

中放在/soft_ins下,当然也可以建一个 NFS 服务器共享安装。

[NSD1][root][/home/scripts/gpfs]>rcp_file.sh /home/scripts/gpfs/install_gpfs.sh

[NSD1][root][/home/scripts/gpfs]> run_cmd.sh /home/scripts/gpfs/install_gpfs.shITPUB个人空间r]+zC|3Q

确认每台服务器安装显示 ok

[NSD1][root][/home/scripts/gpfs]>run_cmd.sh /home/scripts/gpfs/chang_profile.shITPUB个人空间 F1@ @ R:N

[NSD1][root][/home/scripts/gpfs]>run_cmd.sh mkdir /share

[NSD1][root][/home/scripts/gpfs]>run_cmd.sh ln -s /share /tmp/mmfs

[NSD1][root][/home/scripts/gpfs]>run_cmd.sh mkdir /tmp/gpfsITPUB个人空间_$D_6bd


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[NSD1][root][/]>vi /tmp/gpfs/nodefile







2q$I8h c Q:SU b0

先确保清理干净原先 GPFS 集群

[NSD1][root][/tmp/gpfs]>mmdelnode -f



[NSD1][root][/tmp/gpfs]>mmcrcluster -C bgbcrun -U bgbc

-N /tmp/gpfs/nodefile -p NSD1 -s NSD2

Thu Jun 28 15:42:57 BEIST 2007: 6027-1664 mmcrcluster: Processing node NSD1

Thu Jun 28 15:42:57 BEIST 2007: 6027-1664 mmcrcluster: Processing node NSD2


mmcrcluster: Command successfully completed

mmcrcluster: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.


-C bgbcrun 设定集群名称

-U bgbc 定义域名

-N /tmp/gpfs/nodefile 指定节点文件名

-p NSD1 指定主NSD服务器为 NSD1

-s NSD1 指定备NSD服务器为 NSD1

Cn-^ e0y dk0


GPFS cluster information


GPFS cluster name: bgbcrun.NSD1

GPFS cluster id: 739157013761844865

GPFS UID domain: bgbc

Remote shell command: /usr/bin/rsh

Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/rcp

GPFS cluster configuration servers:


Primary : NSD1

Secondary server: NSD2

Node Daemon node name IP address Admin node name Designation|-------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------9||-------- XML error: The previous line is longer than the max of 90 characters ---------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 NSD1 NSD1 quorum

2 NSD2 NSD2 quorum

3 App1 App1

4 App2 App2

5 App3 App3

6 App4 App4ITPUB个人空间7?N0R$@IDH

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ITPUB个人空间/P'P? u[(o!HITPUB个人空间hMh+sx\

[NSD1][root][/tmp/gpfs]>vi /tmp/gpfs/nsdfile


hdisk2:NSD1:NSD2: dataAndMetadata:4ITPUB个人空间A'vuOu

[NSD1][root][/tmp/gpfs]>mmcrnsd -F /tmp/gpfs/nsdfile

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk2

mmcrnsd: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.ITPUB个人空间K'jA0t*k#}A


[NSD1][root][/tmp/gpfs]>cat nsdfile

# hdisk2:NSD2:NSD1: dataAndMetadata:4




hdisk3 00003e846ffa7a6e gpfs1nsd

tU3V(H'MsOU} M4r0

[NSD2][root][/tmp/gpfs]>mmstartup -a

Thu Jun 28 15:52:12 BEIST 2007: 6027-1642 mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...

NSD2: 6027-2114 The GPFS subsystem is already active.

App4: 6027-2114 The GPFS subsystem is already active.


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[NSD2][root][/]>mmcrfs /share sharelv -F /tmp/gpfs/nsdfile -A yes -B 64K -n 30 -v no

GPFS: 6027-531 The following disks of sharelv will be formatted on node NSD1:

gpfs1nsd: size 67108864 KB

GPFS: 6027-540 Formatting file system ...

GPFS: 6027-535 Disks up to size 140 GB can be added to storage pool 'system'.

Creating Inode File

Creating Allocation Maps

Clearing Inode Allocation Map

Clearing Block Allocation Map

GPFS: 6027-572 Completed creation of file system /dev/sharelv.

mmcrfs: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.


