 转变, 改变 advertise avert convert universe divert
mit miss send emit intermittent transmit compromise
leg lig,lect law, choose, read 法, 法律, 选, 读 lecture dialect allege legend
tract pull 拉, 吸引 abstract attract attractive
dict dic speak 说, 讲话 contradict contradiction dictate predict indicate
gno gnos,gn know, knowledge 认知 cognitive adj. 认识的
duc duct lead 引导, 带领 introduction n. 介绍
gen born 出生 gender n. 性别
fer phor carry, bear 携带, 承受, 生育 transfer v. 转移
vid vis see, look video n. 录像
tend tens,tent,tenu stretch 延伸, 伸展 tenuous adj. 纤细的
vent ven come invent v. 发明
ag drive, lead, force, act 使动作 agent n. 代理人
tach tact,tag,tig touch 触摸, 接触 contact n. 联系
sed sess,set,sid,sit sit sedan n. 轿车
ject jac,jet throw 投, 掷 eject v. 驱逐
pend pens,pond hang, weigh, pay 悬挂, 衡量, 支出 dependence n. 依赖
it go exit n. 出口
sequ secut follow, second 跟随 consecutive adj. 连续的
strain stress,strict,string tighten, tight 拉紧 constrain v. 限制
plen plet full, fill 满, 填满 replenish v. 补充
que qui seek, ask 寻找, 询问 quest n. 寻求
serv keep 保有, 保留 reserve v. 预订
gress grad step progress n. 进步
cur run, course 跑, 流动 currency n. 通货
path pass feel 感觉 pathos n. 感染力
vey via way 道路 convey v. 传送
do don,dow give donate v. 捐赠
struct stru build construction n. 建造
stig stim,stinct,sting mark, prick 做记号, 刺 distinguish v. 区别
cis sect cut intersection
mob mot move 移动 automobile
cre grow 成长 create
val vail strong, worth 强, 价值 value
prehend prise take, get, seize 抓住, 掌握, 理解 comprehend
pel puls push 推动 expel
sim simul same 相同, 类似 similar
scrib script write describe
port carry 携带, 传送 support
cad cas,cid fall, befall 落下, 降临, 发生 coincidence
fin end, limit 结束, 界限 infinite
pri prim,prin first 第一 priority
cla clo,clu shut, close 关闭, 隐闭 closet
meter metr measure 测量 geometry
voc vok call, voice 召唤, 声音 equivocal
cure cur care, cure 照料, 治疗 cure
spir breath 呼吸 inspire
fab fam,phem,fess speak fable
cert sure 确信 certify
volv volu roll 转, 旋转 evolve
sens sent feel 感觉 sentient
onym nom name 名字 nominee
mon warn, remind 警告, 提醒 monument
ped pod foot centipede
viv vit live 活的 vitamin
ac acr sharp, bitter 尖锐, 苦 acute
rupt break 破坏 bankrupt
equ same 一样, 相等 equal
cord cor,card,cour heart 心脏 electrocardiogram
clin cliv lean, slope 倾斜 incline
reg rig rule 规则, 统治 regular
her hes stick, cling 黏着, 依附 adherent
flu flow 流动 influential
vinc vic conquer 征服 convince
alter al other 其他的 alien
fid fed faith, trust 信心, 信任 confidence
mid medi middle 中间 mediator
rect right 正, 直 rectangular
neg none 否定 negate
log logue speak, word 说话, 言词 dialogue
und flow, overflow 流动, 泛滥 abundant
sal saul,sil,sul jump 跳出 salmon
arch first, chief, ancient 第一, 最初, 首要, 古老 architect
liber liver free, balance 自由, 平衡 libra
van vac empty 空的 vacuum
ord order, fit 次序, 适当 ordinary
magn maj,maxi great maximum
graph gram write, draw 写,画的东西 biography
gest carry digest
solu solv loosen, solve 放松, 解开 dissolve
fort forc strong effort
dom home, control 家, 控制 domain
term end, limit 结束, 界限 conterminous
mini minu tiny minimum
lig bind ligate
frag fract break 破坏 fragile
lev lift, light, rise 抬, 轻, 升高 elevator
mind ment mind 心智 mental
fus pour 流, 泻 infuse
am love, friend 爱好, 朋友 amigo
luc lum,lus light lucid
sci know 了解, 知道 science
erg org,urg work 作用, 工作 energetic
sert attach, join 串连一起 series
dem people 人民 democracy
bio life 生命 biology
clam claim shout 喊叫 claim
sign mark 做记号 assign
neo nov new renovate
aug aux,auc increase 增加 Augustus
aud hear 听到, 听见 audiovisual
min project 使突出 eminent
capit capt head 头, 首要的 capital
nat born, birth 出生 innate
brev bridge short, brief 简短的 abbreviation
cant cent sing 唱, 音 accent
grat grac pleasing, thankful 令人愉快的, 感恩的 disgrace
vol wish 希望 volunteer
ori or rise, begin, appear 上升, 起始 origin
annu enni year annual
soci group 群体 social
centr center 中央 central
rud rad basic, unformed 粗糙, 基础的 rude
nounc nouc announce 宣布 pronounce
vari change 变化 variable
polit polis city, government 城市, 政府 politics
patri pater father, support 父亲, 支持 patron
