










package com.jt.web.solr;import;
import java.nio.file.Paths;import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.DoubleField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.LongField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.TextField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKAnalyzer;public class TestSolr {/*** 全文检索的流程:*     1、* @throws IOException*/@Testpublic void test01() throws IOException{//创建索引文件存放目录         会在当前工程下建立index目录Directory directory = File("./index"));//定义分词器   定义标准分词器//Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();//切换中文分词器//Analyzer analyzer = new ChineseAnalyzer();
        Analyzer analyzer = new IKAnalyzer();//创建配置文件    定义版本号      IndexWriterConfig conf = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_4_10_2, analyzer);//创建索引文件IndexWriter indexWriter = new IndexWriter(directory, conf);//创建文档对象:Document document = new  Document();/*** 参数名称:  * id :属性字段名称      value值     Store 表示是否存储   yes表示存入*/document.add(new LongField("id", 5025991L, Store.YES));document.add(new TextField("title", "vivo X20 全面屏双摄拍照手机 4GB+64GB 磨砂黑 移动联通电信全网通4G手机 双卡双待 ", Store.YES));document.add(new TextField("sellPoint", "游戏免打扰,畅快体验,带你吃鸡、上王者!高清全面屏,尊享Hi-Fi音质,更有面部识别+指纹双解锁!", Store.YES));document.add(new DoubleField("price", 2988.00, Store.YES));document.add(new TextField("itemDesc", "分辨率:2160*1080分辨后置摄像头:2x1200万像素+500万像素(2400万感光单元)前置摄像头:2x1200万像素(2400万感光单元) 核      数:八核", Store.YES));//将索引文件写入到文档中
        indexWriter.addDocument(document);indexWriter.close();}@Testpublic void seracher() throws IOException{Directory directory = File("./index"));//创建检索文件IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(;//创建查询条件   Term表示分组Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("title", "屏"));//查询  results 表示最顶端的20条记录数TopDocs docs  =, 20);//访问总数System.out.println("数据访问的总数:"+docs.totalHits);//获取文章的得分for ( ScoreDoc scoreDoc : docs.scoreDocs) {System.out.println("获取文章的得分:"+scoreDoc.score);  //分数越高 越靠前int index = scoreDoc.doc; //获取索引值//获取文章内容     Document document = indexSearcher.doc(index);//输出文章内容System.out.println("标题:"+document.get("title"));System.out.println("卖点:"+document.get("sellPoint"));System.out.println("价格:"+document.get("price"));System.out.println("描述信息:"+document.get("itemDesc"));    }directory.close();}














