15. 创建ZIP和JAR文件

  1. import java.util.zip.*;

  2. import java.io.*;

  3. publicclass ZipIt {

  4. publicstaticvoid main(String args[]) throws IOException {

  5. if (args.length < 2) {

  6. System.err.println("usage: java ZipIt Zip.zip file1 file2 file3");

  7. System.exit(-1);

  8. }

  9. File zipFile = new File(args[0]);

  10. if (zipFile.exists()) {

  11. System.err.println("Zip file already exists, please try another");

  12. System.exit(-2);

  13. }

  14. FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(zipFile);

  15. ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(fos);

  16. int bytesRead;

  17. byte[] buffer = newbyte[1024];

  18. CRC32 crc = new CRC32();

  19. for (int i=1, n=args.length; i < n; i++) {

  20. String name = args[i];

  21. File file = new File(name);

  22. if (!file.exists()) {

  23. System.err.println("Skipping: " + name);

  24. continue;

  25. }

  26. BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(

  27. new FileInputStream(file));

  28. crc.reset();

  29. while ((bytesRead = bis.read(buffer)) != -1) {

  30. crc.update(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

  31. }

  32. bis.close();

  33. // Reset to beginning of input stream

  34. bis = new BufferedInputStream(

  35. new FileInputStream(file));

  36. ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(name);

  37. entry.setMethod(ZipEntry.STORED);

  38. entry.setCompressedSize(file.length());

  39. entry.setSize(file.length());

  40. entry.setCrc(crc.getValue());

  41. zos.putNextEntry(entry);

  42. while ((bytesRead = bis.read(buffer)) != -1) {

  43. zos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

  44. }

  45. bis.close();

  46. }

  47. zos.close();

  48. }

  49. }

16. 解析/读取XML 文件


  1. <?xmlversion="1.0"?>

  2. <students>

  3. <student>

  4. <name>John</name>

  5. <grade>B</grade>

  6. <age>12</age>

  7. </student>

  8. <student>

  9. <name>Mary</name>

  10. <grade>A</grade>

  11. <age>11</age>

  12. </student>

  13. <student>

  14. <name>Simon</name>

  15. <grade>A</grade>

  16. <age>18</age>

  17. </student>

  18. </students>


  1. ackage net.viralpatel.java.xmlparser;

  2. import java.io.File;

  3. import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;

  4. import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

  5. import org.w3c.dom.Document;

  6. import org.w3c.dom.Element;

  7. import org.w3c.dom.Node;

  8. import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

  9. publicclass XMLParser {

  10. publicvoid getAllUserNames(String fileName) {

  11. try {

  12. DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

  13. DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

  14. File file = new File(fileName);

  15. if (file.exists()) {

  16. Document doc = db.parse(file);

  17. Element docEle = doc.getDocumentElement();

  18. // Print root element of the document

  19. System.out.println("Root element of the document: "

  20. + docEle.getNodeName());

  21. NodeList studentList = docEle.getElementsByTagName("student");

  22. // Print total student elements in document

  23. System.out

  24. .println("Total students: " + studentList.getLength());

  25. if (studentList != null && studentList.getLength() > 0) {

  26. for (int i = 0; i < studentList.getLength(); i++) {

  27. Node node = studentList.item(i);

  28. if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {

  29. System.out

  30. .println("=====================");

  31. Element e = (Element) node;

  32. NodeList nodeList = e.getElementsByTagName("name");

  33. System.out.println("Name: "

  34. + nodeList.item(0).getChildNodes().item(0)

  35. .getNodeValue());

  36. nodeList = e.getElementsByTagName("grade");

  37. System.out.println("Grade: "

  38. + nodeList.item(0).getChildNodes().item(0)

  39. .getNodeValue());

  40. nodeList = e.getElementsByTagName("age");

  41. System.out.println("Age: "

  42. + nodeList.item(0).getChildNodes().item(0)

  43. .getNodeValue());

  44. }

  45. }

  46. } else {

  47. System.exit(1);

  48. }

  49. }

  50. } catch (Exception e) {

  51. System.out.println(e);

  52. }

  53. }

  54. publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) {

  55. XMLParser parser = new XMLParser();

  56. parser.getAllUserNames("c:\\test.xml");

  57. }

  58. }



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