dur last, hard 持续, 强硬 durable
anim spirit, soul, mind 精神, 灵魂 animal
aster astro star 星星 asterisk
punct punge prick, pierce, point 刺, 戳, 点 acupuncture
flex flect bend 弯曲 flexible
nic noc,nox harm 害,毒 innocent
jud judge 審判, 判決 misjudge
mut change 改變 commute
sua smooth 柔順的 persuade
opt choose 選擇 option
lut luv,lav,lug wash 沖, 流 deluge
jur oath, law 誓言, 法, 法律 jury
cred believe 相信 credible
mort death immortal
hum wet, low, ground 潮濕, 低, 地 humid
tort twist 扭曲 contort
cite stimulate 刺激 citation
nomy nam,noum,nown,nym rule, order 統治, 命令 autonomy
tempo time 時間 tempo
sat satis,satur full, fill 滿, 填滿 satisfied
us ut use 使用 usage
chron time 時間 synchronize
mem mne remember 记忆 memory
dign worth 值, 尊严 dignity
cand glowing, white, pure 炙热的, 白的, 纯洁的 candle
corp corper body corporal
trud push, thrust 猛推 intrude
journ day, daily 一日 journal
popul publ people 人们 public
doc dac teach 教学 doctor
rog ask 要求, 质问 arrogant
lud lus play 玩弄, 演戏 ludicrous
prob prove, test 求证, 测试 probe
dam demn harm 破坏 damage
phil love 爱好 Philadelphia
agri egri,agro fields, soil 土地, 土壤 agriculture
agon struggle, fight 挣扎, 打斗 agony
loc place 地方 relocate
nur nour,nutri feed nutriment
join junct join 接合 adjunct
theo God theology
turb disorder, disturb 打乱,扰乱 turbo
loqu locu speak loquacious
ver truth 真实 verdict
rap rep,rav seize rape
vag wander 徘徊 vague
face front face 正面, 外表, 表面 surface
pet pter rush, fly 冲, 飞
greg herd, group 群, 团体 segregate
fals fall false, wrong 假, 错 FALSE
pen pun pain,punish 痛苦, 惩罚 penalty kick
aer air 空气 aerial
po pu,pau few, little, poor 少, 穷 poor
optim best 最佳 optimus prime
plac please 使满意, 使高兴 implacable
bell war 好战, 叛乱 rebel
vor vour swallow 吞食 carnivore
geo earth, geography 地球, 地理 geocentric
eco environment, nature, house 环境, 生态, 家庭 ecology
dog dox opinion 理念, 意见 dogma
son sound 聲音 sonic
phon sound 聲音 telephone
anthrop andro human, man 人, 男人 anthropology
qui quiet 安靜 quiescent
dynam power, strength dynamics
tom cut atom
cosmo universe, world 宇宙, 世界 cosmic
cub cumb lie incubus
carn flesh carnage
hydro water hydrotherapy
flor flour flower flourish
err wander 徘徊, 迷失方向 error
migr move to a new place 迁移 immigrate
civ city 城市 civic
flam flag burn 燃烧 flame
ambul walk ambulance
trit rub 磨擦 detrition
peac pac peace 和平 peace
therm thermo heat, hot thermometer
fug flee 逃离 refuge
photo light photograph
ris rid laugh risible
chor sing, dance 唱歌, 跳舞 choir
dent tooth 牙齿 dental
op ophthalm eye optic
dei de,di God deity
nihil nul none 无,虚 nihilism
lingu language, tongue 语言, 舌 linguist
hel sun 太阳 solar
somn somni sleep somnolent
id one’s own 自我 idiot
morph form,shape 形状 anthropomorphic
cardio heart 心脏 cardiovascular
ferv to boil 滚热, 沸腾 fervor
gon angle diagonal
culp blame 责备 culprit
matri mother 母亲 matrix
tum swell 肿胀 tumor
rod rad, ras, raz scratch
crypt hidden 隐密的 cryptic
dol suffer, pain 受苦, 伤痛 condolence
tac tic silent 安静 tacit
later side lateral
pugn fight 搏斗, 打仗 pugnacious
oxy sharp, acid, oxygen 尖, 酸, 氧 oxygen
or speak
chromo chrom color 颜色, 有色的 chromosome
biblio book bibliophile
av au, ov, oo bird, egg 鸟, 卵, 蛋
bel beautiful 美的 embellish
gam gamy marriage 婚姻 polygamy
lith stone 石, 石头 lithic
lact milk lactose
noct night nocturnal
derm skin 皮, 膜 dermal
cyt cell 细胞 cytology
ur urine 尿 urine
troph trophy growth, nourishment 成长,营养
gyno gyn woman 女人 gynecology
phag eat bacteriophage
paleo old 古老 paleobiology
hypno hypnosis 催眠 hypnosis
cyn can dog
phyto plant 植物 phytoplankton
pyro fire pyrometer
pedo paedo child 幼童
narco stupor 麻木 narcotic
necro corpse 尸体 necrology
sen old
trop turn
cephal head cephalic
sarc sarco flesh 肉, 肌
cryo cold cryoscope
blephar eyelids 眼皮
dendro tree dendrogram
petro rock 岩石
karyo nucleus of a cell
meso middle 中间
mer substance of a particular class 基体
hist tissue 组织
hydr hydro hydrogen
carp fruit
ornith bird
myco myc fungus, mushroom 菌类,真菌,霉菌
pisc fish
ichthy fish
onych onycho nail 指甲
sapro rotten
odyn pain


