The BusinessAnalysis CareerPathhas been an ongoing discussion within IT circles for quite a while. If you browse through the blogs in the ‘BusinessAnalysis’ category here, you should find more information on BusinessAnalysis and how it fits into the overall IT organization and project structures. Assuming that all the readers have some background understanding, I am discussing some of the careerpathrelated matters here.

To start a careerin BA, a person needs to have either businessbackground in the specific industry domain or a broad IT knowledge. Given that this basic foundation exists, someone can step in to the BA world! This starting step would be something like Systems Analystor Associate/Junior Systems Analyst. After the systems analysis skills are fully achieved, the person can move to be a BusinessAnalyst. Progressively, this could start from something like Associate/Junior BA and then move to be a BA and when at a highly skilled autonomous level, a Senior/Lead BA.

Around this area, it becomes quite a discussion where a person can/should go. In a way, it’s a businessdecision based on what can be taken out of such individuals based on the skills they posses and also a personal decision what each individual want to do in their careers and also what they want to achieve in their respective lives. I personally see two branches from here onwards and upwards and also notice that most organizations have adopted these two progression paths.

One is to grow within the same line but take on more challenging opportunities. Becoming a BusinessConsultant would be the next best position to move in this path. The second branch is to move to Project/General Management. The knowledge gained on scoping projects, managing projects, change management and extensive businessknowledge will be highly helpful for a successful careerif someone decides to take on this path. If someone decides not to move onto management, BusinessConsultancy would offer a great amount of opportunities and exciting challenges as it’s a careerpathof its own and as most people would say, the sky is the only limit! It’s a highly autonomous position where you get to lead people, manage client expectations, propose solutions and involve in negotiations etc. As a consultant, avoiding management wouldn’t be possible, but still you would be a leader who understands what’s being done which makes it easier to stay on top of things and lead others to success.

Last but not least, this is a very interesting, challenging area within the IT industry which offers so many opportunities even though we find fewer people interested in it comparatively. If I have been able to create some interest and awareness, I can be happy......


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