
  • tldr
    • 安装
    • 常用参数
    • 使用示例






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  -V, --version            查看版本-l, --list               从缓存中列出平台支持的所有命令-a, --list-all           从缓存中列出所有命令-1, --single-column      单列列出所有支持的命令和 -l 和 -a一起使用-r, --random             随机显示支持的命令-e, --random-example     随机显示一个使用示例-f, --render [file]      显示 markdown [file] 中的特定字符行-m, --markdown           按照markdown格式进行输出# 这几个设置了没有用的命令-o, --os [type]          Override the operating system [linux, osx, sunos]--linux                  Override the operating system with Linux--osx                    Override the operating system with OSX--sunos                  Override the operating system with SunOS# -t, --theme [theme]     颜色主题 (simple, base16, ocean)-s, --search [keywords]  使用关键字搜索页-u, --update             更新本地缓存-c, --clear-cache        清理本地缓存-h, --help               输出帮助信息


andrew@andrew-Thurley:~$ tldr tartarArchiving utility.Often combined with a compression method, such as gzip or bzip.More information: https://www.gnu.org/software/tar.- Create an archive from files:tar cf target.tar file1 file2 file3- Create a gzipped archive:tar czf target.tar.gz file1 file2 file3- Extract a (compressed) archive into the current directory:tar xf source.tar[.gz|.bz2|.xz]- Extract an archive into a target directory:tar xf source.tar -C directory- Create a compressed archive, using archive suffix to determine the compression program:tar caf target.tar.xz file1 file2 file3- List the contents of a tar file:tar tvf source.tar- Extract files matching a pattern:tar xf source.tar --wildcards "*.html"
andrew@andrew-Thurley:~$ tldr -r
PAGE git-checkoutgit checkoutCheckout a branch or paths to the working tree.More information: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-checkout.- Create and switch to a new branch:git checkout -b branch_name- Create and switch to a new branch based on a specific reference (branch, remote/branch, tag are examples of valid references):git checkout -b branch_name reference- Switch to an existing local branch:git checkout branch_name- Switch to the previously checked out branch:git checkout -- Switch to an existing remote branch:git checkout --track remote_name/branch_name- Discard all unstaged changes in the current directory (see git reset for more undo-like commands):git checkout .- Discard unstaged changes to a given file:git checkout file_name- Replace a file in the current directory with the version of it committed in a given branch:git checkout branch_name -- file_name
andrew@andrew-Thurley:~$ tldr -r
PAGE muttmuttCommand-line email client.More information: http://mutt.org.- Open the specified mailbox:mutt -f mailbox- Send an email and specify a subject and a cc recipient:mutt -s subject -c cc@example.com recipient@example.com- Send an email with files attached:mutt -a file1 file2 -- recipient@example.com- Specify a file to include as the message body:mutt -i file recipient@example.com- Specify a draft file containing the header and the body of the message, in RFC 5322 format:mutt -H file recipient@example.com



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