

wget -c http://soft.vpser.net/lnmp/lnmp1.2.tar.gz

tar zxvf lnmp1.2.tar.gz

cd lnmp1.0




| LNMP V1.2for Ubuntu Linux Server, Written by Licess |


| A tool to auto-compile &install LNMP/LNMPA/LAMP on Linux |


| Formore information please visit http://www.lnmp.org ; |


Please setup root password of MySQL.(Default password: root)

Please enter: vpsmm.com#输入mysql的root密码

MySQL root password: vpsmm.com


Do you want toenable or disable the InnoDB Storage Engine?

Defaultenable,Enter your choice [Y/n]: n#是否安装InnoDB

You will disable the InnoDB Storage Engine!


You have 5 optionsfor your DataBaseinstall.

1: Install MySQL 5.1.73

2: Install MySQL 5.5.42 (Default)

3: Install MySQL 5.6.23

4: Install MariaDB 5.5.42

5: Install MariaDB 10.0.17

Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5): 3#选择mysql版本

You will Install MySQL 5.6.23


You have 5 optionsfor your PHPinstall.

1: Install PHP 5.2.17

2: Install PHP 5.3.29

3: Install PHP 5.4.41 (Default)

4: Install PHP 5.5.25

5: Install PHP 5.6.9

Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5): 5#选择php版本

You willinstall PHP 5.6.9


You have 3 optionsfor your Memory Allocatorinstall.

1: Don'tinstall Memory Allocator. (Default)

2: Install Jemalloc

3: Install TCMalloc

Enter your choice (1, 2 or 3): 1#小夜用不上,所以选择1

You willinstall notinstall Memory Allocator.





lnmp restart#重启

lnmp vhost add#添加网站绑定

lnmp database add#添加数据库信息



lnmp vhost add#执行lnmp添加网站命令


| Managerfor LNMP, Written by Licess |


Please enter domain(example: www.lnmp.org): vpsmm.com#输入绑定的主域名


Your domain: vpsmm.com


Do you want to addmore domain name? (y/n) y#是否绑定其它域名

Enter domain name(example: lnmp.org *.lnmp.org): www.vpsmm.com#输入其它域名

domain list: www.vpsmm.com

Please enter the directoryfor the domain: vpsmm.com

(Default directory: /home/wwwroot/vpsmm.com):#默认创建的网站文件所在目录

Virtual Host Directory: /home/wwwroot/vpsmm.com


Allow Rewrite rule? (y/n)



Please enter the rewrite of programme:

wordpress,discuz,typecho,sablog,dabr rewrite was exist.

(Default rewrite: other):typecho#小夜用的typecho程序


You choose rewrite=typecho



Allow access_log? (y/n)




Create database and MySQL user with same name (y/n)



verify your current MySQL root password: ****#输入安装时的mysql数据库root密码

Warning: Using a password on thecommand line interface can be insecure.

MySQL root password correct.

Enter database name: vpsmm_user#创建数据库用户名

Your will create a database and MySQL user with same name: vpsmm_user

Please enter passwordfor mysql user vpsmm_user: vpsmmpasswd

Your password: vpsmmpasswd#创建相应密码

Press any key to start create virtul host...

Create Virtul Host directory......

set permissions of Virtual Host directory......

Youselect the exist rewrite rule:/usr/local/nginx/conf/typecho.conf

Gracefully shutting down php-fpm .done

Starting php-fpmdone

Test Nginx configurefile......

nginx: the configurationfile /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok

nginx: configurationfile /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conftest is successful

Restart Nginx......

Warning: Using a password on thecommand line interface can be insecure.

Warning: Using a password on thecommand line interface can be insecure.

User vpsmm_user create Sucessfully.

Warning: Using a password on thecommand line interface can be insecure.

Warning: Using a password on thecommand line interface can be insecure.

Warning: Using a password on thecommand line interface can be insecure.

Database: vpsmm_user create Sucessfully.

Warning: Using a password on thecommand line interface can be insecure.

Warning: Using a password on thecommand line interface can be insecure.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON vpsmm_user Sucessfully.

Warning: Using a password on thecommand line interface can be insecure.



Virtualhost infomation:

Your domain: vpsmm.com

Home Directory: /home/wwwroot/vpsmm.com

Rewrite: typecho

Enable log: no

Database username: vpsmm_user

Database userpassword: vpsmmpasswd

Database Name: vpsmm_user

Createftp account: no




如果lnmp默认的伪静态规则不能满足你的需要,或者,你要自行定义伪静态规则,可以新建一个conf文件,放置于 /usr/local/nginx/conf 下,在域名配置文件,即:/usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost/legcloud.com.conf 里引用。



listen 80;

server_name legcloud.com www.legcloud.com;#绑定的域名

index index.html index.htm index.php default.html default.htm default.php;#首页文件

root /home/legcloud.com;#网站存放目录

include wordpress.conf;#伪静态规则文件,可自定义成你需要的

location ~ .*\.(php|php5)?$


try_files $uri =404;

fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/php-cgi.sock;

fastcgi_index index.php;

include fcgi.conf;


location ~ .*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|swf)$


expires 30d;


location ~ .*\.(js|css)?$


expires 12h;


access_log off;



/root/lnmp reload#使用lnmp重新载入配置

/etc/init.d/nginx reload#只重新载入nginx配置,我一般用这个



listen 80;

server_name legcloud.com www.legcloud.com;

index index.html index.htm index.php default.html default.htm default.php;

root /home/legcloud.com;

error_page 404 /404.php;#放在这里,可自定义文件名,再重载nginx就可以了

include wordpress.conf;


if ($host != 'vpsmm.com' ) {rewrite ^/(.*)$ http://www.vpsmm.com/$1 permanent;}

#判断当前域名,如果不是则自动301到主域名,放置于error_page ...;上下均可。



disable_functions = passthru,exec,system,chroot,scandir....


disable_functions =

; passthru,exec,system,chroot,scandir....


修改后,使用/etc/init.d/php-fpm restart,重新启动php


cd lnm0.9#进入lnmp安装目录



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