


经过**阿比曼尤·潘迪(Abhiemanyu Pandit)** 2019年1月22日

对于我们所爱的人,我们始终希望保持他们的健康和健康。但是,如果他们生病而忘记按时吃药,将会发生什么。我们会担心,对吗?在医院里,有很多病人,很难提醒每个病人准时吃药。传统方式需要人工来提醒他们按时服药。数字时代并没有随之而来,我们可以使用机器来做到这一点。Smart Medicine Reminder的应用范围非常广泛,可以被家庭患者,医院的医生以及许多其他地方使用。关于提醒,可以有多种提醒方法:

  1. 在显示器上显示
  2. 通过电子邮件或电话发送通知
  3. 使用行动应用程式
  4. 蜂鸣警报
  5. 使用蓝牙/ Wi-Fi
  6. 接电话
  7. 提醒下一次服药时间,同时提醒当前时间



  1. Arduino Uno(我们也可以使用其他Arduino开发板,例如Pro mini,Nano)
  2. RTC DS3231模块
  3. 16x2 LCD显示屏
  4. 蜂鸣器
  5. LED(任何颜色)
  6. 面包板
  7. 按按钮
  8. 10K电位器
  9. 10K,1K电阻器
  10. 跳线

使用Arduino Circuit的Arduino Medicine提醒

下面显示了 使用Arduino构建智能药箱的完整电路图



  • 2 -----------------------------> Dx的16x2 LCD显示屏
  • 3 -----------------------------> D6的16x2 LCD显示屏
  • 4 -----------------------------> D5的16x2 LCD显示屏
  • 5 -----------------------------> D4的16x2 LCD显示屏
  • 7 ----------------------------->第三个按钮
  • 8 ----------------------------->第二个按钮
  • 9 ----------------------------->第一个按钮
  • 11 -----------------------------> 16x2 LCD显示屏的EN引脚
  • 12 -----------------------------> 16x2 LCD显示器的RS引脚
  • 13 -----------------------------> +蜂鸣器和LED的Ve引脚
  • A0 ----------------------------->停止按钮
  • A4 -----------------------------> DS3231的SDA
  • A5 -----------------------------> DS3231的SCL
  • 3.3V -----------------------------> DS3231的Vcc
  • Gnd ----------------------------->Gnd

在此医学提醒项目中,RTC DS3231通过I2C协议与Arduino Uno接口。您还可以使用 RTC IC DS1307与Arduino读取时间。RTC DS3231还具有内置的32k存储器,可用于存储其他数据。RTC模块通过Arduino uno的3.3V引脚供电。甲16×2 LCD显示器使用SPI接口。一个buzze R用于警示和提醒,它的时间服药。四个按钮用于每个都有独特选择功能的地方。第一个按钮用于提醒每天服药一次。第二个按钮每天提醒两次,第三个按钮每天提醒三次。当用户听到警报时,第四个按钮用于停止蜂鸣器。


丸提醒警报使用5V电源供电。当它第一次启动时,它会显示一个欢迎按摩,如" Welcome to Circuit Digest “。LCD屏幕设置为在三个屏幕之间循环。1个ST屏幕显示按摩为"保持健康,早日康复”。第二个屏幕是一个帮助屏幕,告诉您按选择按钮以选择任何一个要提醒的时间段(一天一次/两次/三次)。该时隙可在程序中更改,并可进行相应配置。现在,我们将其固定为三个时段,即上午8点,下午2点和晚上8点。



编程Arduino UNO进行医学提醒




由于我们使用了其他外设,例如16x2 LCD显示器,RTC DS3231,因此我们首先必须包含库f或那个。所需的库如下:


