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本文标题:Qt多线程-QThreadPool线程池与QRunnable     本文地址:http://techieliang.com/2017/12/605/

  • 1. 介绍
  • 2. QThreadPool
  •  2.1. 基本操作函数
  •  2.2. start tryStart tryTake
  •  2.3. 全局线程池
  •  2.4. 局部线程池
  • 3. QRunnable
  • 4. 范例
  •  4.1. 简单使用范例
  •  4.2. 全局线程池和局部线程池对比

1. 介绍


2. QThreadPool




2.1. 基本操作函数

  1. int activeThreadCount() const //当前的活动线程数量
  2. void clear()//清除所有当前排队但未开始运行的任务
  3. int expiryTimeout() const//线程长时间未使用将会自动退出节约资源,此函数返回等待时间
  4. int maxThreadCount() const//线程池可维护的最大线程数量
  5. void releaseThread()//释放被保留的线程
  6. void reserveThread()//保留线程,此线程将不会占用最大线程数量,从而可能会引起当前活动线程数量大于最大线程数量的情况
  7. void setExpiryTimeout(int expiryTimeout)//设置线程回收的等待时间
  8. void setMaxThreadCount(int maxThreadCount)//设置最大线程数量
  9. void setStackSize(uint stackSize)//此属性包含线程池工作线程的堆栈大小。
  10. uint stackSize() const//堆大小
  11. void start(QRunnable *runnable, int priority = 0)//加入一个运算到队列,注意start不一定立刻启动,只是插入到队列,排到了才会开始运行。需要传入QRunnable ,后续介绍
  12. bool tryStart(QRunnable *runnable)//尝试启动一个
  13. bool tryTake(QRunnable *runnable)//删除队列中的一个QRunnable,若当前QRunnable 未启动则返回成功,正在运行则返回失败
  14. bool waitForDone(int?<i>msecs</i>?=?-1)//等待所有线程运行结束并退出,参数为等待时间-1表示一直等待到最后一个线程退出




The value of the property is only used when the thread pool creates new threads. Changing it has no effect for already created or running threads.

The default value is 0, which makes QThread use the operating system default stack size.

maxThreadCount? reserveThread? activeThreadCount

由于reserveThread 后的线程不计入线程数量,因此可能出现activeThreadCount>maxThreadCount? 情况

Note: It is possible for this function to return a value that is greater than maxThreadCount(). See reserveThread() for more details.

2.2. start tryStart tryTake

对于start,传入的是QRunnable对象指针,传入后线程池会调用QRunnable的autoDelete() 函数,若返回true,则当此运算完成后自动释放内容,不需要后续主动判断是否运算完成并释放空间。


Attempts to remove the specified runnable from the queue if it is not yet started. If the runnable had not been started, returns true, and ownership of runnable is transferred to the caller (even when runnable->autoDelete() == true). Otherwise returns false.

Note: If runnable->autoDelete() == true, this function may remove the wrong runnable. This is known as the ABA problem: the original runnable may already have executed and has since been deleted. The memory is re-used for another runnable, which then gets removed instead of the intended one. For this reason, we recommend calling this function only for runnables that are not auto-deleting.



Note that changing the auto-deletion on runnable after calling this function results in undefined behavior.


2.3. 全局线程池


2.4. 局部线程池

和常规类的使用相同,可以通过? QThreadPool pool;的方式建立一个局部线程池,并由当前类维护,可保证此线程池仅供当前类应用

3. QRunnable




autodelete用来标识是否在运行结束后自动由线程池释放空间,具体说明见上述“QThreadPool-基本操作函数-start tryStart tryTake”

4. 范例

4.1. 简单使用范例

  1. #include <QCoreApplication>
  2. #include <QThreadPool>
  3. #include <QThread>
  4. #include <QRunnable>
  5. #include <QDebug>
  6. class MyRun : public QRunnable {
  7. public:
  8. void run() {
  9. int i=3;
  10. while(i) {
  11. i--;
  12. qDebug()<<"thread start:"<<QThread::currentThreadId();
  13. QThread::msleep(500);
  14. }
  15. }
  16. };
  17. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  18. QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
  19. qDebug()<<"Main:"<<QThread::currentThreadId();
  20. QThreadPool m;
  21. MyRun *run=new MyRun;
  22. if(!run->autoDelete()) {
  23. qDebug()<<"QRunnable's autoDelete default value is not true";
  24. run->setAutoDelete(true);
  25. }
  26. qDebug()<<m.maxThreadCount()<<m.expiryTimeout();
  27. qDebug()<<m.activeThreadCount();
  28. m.start(run);
  29. qDebug()<<m.activeThreadCount();
  30. m.waitForDone();
  31. qDebug()<<m.activeThreadCount();
  32. return 0;
  33. }


  1. Main: 0xffc
  2. 4 30000
  3. 0
  4. 1
  5. thread start: 0x7e4
  6. thread start: 0x7e4
  7. thread start: 0x7e4
  8. 0

4.2. 全局线程池和局部线程池对比

  1. #include <QCoreApplication>
  2. #include <QThreadPool>
  3. #include <QThread>
  4. #include <QRunnable>
  5. #include <QDebug>
  6. class MyRun : public QRunnable {
  7. public:
  8. void run() {
  9. int i=3;
  10. while(i) {
  11. i--;
  12. qDebug()<<"thread start:"<<QThread::currentThreadId();
  13. QThread::msleep(500);
  14. }
  15. }
  16. };
  17. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  18. QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
  19. qDebug()<<"Main:"<<QThread::currentThreadId();
  20. QThreadPool pool;
  21. QThreadPool *global_pool = QThreadPool::globalInstance();
  22. MyRun *run=new MyRun;
  23. if(!run->autoDelete()) {
  24. qDebug()<<"QRunnable's autoDelete default value is not true";
  25. run->setAutoDelete(true);
  26. }
  27. pool.setMaxThreadCount(2);//修改了局部线程数量
  28. qDebug()<<"pool:"<<pool.maxThreadCount()<<pool.expiryTimeout()<<"\r\nglobal"<<global_pool->maxThreadCount();
  29. qDebug()<<pool.activeThreadCount()<<global_pool->activeThreadCount();
  30. pool.start(run);
  31. global_pool->start(new MyRun);
  32. qDebug()<<pool.activeThreadCount()<<global_pool->activeThreadCount();
  33. pool.waitForDone();
  34. global_pool->waitForDone();
  35. qDebug()<<pool.activeThreadCount()<<global_pool->activeThreadCount();
  36. return 0;
  37. }


  1. Main: 0x30c4
  2. pool: 2 30000
  3. global 4
  4. 0 0
  5. 1 1
  6. thread start: 0x22d0
  7. thread start: 0xfe0
  8. thread start: 0x22d0
  9. thread start: 0xfe0
  10. thread start: 0x22d0
  11. thread start: 0xfe0
  12. 0 0


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