    修改jdk配置文件 vim /etc/profile  。jdk1.7修改到1.8

    让环境配置生效:source /etc/profile

    查看环境是否成功配置:java -version




    启动服务   ./solr start

    关闭服务  ./solr stop

    重启服务  ./solr  restart





      mkdir jt/conf jt/data







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<!--Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or morecontributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed withthis work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance withthe License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.
--><!-- For more details about configurations options that may appear inthis file, see
<config><!-- In all configuration below, a prefix of "solr." for class namesis an alias that causes solr to search appropriate packages,including org.apache.solr.(search|update|request|core|analysis)You may also specify a fully qualified Java classname if youhave your own custom plugins.--><!-- Controls what version of Lucene various components of Solradhere to.  Generally, you want to use the latest version toget all bug fixes and improvements. It is highly recommendedthat you fully re-index after changing this setting as it canaffect both how text is indexed and queried.--><luceneMatchVersion>4.10.2</luceneMatchVersion><!-- <lib/> directives can be used to instruct Solr to load any Jarsidentified and use them to resolve any "plugins" specified inyour solrconfig.xml or schema.xml (ie: Analyzers, RequestHandlers, etc...).All directories and paths are resolved relative to theinstanceDir.Please note that <lib/> directives are processed in the orderthat they appear in your solrconfig.xml file, and are "stacked" on top of each other when building a ClassLoader - so if you have plugin jars with dependencies on other jars, the "lower level" dependency jars should be loaded first.If a "./lib" directory exists in your instanceDir, all filesfound in it are included as if you had used the followingsyntax...<lib dir="./lib" />--><!-- A 'dir' option by itself adds any files found in the directory to the classpath, this is useful for including all jars in adirectory.When a 'regex' is specified in addition to a 'dir', only thefiles in that directory which completely match the regex(anchored on both ends) will be included.If a 'dir' option (with or without a regex) is used and nothingis found that matches, a warning will be logged.The examples below can be used to load some solr-contribs along with their external dependencies.<lib dir="../../../contrib/extraction/lib" regex=".*\.jar" /><lib dir="../../../dist/" regex="solr-cell-\d.*\.jar" /><lib dir="../../../contrib/clustering/lib/" regex=".*\.jar" /><lib dir="../../../dist/" regex="solr-clustering-\d.*\.jar" /><lib dir="../../../contrib/langid/lib/" regex=".*\.jar" /><lib dir="../../../dist/" regex="solr-langid-\d.*\.jar" /><lib dir="../../../contrib/velocity/lib" regex=".*\.jar" /><lib dir="../../../dist/" regex="solr-velocity-\d.*\.jar" />--><!-- an exact 'path' can be used instead of a 'dir' to specify a specific jar file.  This will cause a serious error to be logged if it can't be loaded.--><!--<lib path="../a-jar-that-does-not-exist.jar" /> --><!-- Data DirectoryUsed to specify an alternate directory to hold all index dataother than the default ./data under the Solr home.  Ifreplication is in use, this should match the replicationconfiguration.--><dataDir>${}</dataDir><!-- The DirectoryFactory to use for indexes.solr.StandardDirectoryFactory is filesystembased and tries to pick the best implementation for the currentJVM and platform.  solr.NRTCachingDirectoryFactory, the default,wraps solr.StandardDirectoryFactory and caches small files in memoryfor better NRT performance.One can force a particular implementation via solr.MMapDirectoryFactory,solr.NIOFSDirectoryFactory, or solr.SimpleFSDirectoryFactory.solr.RAMDirectoryFactory is memory based, notpersistent, and doesn't work with replication.--><directoryFactory name="DirectoryFactory" class="${solr.directoryFactory:solr.NRTCachingDirectoryFactory}"><!-- These will be used if you are using the solr.HdfsDirectoryFactory,otherwise they will be ignored. If you don't plan on using hdfs,you can safely remove this section. -->      <!-- The root directory that collection data should be written to. -->     <str name="solr.hdfs.home">${solr.hdfs.home:}</str><!-- The hadoop configuration files to use for the hdfs client. -->    <str name="solr.hdfs.confdir">${solr.hdfs.confdir:}</str><!-- Enable/Disable the hdfs cache. -->    <str name="solr.hdfs.blockcache.enabled">${solr.hdfs.blockcache.enabled:true}</str><!-- Enable/Disable using one global cache for all SolrCores. The settings used will be from the first HdfsDirectoryFactory created. -->    <str name="">${}</str></directoryFactory> <!-- The CodecFactory for defining the format of the inverted index.The default implementation is SchemaCodecFactory, which is the official Luceneindex format, but hooks into the schema to provide per-field customization ofthe postings lists and per-document values in the fieldType element(postingsFormat/docValuesFormat). Note that most of the alternative implementationsare experimental, so if you choose to customize the index format, its a goodidea to convert back to the official format e.g. via IndexWriter.addIndexes(IndexReader)before upgrading to a newer version to avoid unnecessary reindexing.--><codecFactory class="solr.SchemaCodecFactory"/><!-- To enable dynamic schema REST APIs, use the following for <schemaFactory>:<schemaFactory class="ManagedIndexSchemaFactory"><bool name="mutable">true</bool><str name="managedSchemaResourceName">managed-schema</str></schemaFactory>When ManagedIndexSchemaFactory is specified, Solr will load the schema fromhe resource named in 'managedSchemaResourceName', rather than from schema.xml.Note that the managed schema resource CANNOT be named schema.xml.  If the managedschema does not exist, Solr will create it after reading schema.xml, then rename'schema.xml' to 'schema.xml.bak'. Do NOT hand edit the managed schema - external modifications will be ignored andoverwritten as a result of schema modification REST API calls.When ManagedIndexSchemaFactory is specified with mutable = true, schemamodification REST API calls will be allowed; otherwise, error responses will besent back for these requests. --><schemaFactory class="ClassicIndexSchemaFactory"/><!