
by Daniel Burka

丹尼尔·伯卡(Daniel Burka)

我从100个无聊的会议中学到的难忘的教训 (The unforgettable lessons I’ve learned from 100 boring conferences)

I’ve been to many conferences over the last twenty years. Mostly the speakers droned on about their topics, which were easily forgotten. Thinking back, only a few big ideas really stuck with me. These are three ideas I’ve come back to over and over again in my career.

在过去的二十年中,我去过很多会议。 大多数情况下,演讲者都在谈论他们的话题,而这些话题很容易被遗忘。 回想起来,只有几个大想法真正与我保持联系。 这是我在职业生涯中一遍又一遍的三个想法。

精心设计与精心设计之间存在很大差异 (There is a big difference between designed well and well-designed.)

Graphic design legend David Carson gave a tedious presentation at one of the first conferences I ever attended. However, fifteen years later, I still clearly remember a pair of slides from his talk that looked something like this:

平面设计传奇人物大卫·卡森 ( David Carson )在我参加的首批会议之一中做了乏味的演讲。 但是,十五年后,我仍然清楚地记得他演讲中的一对幻灯片,看起来像这样:

There is a chasm between a concept that looks professionally designed versus a design that truly communicates your message.


The sign on the left says, “Please don’t park here, thanks.” The sign on the right says, “Try parking here PUNK and I’ll rip your head off your shoulders.” The second sign says a lot in just a few strokes. It’s more effective. It’s better designed.

左侧的标语上写着:“谢谢,请不要在这里停车。” 右边的标语上写着:“尝试在这里停车,我会把头从肩膀上扯下来。” 第二个标志在短短的几步之内就说了很多。 更有效。 更好的设计。

Q: Which No parking sign would you obey?A: The one tagged by the axe-wielding psychopath.


认真对待PowerPoint设计。 (Take PowerPoint design seriously.)

Yeah, you read that right. Over a decade ago, I heard a design executive from Adobe talk about how she got her start. She explained how, during the first few years of her career, she was bored to death designing slides for her bosses. Regardless, she took to the task with an open heart and poured her energy into designing the best damn PowerPoint slides.

是的,您没看错。 十多年前,我听到Adobe的一位设计主管谈论她是如何起步的。 她解释说,在职业生涯的头几年,她如何无聊地为老板设计幻灯片变得无聊。 无论如何,她都以开放的心态去完成这项任务,并投入精力设计最好的PowerPoint幻灯片。

In the process, she developed communication skills that served her well later on…and more importantly, an attitude that every design challenge is worthy of her effort. Amen.

在此过程中,她发展了沟通技巧,此技巧在后来对她很有用……更重要的是,每项设计挑战都值得她付出努力的态度。 阿们

PS: I wish I could remember her name or at least where I saw her speak. If you know who she might be, please share. I’d love to credit her and personally say thank you.

PS:我希望我能记住她的名字,或者至少记得她说话的地方。 如果您知道她可能是谁,请分享。 我想感谢她,并亲自说声谢谢。

不要听取会议发言人的建议。 (Don’t take advice from speakers at conferences.)

To put it politely, TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington is loud. When he waltzed onto the stage five minutes late with a talk on “15 Important Lessons for Entrepreneurs”, I was ready to dismiss whatever he was about to say. But to my surprise, the first important lesson held a lot of truth.

客气地说,TechCrunch创始人迈克尔·阿灵顿很吵 。 当他迟到五分钟,以“企业家的15个重要教训”为主题演讲时,我登上了舞台,我随时准备驳斥他要说的话。 但令我惊讶的是,第一个重要的教训讲了很多道理。

Mike addressed the sea of heads: “If you’re going to start the next big thing, don’t listen to anything that I’m about to say.” Out of context, that sounds extreme. However, the way I interpreted Mike’s comment is:

迈克(Mike)直言不讳:“如果您要开始下一件大事,那就别听我要说的话。” 在上下文之外,这听起来很极端。 但是,我解释Mike的评论的方式是:

Conference speakers confidently dole out lessons based on what worked well for them. What worked well for them is only ONE path, not the ONLY path. Your way may be fundamentally different, and that’s GREAT. Few people accomplished great things by copying what others have done.

会议演讲者会根据对他们有益的内容自信地分发课程。 对于他们来说,行之有效的只有一个路径,而不是唯一路径。 您的方式可能根本不同,那就太好了。 很少有人能照搬别人所做的事情来成就伟大的事情。

In short, take every damn thing you hear at a conference with a huge shovel-full of salt. Then go find your own path.

简而言之,请在会议上听到的所有该死的东西都塞满盐。 然后找到自己的路。

Which lessons actually stuck with you from presentations over the years? I’d love to hear your story in the comments…

多年来的演讲实际上给您带来了哪些教训? 我很想在评论中听听您的故事…

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/3-unforgettable-lessons-i-learned-from-100-boring-conferences-7a509261e617/



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