如果未打开Arduino,则EEPROM库用于跟踪用户选择输入。而且,当用户打开Arduino电源时,它会使用EEPROM库获得按钮的先前状态。之所以使用Wire.h库,是因为RTC DS3231模块是使用I2C进行通信的。


  if(!rtc.begin()){//检查rtc是否已连接Serial.println("找不到RTC"); while(1); }
if(rtc.lostPower()){ Serial.println(" RTC掉电,请设置时间!"); }


rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__ DATE__),F(__ TIME__)));


val2 = EEPROM.read(addr); //读取先前保存的按钮值,从先前保留的位置开始进行switch(val2){case 1:Serial.println("Set for 1 / day"); push1state = 1; push2state = 0; push3state = 0; pushVal = 01; break; case 2:Serial.println(" Set for 2 / day");push1state = 0; push2state = 1; push3state = 0;pushVal = 10; break; case 3:Serial.println(" Set for 3 / day")push1state = 0; push2state = 0; push3state = 1;pushVal = 11; break; }


currentMillisLCD = millis(); //在定义的时间间隔内启动毫秒以进行LCD屏幕切换


push1state = digitalRead(push1pin);
push2state = digitalRead(push2pin);
push3state = digitalRead(push3pin);
stopinState = digitalRead(stopPin);


void push1(){//if(push1state == 1){ push1state = 0; push2state = 0; push3state = 0;
// pushPressed = true; EEPROM.write(addr,1); Serial.print(" Push1 Written:"); Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr)); //用于调试pushVal = 1; //保存按钮1的状态lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" Reminder set"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("每天一次!"); delay(1200); lcd.clear(); }


void stopPins(){//if(stopinState == 1)
用户按下停止按钮时停止嗡嗡声的功能{ // stopinState = 0;
// pushPressed = true; pushval= 1; lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" Take Medicine"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("带温水"); delay(1200); lcd.clear(); }


第二个屏幕用于向患者发出指示,例如"按提醒按钮…"。 第三个屏幕仅用于显示当前日期和时间

void changeScreen() {                 //function for Screen Cycling// Start switching screen every defined intervalLCDif (currentMillisLCD - previousMillisLCD > intervalLCD)             // save the last time you changed the display{previousMillisLCD = currentMillisLCD;screens++;if (screens > maxScreen) {screens = 0;  // all screens over -> start from 1st}isScreenChanged = true;}// Start displaying current screenif (isScreenChanged)   // only update the screen if the screen is changed.{isScreenChanged = false; // reset for next iterationswitch (screens){case getWellsoon:gwsMessege();                // get well soon messagebreak;case HELP_SCREEN:              helpScreen();               // instruction screenbreak;case TIME_SCREEN:timeScreen();                  // to print date and timebreak;default://NOT SET.break;}}


void startBuzz() {                    // function to start buzzing when time reaches to defined interval
//  if (pushPressed == false) {if (pushpressed == 0) {Serial.println("pushpressed is false in blink");unsigned long currentMillis = millis();if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {previousMillis = currentMillis;         // save the last time you blinked the LEDSerial.println("Start Buzzing");if (ledState == LOW) {                  // if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:ledState = HIGH;}  else {ledState = LOW;}digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);}}else if (pushpressed == 1) {Serial.println("pushpressed is true");ledState = LOW;digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);}

*此功能用于比较用户在上午8点选择的时隙,并开始蜂鸣蜂鸣器并使LED闪烁,直到用户按下停止按钮为止。类似地,*void at2pm()* 和void at8pm的***功能用于启动蜂鸣器,并在2pm和8pm引导。

void at8am(){//函数从上午8点开始嗡嗡声DateTime now = rtc.now(); if(int(now.hour())> = buzz8amHH){ if(int(now.minute())> = buzz8amMM){ if(int(now.second())> buzz8amSS){ // /// startBuzz() ; / /// } } }




