编号003099--ORACLE DBA-SH/WH

Oracle DBA  上海,武汉

5年以上Oracle DBA经验在UNIX平台上,必须懂SQL,
Job Description

Business Unit Description:  The GM team in Best Shore Application Services China is a fast growing delivery organization with clients mainly in North American and European regions. This position provides an exciting opportunity to be part of HP world wide enterprise that reaches over 60 countries, provides technology solutions to global clients and works on the next-generation global delivery system.
Main Responsibilities
The Oracle DBA will be responsible for the following tasks:
? Installation and maintenance (patches) of the DBMS
? System level database backups and maintenance scripts
? System level restores due to system failures (such as disk failures, hardware failures, etc)
? Database user security (Create or modify database user ids and roles)
? Overall system performance and availability
? 24x7 on-call responsibilities, for database maintenance, incident handling and problem resolutions
? Work with the Application DBA''''s and application teams, as needed
? Off-hour coverage of weekend implementations, as needed


The DBA resources should have the following mandatory experience:
? Experience installing the DBMS software and applying patches
? Basic knowledge of the Unix platforms that the DBMS runs on
? Experience in DBMS administration tasks (user ID''''s, security, setup of instances, performance/tuning), and troubleshooting skills
? Proficiency in English
? Good communication skills
? Good follow-through skills
? Self starter, able to take minimal direction and overcome obstacles

The following skills/traits are desired:
? Strong English skills
? Previous case management experience with the DBMS vendor (Oracle)


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