最近想要在julia中实现 Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) 算法对图像进行超像素分割,关于SLIC超像素分割算法,请参考SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-art Superpixel Methods。在网上搜索了一番,找到了SLIC算法的python实现代码,见laixintao仁兄SLIC算法分割超像素原理及Python实现。鉴于SLIC代码还比较复杂,就不想再去费时间自己动手写julia实现了,于是研究了一下如何通过julia调用python代码。

julia与Python的混合编程需要利用PyCall包来调用python,官方说明文档见Calling Python functions from the Julia language。(目前还没有见到有中文版本说明。)通过PyCall包,可以引入任意的python模块、调用Python函数、定义python的类、以及共享Python的数据类型。




ENV["PYTHON"] = "/usr/bin/python2.7" # example for 2.7

(具体路径可能不同,在linux终端可以通过命令 whereis python查看所有版本的位置。)



If you are already familiar with Python, it perhaps is easier to use py"..." and py"""...""" which are equivalent to Python's


import numpy as np

def sinpi(x):

return np.sin(np.pi * x)



When creating a Julia module, it is a useful pattern to define Python functions or classes in Julia's __init__ and then use it in Julia function with py"...".

module MyModule

using PyCall

function __init__()


import numpy as np

def one(x):

return np.sin(x) ** 2 + np.cos(x) ** 2



two(x) = py"one"(x) + py"one"(x)


Note that Python code in py"..." of above example is evaluated in a Python namespace dedicated to MyModule. Thus, Python function one cannot be accessed outside MyModule.



2)只能通过在 py""" 代码 """ 后面另写一个julia函数的方式(例如以上的two函数)调用python 函数,实现函数功能并输出结果,调用python函数时 " " 引号只能引函数名,函数参量都在引号外,不然,也会报错。

以下就是我的代码,通过调用SLIC python代码实现对图像的超像素分割,并返回每一个超像素所包含的像素点坐标。py""" """之间是调用的python源代码,后面的function是我写的调用并输出结果的函数,最后的clusters=...命令是实现对图像操作。

module MyModule

using PyCall

function __init__()


import math

from skimage import io, color

import numpy as np

from tqdm import trange

class Cluster(object):

cluster_index = 1

def __init__(self, h, w, l=0, a=0, b=0):

self.update(h, w, l, a, b)

self.pixels = []

self.no = self.cluster_index

Cluster.cluster_index += 1

def update(self, h, w, l, a, b):

self.h = h

self.w = w

self.l = l

self.a = a

self.b = b

def __str__(self):

return "{},{}:{} {} {} ".format(self.h, self.w, self.l, self.a, self.b)

def __repr__(self):

return self.__str__()

class SLICProcessor(object):


def open_image(path):

rgb = io.imread(path)

lab_arr = color.rgb2lab(rgb)

return lab_arr


def save_lab_image(path, lab_arr):

rgb_arr = color.lab2rgb(lab_arr)

io.imsave(path, rgb_arr)

def make_cluster(self, h, w):

return Cluster(h, w,




def __init__(self, filename, K, M):

self.K = K

self.M = M

self.mycount = 0

self.data = self.open_image(filename)

self.image_height = self.data.shape[0]

self.image_width = self.data.shape[1]

self.N = self.image_height * self.image_width

self.S = int(math.sqrt(self.N / self.K))

self.clusters = []

self.label = {}

self.dis = np.full((self.image_height, self.image_width), np.inf)

def init_clusters(self):

h = self.S / 2

w = self.S / 2

while h < self.image_height:

while w < self.image_width:

self.clusters.append(self.make_cluster(h, w))

self.mycount += 1

w += self.S

w = self.S / 2

h += self.S

def get_gradient(self, h, w):

if w + 1 >= self.image_width:

w = self.image_width - 2

if h + 1 >= self.image_height:

h = self.image_height - 2

gradient = self.data[w + 1][h + 1][0] - self.data[w][h][0] + \

self.data[w + 1][h + 1][1] - self.data[w][h][1] + \

self.data[w + 1][h + 1][2] - self.data[w][h][2]

return gradient

def move_clusters(self):

for cluster in self.clusters:

cluster_gradient = self.get_gradient(cluster.h, cluster.w)

for dh in range(-1, 2):

for dw in range(-1, 2):

_h = cluster.h + dh

_w = cluster.w + dw

new_gradient = self.get_gradient(_h, _w)

if new_gradient < cluster_gradient:

cluster.update(_h, _w, self.data[_h][_w][0], self.data[_h][_w][1], self.data[_h][_w][2])

cluster_gradient = new_gradient

def assignment(self):

for cluster in self.clusters:

for h in range(cluster.h - 2 * self.S, cluster.h + 2 * self.S):

if h < 0 or h >= self.image_height: continue

for w in range(cluster.w - 2 * self.S, cluster.w + 2 * self.S):

if w < 0 or w >= self.image_width: continue

L, A, B = self.data[h][w]

Dc = math.sqrt(

math.pow(L - cluster.l, 2) +

math.pow(A - cluster.a, 2) +

math.pow(B - cluster.b, 2))

Ds = math.sqrt(

math.pow(h - cluster.h, 2) +

math.pow(w - cluster.w, 2))

D = math.sqrt(math.pow(Dc / self.M, 2) + math.pow(Ds / self.S, 2))

if D < self.dis[h][w]:

if (h, w) not in self.label:

self.label[(h, w)] = cluster

cluster.pixels.append((h, w))


self.label[(h, w)].pixels.remove((h, w))

self.label[(h, w)] = cluster

cluster.pixels.append((h, w))

self.dis[h][w] = D

def update_cluster(self):

for cluster in self.clusters:

sum_h = sum_w = number = 0

for p in cluster.pixels:

sum_h += p[0]

sum_w += p[1]

number += 1

_h = sum_h / number

_w = sum_w / number

cluster.update(_h, _w, self.data[_h][_w][0], self.data[_h][_w][1], self.data[_h][_w][2])

def save_current_image(self, name):

image_arr = np.copy(self.data)

for cluster in self.clusters:

for p in cluster.pixels:

image_arr[p[0]][p[1]][0] = cluster.l

image_arr[p[0]][p[1]][1] = cluster.a

image_arr[p[0]][p[1]][2] = cluster.b

image_arr[cluster.h][cluster.w][0] = 0

image_arr[cluster.h][cluster.w][1] = 0

image_arr[cluster.h][cluster.w][2] = 0

self.save_lab_image(name, image_arr)

def iterate_10times(self):



for i in trange(10):



name = 'lenna_M{m}_K{k}_loop{loop}.png'.format(loop=i, m=self.M, k=self.K)




function slic_preprocess(self_filename::String,self_K::Int,self_M::Int)

p = py"SLICProcessor"(self_filename, self_K, self_M)


out = Vector{Any}(undef, p.mycount)

for i = 1 : p.mycount

out[i] = p.clusters[i].pixels




clusters = Main.MyModule.slic_preprocess("Lenna.png",200,40)


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