/share 文件系统 mount 点名

sharelv 指定文件系统 lv 名

-F 指定 NSD 的文件名

-A 自动 mount 选项为 yes

-B 块大小为64K

-n 挂载文件系统的节点估计数30个

-v 校验建立磁盘是否已有文件系统 为否ITPUB个人空间|jp*O"S?1P6`@

[NSD2][root][/home/scripts/gpfs]>run_cmd.sh mount /shareITPUB个人空间&FMO"r(gI%i

[App1][root][/]>mkdir /share/user1work

[App1][root][/]>chown user1:bea /share/user1work

[App1][root][/]>chmod 700 /share/user1work

[App1][root][/]>mkdir /share/user1temp

[App1][root][/]>chown user1:bea /share/user1temp

[App1][root][/]> chmod 750 /share/user1tempITPUB个人空间iTe c h i

同样在另3台机器建立其他目录并修改相应所有者即权限,即 work 目录只有所有者可操作,temp 目录可读可进入。ITPUB个人空间 P\#F*d9Uy+g:G





在节点开机后自动启动 GPFS

[NSD1][root][/]>mmchconfig autoload=yes

mmchconfig: Command successfully completed

mmchconfig: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.


采用多个 Quorum 盘

[NSD1][root][/]> mmchconfig singleNodeQuorum=no

mmchconfig: 6027-1119 Obsolete option: singleNodeQuorum

"^e u!b/Jz7JR0


Configuration data for cluster bgbcrun.NSD2:


clusterName bgbcrun.NSD2

clusterId 739157013761844865

clusterType lc

autoload no

useDiskLease yes

uidDomain bgbc

maxFeatureLevelAllowed 912


至此 GPFS 的安装配置完成

[NSD1][root][/]>mmgetstate -a

Node number Node name GPFS state


1 NSD1 active

2 NSD2 active

3 App1 active

4 App2 active

5 App3 active

10 App4 activeITPUB个人空间MG].u'oN.E\)AQ


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最终,通过 userid 的不同,在 App1 的共享目录 /share下,user1 只能读写自己文件夹的文件,对其它用户的 temp 目录可读,对其它用户的 work 目录不能读写。

[App1][/share]>ls -latr

drwx------ 2 user1 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:21 user1work

drwxr--x-- 2 user1 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:21 user1temp

drwx------ 2 502 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:22 user2work

drwxr--x--- 2 502 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:22 user2temp

drwx------ 2 503 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:22 user3work

drwxr-x-- 2 503 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:22 user3temp

drwxr---- 2 504 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:22 user4work

drwxr-x--- 2 504 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:23 user4temp

[App1][user1][/share]>cd user2work

ksh: user2temp : Permission denied.

[App1][user1][/share]>cd user2temp


The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.

ksh[2]: a: 0403-005 Cannot create the specified file.

[App1][user1][/share]>cd /user1temp


[App1][user1][/share/user1temp]>ls -l

-rw-r----- 1 user1 bea 0 Aug 13 18:47 a

[App1][user1][/share/xhtemp]>rm a

[App1][user1][/share/xhtemp]>ls -l

[App1][/share]>ls -latr

drwxr------ 2 user1 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:21 user1work

drwxr------ 2 user1 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:21 user1temp

drwxr------ 2 502 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:22 user2work

drwxr------ 2 502 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:22 user2temp

drwxr------ 2 503 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:22 user3work

drwxr------ 2 503 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:22 user3temp

drwxr------ 2 504 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:22 user4work

drwxr------ 2 504 bea 2048 Jun 28 17:23 user4temp



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[NSD1][root][/home/scripts/gpfs]>mmaddnode -N bgbcw14:client

Thu Jun 28 16:28:21 BEIST 2007: 6027-1664 mmaddnode: Processing node App3

mmaddnode: Command successfully completed

mmaddnode: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.ITPUB个人空间i&W]1p}M tQ



[NSD2][root][/home/scripts/gpfs]>mmshutdown -a

Mon Jul 30 09:56:02 BEIST 2007: 6027-1341 mmshutdown: Starting force unmount of

GPFS file systems

NSD1: forced unmount of /share

App4: forced unmount of /share

Mon Jul 30 09:56:07 BEIST 2007: 6027-1344 mmshutdown: Shutting down GPFS daemons

NSD1: Shutting down!

App3: Shutting down!

NSD1: 'shutdown' command about to kill process 368890


App4: 'shutdown' command about to kill process 474040

Mon Jul 30 09:56:13 BEIST 2007: 6027-1345 mmshutdown: Finished

4h1l \B6L P0v"yk g#J4G0

也可以用 mmshutdown -N 只停某个节点


1.fuser –kcu /share

2.unmount /share #在所有节点

3.mmdelfs sharelv,

4.mmlsfs sharelv #检查结果

5.mmdelnsd –F /tmp/gpfs/nsdfile

6.mmshutdown –a

7.mmdelnode –n /tmp/gpfs/nodefile

8.mdelnode –f #最后清除集群

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