打开Android Studio报错
Plugin Error: required plugin “Android Support” is disabled
Problems found loading plugins:
Plugin "Google Analytics Uploader" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
Plugin "SDK Updater" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
Plugin "Android NDK Support" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
Plugin "Google App Indexing" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
Plugin "Google Cloud Tools For Android Studio" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
Plugin "Google Cloud Testing" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.
Plugin "Google Services" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled.


依次点击菜单“File”——“Settings”——“Plugins”,可看到“Android Support”被取消勾选了。此时按如下步骤操作,先取消勾选“Google Cloud Testing”,然后再勾选“Android Support”,单击“Apply”按钮后再单击“OK”按钮,Android Studio会提示重启,重启Android Studio,然后就恢复正常了。



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