原型 变形 英文解释 中文解释 特选例字
ad a,ac,af,ag,al,an,ap,ar,as,at to, toward 向前 advance
con co,col,cor,com together 共同, 一起 conversation
re back, again 向后, 再 recycle
ex e,ef,ec out 外, 出 export
in im in 在内,进入 indoor
de away, down, not 离, 下, 不 design
dis di,dif not, apart 不, 分离 dishonest
pro forward 向前 propose
im i,in,ir,il not impossible
ab a,abs away 分离, 离开 abstain
pre before preschool
sub su,suc,suf,sug,sum,sup,sur,sus under 在下面 submarine
a noun to adjective or adverb 转词性 (名词转形容词或副词) aside
en em inside, to put into 使成为, 放入 encourage
ob o,oc,of,op against, toward 反, 朝向 object
per through, completely 穿过, 彻底 perfect
inter between 在… 之间, 中间 intermediate
un not unlike
super sur over, above 超越, 在… 之上 superman
trans across 穿过 transit
contra contro,counter against 反对 controversy
an a without 没有 anonymous
syn sy,syl,sym,sys together, same 共同, 相同 synonym
ante anti before ante meridiem
over over 在… 之上, 超过 overlap
ambi amphi around, both 周围, 双 ambition
se apart 分离 select
auto aut self 自我, 自己 autograph
uni un one reunion
anti ant against Antarctica
dia di,diorama through 穿过, 透过 diagnosis
di do,dou two dioxide
para par beside, similar 在… 旁边, 相似 paragraph
be verb 动词 beware
circum around, round about 外围, 周围 circumstance
under under 在… 之下 underline
ana up, against, back, re 对抗, 往回 analogy
ben bon good, beautiful 好的 bonus
mis wrong 错误 mistake
bi two bicycle
fore before 前面的 foresee
cata cat,kat down, complete 往下, 完全 catalog
tri three triple
extra extro extra 额外的, 外面的 extrovert
epi ep,eph upon 在… 上方 epicenter
mal bad malfunction
intra intro within 在… 里面 introvert
mono mon one 单一的 monopoly
multi mult many multimedia
sol alone, only 单独 solo
peri around, near 周围, 附近 perimeter
non not, no 没有 nonsense
pan all, everywhere 全,到处 panorama
post after postseason
apo ap away 远离 apocalypse
dec deci ten 十,癸 December
hypo hyp under, down, low, below 下面, 低 hypotension
cent centi hundred century
meta change 改变 metachromatism
alti alt,alto high altitude
proto first, foremost 第一的, 最初的 prototype
ultra out,beyond,away ultra-light
quart quadr four quarter
tele tel,telo far television
psycho psych soul, mind 心理 psychology
eu good 好的 euphoria
semi demi,hemi half 一半 semiconductor
hyper over, beyond 超越, 在上面 hyperlink
micro micr tiny 小的 microscope
out go beyond, surpass 超越, 胜过 outdo
electro electricity electrocardiogram
homo hom same 相同 homosexual
vaso vessel 血管 vasomotor
holo whole, entire 整个 holocaust
mill milli thousand, thousandth 千, 千分之一 million
poly many polynomial
omni all omnipresent
retro backward 向后 retrospect
chole bile cholecystitis
hetero heter different 不同 heterosexual
ortho right, straight, upright 正确, 直的 orthodox
dys fault 错误 dysfunctional
adeno gland adenoid
neuro neur nerve 神经 neurology
penta pent,quint five 五, 戊 pentagon
melan black melanic
osteo oste bone 骨头 osteology
pneumon lung pneumonia
arthr joint 关节 arthritis
pseudo false, fake 假, 错 pseudonym
arter artery 动脉 artery
endo end within 内部的 endocrinology
octa oct,octo eight 八, 辛 October
mega megalo,megal million, large 百万, 超级 megabyte
hemo blood hematology
xeno alien 外来的 xenogenesis
gastro gastr stomach gastroenteritis
angio blood vessel 血管 angioplasty
kilo thousand kilogram
iso equal, uniform 相同 isobar
glyc sugar glycemic
macro macr great macrograph
broncho bronch bronchus 支气管 bronchitis
carcino cancer carcinogen
rhino nose rhinoceros
gloss tongue glossary
olig few 少数 oligarchy
hepat liver hepatic
leuk white leukemia
hexa hex six 六,己 hexagon
lip fat 脂肪 lipoprotein
myo muscle 肌肉 myopathy
hepta septu seven 七,庚 heptagon
entero enter intestine enterococcus
encephal brain encephalitis
brady slow bradycardia
tetra tetr four Tetris
nephro nephr kidney nephrology
thyro thyroid 甲状腺 thyroid
ot ear otitis
myel spinal cord 脊髓 myelitis
thromb thrombus 血栓 thromboembolism
e electronic, on the Internet 电子的, 网络上的 email
masto breast 胸部,乳房 mastitis
tachy fast tachycardia
onco tumor oncogene
xero xero
pyo pus pyonephritis
phleb vein 静脉 phlebitis
meth methyl
caco bad 劣的,不好的
chiro chir hand
erythro red
xyl wood
acro tip end 末端, 肢端
chondr cartilage 软骨
eth ethyl
kerato kerat cornea 角膜
xanth yellow
prop propyl
iso- isomer 异(构物)
but butyl
procto proct rectum 直肠
nona non nine 九,壬
cyclo cycle


