
The Wink smarthome hub lets you automate all sorts of different tasks around the house by setting up Wink “Robots”. But strangely, when it comes to scheduling your smart lights, that feature is set up differently.

通过Wink智能家庭中心,您可以通过设置Wink“机器人”来自动执行房屋周围的各种不同任务。 但奇怪的是,在安排智能照明时,该功能的设置有所不同。

Wink Robots consist of a trigger and an action, similar to how services like IFTTT work. So if you have a motion sensor connected to your Wink hub, you can set up a Robot to send you an alert whenever motion is detected. Or you can have other smarthome devices take action whenever motion is detected.

Wink机器人由触发器和动作组成,类似于IFTTT等服务的工作方式。 因此,如果将运动传感器连接到Wink集线器,则可以设置机器人以在检测到运动时向您发送警报。 或者,您可以让其他智能家居设备在检测到运动时采取措施。

However, when it comes to scheduling lights, that’s done in a completely different section of the Wink app. Here’s how to set it up.

但是,当涉及到灯光调度时,这是在Wink应用程序的完全不同的部分中完成的。 设置方法如下。

Start by opening up the app and tapping on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.


Tap on “Lights + Power”.


Tap on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner.


Select “Schedule”.


Tap on the “+” button in the top-right corner.

点击右上角的“ +”按钮。

Tap on “New Event” toward the top and give it a name. In this case, I’ll be calling it “Porch Light ON”.

点击顶部的“新事件”并为其命名。 在这种情况下,我将其称为“ Porch Light ON”。

Next, tap on “At”.


Choose a time that you want your light(s) to turn on. You can also choose “Sunrise” or “Sunset”. Hit “Save” when you’ve chosen a time.

选择您要打开灯的时间。 您也可以选择“日出”或“日落”。 选择时间后,点击“保存”。

Tap on “Repeat” if you only want the schedule to be enabled on certain days. Otherwise, tap on “Make this Happen” under “Effects”.

如果您只想在特定日期启用计划,请点击“重复”。 否则,请点击“效果”下的“进行此操作”。

Select the light or switch that you want to be turned on.


Tap on the toggle switch to switch it to the “On” position and then adjust the brightness where you want it. After that, hit “Save”.

点击拨动开关将其切换到“开”位置,然后在所需位置调整亮度。 之后,点击“保存”。

Tap on “Done” in the top-right corner.


Your scheduled light will now appear in the list where you can also quickly disable and re-enable it at any time.


Keep in mind that if you also want to schedule the light to turn off at a certain time, you’ll need to create a separate event that turns the light off, so you’ll end up with two separate events—one to the turn the light on and one that turns it off.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/300188/how-to-put-your-lights-on-a-schedule-with-wink/



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