//Medicine Reminder using Arduino Uno
// Reminds to take medicine at 8am, 2pm, 8pm
/*  The circuit:LCD RS pin to digital pin 12LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3LCD D7 pin to digital pin 2LCD R/W pin to groundLCD VSS pin to groundLCD VCC pin to 5V10K resistor:ends to +5V and groundwiper to LCD VO pin (pin 3)*/#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <RTClib.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>int pushVal = 0;
int val;
int val2;
int addr = 0;RTC_DS3231 rtc;const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2;                 // lcd pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);#define getWellsoon 0
#define HELP_SCREEN 1
#define TIME_SCREEN 2//bool pushPressed;                               //flag to keep track of push button state
int pushpressed = 0;
const int ledPin =  LED_BUILTIN;                        // buzzer and led pin
int ledState = LOW;
int Signal = 0;int buzz = 13;
int push1state, push2state, push3state, stopinState = 0;     //
int push1Flag, push2Flag, Push3Flag = false;              // push button flags
int push1pin = 9;
int push2pin = 8;
int push3pin = 7;
int stopPin = A0;
int screens = 0;              // screen to show
int maxScreen = 2;            // screen count
bool isScreenChanged = true;long previousMillis = 0;
long interval = 500;                   // buzzing interval
unsigned long currentMillis;long previousMillisLCD = 0;    // for LCD screen update
long intervalLCD = 2000;          // Screen cycling interval
unsigned long currentMillisLCD;//   Set Reminder Change Time
int buzz8amHH = 8;          //    HH - hours         ##Set these for reminder time in 24hr Format
int buzz8amMM = 00;          //    MM - Minute
int buzz8amSS = 00;          //    SS - Secondsint buzz2pmHH = 14;          //    HH - hours
int buzz2pmMM = 00;          //    MM - Minute
int buzz2pmSS = 00;          //    SS - Secondsint buzz8pmHH = 20;          //    HH - hours
int buzz8pmMM = 00;          //    MM - Minute
int buzz8pmSS = 00;          //    SS - Secondsint nowHr, nowMin, nowSec;                     // to show current mm,hh,ss// All messeges
void gwsMessege(){               // print get well soon messegelcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("Stay Healthy :)");     // Give some cheerslcd.setCursor(0, 1);lcd.print("Get Well Soon :)");    // wish
}void helpScreen() {              // function to display 1st screen in LCDlcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("Press Buttons");lcd.setCursor(0, 1);lcd.print("for Reminder...!");}void timeScreen() {              // function to display Date and time in LCD screenDateTime now = rtc.now();             // take rtc time and print in displaylcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("Time:");lcd.setCursor(6, 0);lcd.print(nowHr = now.hour(), DEC);lcd.print(":");lcd.print(nowMin = now.minute(), DEC);lcd.print(":");lcd.print(nowSec = now.second(), DEC);lcd.setCursor(0, 1);lcd.print("Date: ");lcd.print(now.day(), DEC);lcd.print("/");lcd.print(now.month(), DEC);lcd.print("/");lcd.print(now.year(), DEC);
}void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);                      // start serial debuggingif (! rtc.begin()) {                      // check if rtc is connected Serial.println("Couldn't find RTC");while (1);}if (rtc.lostPower()) {Serial.println("RTC lost power, lets set the time!");}//    rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__)));            // uncomment this to set the current time and then comment in next upload when u set the timertc.adjust(DateTime(2019, 1, 10, 7, 59, 30));                // manual time setlcd.begin(16, 2);lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("Welcome To");                                      // print a messege at startuplcd.setCursor(0, 1);lcd.print("Circuit Digest");delay(1000);pinMode(push1pin, INPUT);                                    // define push button pins typepinMode(push2pin, INPUT);pinMode(push3pin, INPUT);pinMode(stopPin, INPUT);pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);delay(200);Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr));val2 = EEPROM.read(addr);                         // read previosuly saved value of push button to start from where it was left previouslyswitch (val2) {case 1:Serial.println("Set for 1/day");push1state = 1;push2state = 0;push3state = 0;pushVal = 1;break;case 2:Serial.println("Set for 2/day");push1state = 0;push2state = 1;push3state = 0;pushVal = 2;break;case 3:Serial.println("Set for 3/day");push1state = 0;push2state = 0;push3state = 1;pushVal = 3;break;}}void loop() {push1();                                             //call to set once/day push2();                                             //call to set twice/day push3();                                             //call to set thrice/day if (pushVal == 1) {                                // if push button 1 pressed then remind at 8amat8am();                                           //function to start