原型 变形 英文解释 中文解释 特选例字
ee recipient of an action 被…的人 employee
-er comparative 比较级 cheaper
pathy disease 病变 osteopathy
-IPN irregular plural noun 不规则複数名词 alumni
-IPP irregular past participle 不规则过去分词 grown
-IPT irregular past tense 不规则过去式 grew
proof guard, against 不受伤害的 waterproof
latry worship 崇拜 idolatry
ate verb 动词 generate
en verb 动词 strengthen
esce verb 动词 coalesce
ize verb 动词 realize
genesis genesis 发生 biogenesis
itis inflammation 发炎 nephritis
wise way 方向地 clockwise
ward spatial or temporal direction 方向性的, 时间性的 toward
ily adverb 副词 easily
ly adverb 副词 actively
-es plural 複数 buses
-ies plural 複数 babies
-s plural 複数 cats
-ves plural 複数 ourselves
-ed past participle 过去分词 learned
graphy a process or form of drawing, writing 和书写相关的过程或学科 biography
pnea breath 呼吸 apnea
ia disease 疾病 amnesia
-ing participial adjectives 进行式 boring
phobia fear 恐惧症 claustrophobia
oma tumor sarcoma
less without 没有, 无 homeless
ase enzyme oxygenase
hedron face 面体 polyhedron
age noun 名词 percentage
-al noun 名词 approval
ance noun 名词 importance
cy noun 名词 efficiency
dom noun 名词 freedom
ence noun 名词 science
ery noun 名词 bakery
ing noun 名词 booking
ion tion,sion noun 名词 nation
ium noun 名词 stadium
ment noun 名词 payment
ness noun 名词 greatness
sis noun 名词 analysis
tude noun 名词 gratitude
ty ity noun 名词 safety
ure ture,sure noun 名词 nature
ectomy excision 切除术 appendectomy
tomy cutting 切开术 gastrotomy
ant a person contestant
ary a person secretary
er a person worker
ian a person musician
ist a person artist
or a person actor
cide kill suicide
hood state, condition 时期, 状态, 关係 childhood
fy ify make, do 使成为 beautify
opia visual defect 视觉缺陷 myopia
algia pain cardialgia
like similar 相似的 ladylike
oid like planetoid
cle ule, ole diminutive noun particle
et ette,let small quartet
plasty formation 形成术 rhinoplasty
al adjective 形容词 local
-ant adjective 形容词 pleasant
ar adjective 形容词 particular
-ary adjective 形容词 legendary
ent adjective 形容词 different
ful adjective 形容词 powerful
ic adjective 形容词 heroic
ile adjective 形容词 mobile
ish adjective 形容词 selfish
ive tive,sive adjective 形容词 active
-ly adjective 形容词 lovely
ory adjective 形容词 satisfactory
ose adjective 形容词 verbose
ous adjective 形容词 dangerous
some adj 形容词 awesome
y adjective 形容词 healthy
th noun 序数的 growth
-th ordinal 序数的 fourth
-ics a body of knowledge mathematics
logy study of 学科 psychology
emia blood condition 血症状 anemia
rrhea flow, discharge 液体流出 diarrhea
ess feminine 阴性 princess
able ible capable of 有能力的, 可以的 acceptable
cracy crat govern 政府, 政体 democracy
cele tumor,hernia 肿,膨出,脱出 myelocele
ism behavior, quality 主义, 行为 communism
ship condition, character, office, skill 状态, 身分, 职位, 技能 friendship
-est superlative 最高级的 cheapest
_al aldehyde
ane hydrocarbons of the methane
-ate salt,ester
ene unsaturated hydrocarbon
ferous carrying, producing
ide compound
-in protein
ise ize verb
ling small
mancy divination
ol alcohol, phenol
one ketone
-ose sugar
osis disorders or abnormal states
penia lack, deficiency
stomy artificial opening
uria urine condition
yl radical
yne organic chemical containing a triple bond