uzzing at 8am }else if (pushVal == 2) {                             // if push button 2 pressed then remind at 8am and 8pmat8am();                                            at8pm();                                           //function to start uzzing at 8mm}else if (pushVal == 3) {                             // if push button 3 pressed then remind at 8am and 8pmat8am();at2pm();                                            //function to start uzzing at 8mmat8pm();}currentMillisLCD = millis();                         // start millis for LCD screen switching at defined interval of timepush1state = digitalRead(push1pin);                  // start reading all push button pinspush2state = digitalRead(push2pin);push3state = digitalRead(push3pin);stopinState = digitalRead(stopPin);stopPins();                                            // call to stop buzzingchangeScreen();                                        // screen cycle function}// push buttons
void push1() {                   // function to set reminder once/day if (push1state == 1) {push1state = 0;push2state = 0;push3state = 0;
//    pushPressed = true;EEPROM.write(addr, 1);Serial.print("Push1 Written : "); Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr));  // for debuggingpushVal = 1;                                             //save the state of push button-1 lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("Reminder set ");lcd.setCursor(0, 1);lcd.print("for Once/day !");delay(1200);lcd.clear();}
}void push2() {                      //function to set reminder twice/dayif (push2state == 1) {push2state = 0;push1state = 0;push3state = 0;
//    pushPressed = true;EEPROM.write(addr, 2);Serial.print("Push2 Written : "); Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr));pushVal = 2;lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("Reminder set ");lcd.setCursor(0, 1);lcd.print("for Twice/day !");delay(1200);lcd.clear();}
}void push3() {                    //function to set reminder thrice/dayif (push3state == 1) {push3state = 0;push1state = 0;push2state = 0;
//    pushPressed = true;EEPROM.write(addr, 3);Serial.print("Push3 Written : "); Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr));pushVal = 3;lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("Reminder set ");lcd.setCursor(0, 1);lcd.print("for Thrice/day !");delay(1200);lcd.clear();}
}void stopPins() {                   //function to stop buzzing when user pushes stop push buttonif (stopinState == 1) {//    stopinState = 0;
//    pushPressed = true;pushpressed = 1;lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("Take Medicine  ");lcd.setCursor(0, 1);lcd.print("with Warm Water");delay(1200);lcd.clear();}
}void startBuzz() {                    // function to start buzzing when time reaches to defined interval//  if (pushPressed == false) {if (pushpressed == 0) {Serial.println("pushpressed is false in blink");unsigned long currentMillis = millis();if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {previousMillis = currentMillis;         // save the last time you blinked the LEDSerial.println("Start Buzzing");if (ledState == LOW) {                  // if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:ledState = HIGH;}  else {ledState = LOW;}digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);}}else if (pushpressed == 1) {Serial.println("pushpressed is true");ledState = LOW;digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);}
}void at8am() {                      // function to start buzzing at 8amDateTime now = rtc.now();if (int(now.hour()) >= buzz8amHH) {if (int(now.minute()) >= buzz8amMM) {if (int(now.second()) > buzz8amSS) {/startBuzz();/}}}
}void at2pm() {                          // function to start buzzing at 2pmDateTime now = rtc.now();if (int(now.hour()) >= buzz2pmHH) {if (int(now.minute()) >= buzz2pmMM) {if (int(now.second()) > buzz2pmSS) {///startBuzz();//}}}
}void at8pm() {                           // function to start buzzing at 8pmDateTime now = rtc.now();if (int(now.hour()) >= buzz8pmHH) {if (int(now.minute()) >= buzz8pmMM) {if (int(now.second()) > buzz8pmSS) {/startBuzz();/}}}
}//Screen Cycling
void changeScreen() {                 //function for Screen Cycling// Start switching screen every defined intervalLCDif (currentMillisLCD - previousMillisLCD > intervalLCD)             // save the last time you changed the display{previousMillisLCD = currentMillisLCD;screens++;if (screens > maxScreen) {screens = 0;  // all screens over -> start from 1st}isScreenChanged = true;}// Start displaying current screenif (isScreenChanged)   // only update the screen if the screen is changed.{isScreenChanged = false; // reset for next iterationswitch (screens){case getWellsoon:gwsMessege();                // get well soon messagebreak;case HELP_SCREEN:              helpScreen();               // instruction screenbreak;case TIME_SCREEN:timeScreen();                  // to print date and timebreak;default://NOT SET.break;}}


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