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    词根词缀当然是个记单词的好方法,前提是要正确.巧妙地运用. 用词根词缀学习单词,简单来说就是通过掌握单词的「偏旁部首」,达到举一反三.扩充单词量的效果.它能够:帮你在单词与单词之间建立联系,建立词汇网 ...

  2. 【互联网人的英语】什么时候适合用“词根词缀法”来背单词?

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    酷安点评 小编我书读的少(四级考的还不到100的满分),但词根词缀记忆字典这个app说的东西我是一点都看不懂啊,到底是个什么意思,求科普 @高伟东 应用截图 × 截图预览 关闭 新版特性 修改新用户提 ...

  8. 英语词根词缀记忆法(全集)_语言学习 | 英语词根词缀学习参考

    参考书: 1.<英语词根与单词的说文解字>(新版) 2.<英语词缀与英语派生词>(新版) <英语词根与单词的说文解字>(新版),和<英语词缀与英语派生词> ...

  9. 新东方 词根词缀 excel_词根词缀记忆英语单词,高效,不易遗忘

    英语单词是学好英语的前提条件.英语单词记不住是我们英语学习的一大难题.如何解决一个月单词记不住的难题呢?机农觉得英语词根词缀记忆法是最为高效的单词记忆法,它能让我们在短时间内记下单词,而且不容易遗忘. ...

  10. 【08】英语词汇速记大全1词根词缀记忆法

    [08]英语词汇速记大全1词根词缀记忆法 魔芋:这本书相当不错.推荐大家观看. 01,前缀和后缀,以及词根都齐全. 02,有词频. 03,有发音 04,有中文释义 05,有记忆方法. reclaim★ ...


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