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Index Config - These settings control low-level behavior of indexingMost example settings here show the default value, but are commentedout, to more easily see where customizations have been made.Note: This replaces <indexDefaults> and <mainIndex> from older versions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --><indexConfig><!-- maxFieldLength was removed in 4.0. To get similar behavior, include a LimitTokenCountFilterFactory in your fieldType definition. E.g. <filter class="solr.LimitTokenCountFilterFactory" maxTokenCount="10000"/>--><!-- Maximum time to wait for a write lock (ms) for an IndexWriter. Default: 1000 --><!-- <writeLockTimeout>1000</writeLockTimeout>  --><!-- The maximum number of simultaneous threads that may beindexing documents at once in IndexWriter; if more than thismany threads arrive they will wait for others to finish.Default in Solr/Lucene is 8. --><!-- <maxIndexingThreads>8</maxIndexingThreads>  --><!-- Expert: Enabling compound file will use less files for the index, using fewer file descriptors on the expense of performance decrease. Default in Lucene is "true". Default in Solr is "false" (since 3.6) --><!-- <useCompoundFile>false</useCompoundFile> --><!-- ramBufferSizeMB sets the amount of RAM that may be used by Luceneindexing for buffering added documents and deletions before they areflushed to the Directory.maxBufferedDocs sets a limit on the number of documents bufferedbefore flushing.If both ramBufferSizeMB and maxBufferedDocs is set, thenLucene will flush based on whichever limit is hit first.The default is 100 MB.  --><!-- <ramBufferSizeMB>100</ramBufferSizeMB> --><!-- <maxBufferedDocs>1000</maxBufferedDocs> --><!-- Expert: Merge Policy The Merge Policy in Lucene controls how merging of segments is done.The default since Solr/Lucene 3.3 is TieredMergePolicy.The default since Lucene 2.3 was the LogByteSizeMergePolicy,Even older versions of Lucene used LogDocMergePolicy.--><!--<mergePolicy class="org.apache.lucene.index.TieredMergePolicy"><int name="maxMergeAtOnce">10</int><int name="segmentsPerTier">10</int></mergePolicy>--><!-- Merge FactorThe merge factor controls how many segments will get merged at a time.For TieredMergePolicy, mergeFactor is a convenience parameter whichwill set both MaxMergeAtOnce and SegmentsPerTier at once.For LogByteSizeMergePolicy, mergeFactor decides how many new segmentswill be allowed before they are merged into one.Default is 10 for both merge policies.--><!-- <mergeFactor>10</mergeFactor>--><!-- Expert: Merge SchedulerThe Merge Scheduler in Lucene controls how merges areperformed.  The ConcurrentMergeScheduler (Lucene 2.3 default)can perform merges in the background using separate threads.The SerialMergeScheduler (Lucene 2.2 default) does not.--><!-- <mergeScheduler class="org.apache.lucene.index.ConcurrentMergeScheduler"/>--><!-- LockFactory This option specifies which Lucene LockFactory implementationto use.single = SingleInstanceLockFactory - suggested for aread-only index or when there is no possibility ofanother process trying to modify the index.native = NativeFSLockFactory - uses OS native file locking.Do not use when multiple solr webapps in the sameJVM are attempting to share a single index.simple = SimpleFSLockFactory  - uses a plain file for lockingDefaults: 'native' is default for Solr3.6 and later, otherwise'simple' is the defaultMore details on the nuances of each LockFactory...><lockType>${solr.lock.type:native}</lockType><!-- Unlock On StartupIf true, unlock any held write or commit locks on startup.This defeats the locking mechanism that allows multipleprocesses to safely access a lucene index, and should be usedwith care. Default is "false".This is not needed if lock type is 'single'--><!--<unlockOnStartup>false</unlockOnStartup>--><!-- Expert: Controls how often Lucene loads terms into memoryDefault is 128 and is likely good for most everyone.--><!-- <termIndexInterval>128</termIndexInterval> --><!-- If true, IndexReaders will be opened/reopened from the IndexWriterinstead of from the Directory. Hosts in a master/slave setupshould have this set to false while those in a SolrCloudcluster need to be set to true. Default: true--><!-- <nrtMode>true</nrtMode>--><!-- Commit Deletion PolicyCustom deletion policies can be specified here. The class mustimplement org.apache.lucene.index.IndexDeletionPolicy.The default Solr IndexDeletionPolicy implementation supportsdeleting index commit points on number of commits, age ofcommit point and optimized status.The latest commit point should always be preserved regardlessof the criteria.--><!-- <deletionPolicy class="solr.SolrDeletionPolicy">--><!-- The number of commit points to be kept --><!-- <str name="maxCommitsToKeep">1</str> --><!-- The number of optimized commit points to be kept --><!-- <str name="maxOptimizedCommitsToKeep">0</str> --><!--Delete all commit points once they have reached the given age.Supports DateMathParser syntax e.g.--><!--<str name="maxCommitAge">30MINUTES</str><str name="maxCommitAge">1DAY</str>--><!-- </deletionPolicy>--><!-- Lucene InfostreamTo aid in advanced debugging, Lucene provides an "InfoStream"of detailed information when indexing.Setting the value to true will instruct the underlying LuceneIndexWriter to write its info stream to solr's log. By default,this is enabled here, and controlled through><infoStream>true</infoStream><!--Use true to enable this safety check, which can helpreduce the risk of propagating index corruption from older segments into new ones, at the expense of slower merging.--><checkIntegrityAtMerge>false</checkIntegrityAtMerge></indexConfig><!-- JMXThis example enables JMX if and only if an existing MBeanServeris found, use this if you want to configure JMX through JVMparameters. Remove this to disable exposing Solr configurationand statistics to JMX.For more details see><jmx /><!-- If you want to connect to a particular server, specify theagentId --><!-- <jmx agentId="myAgent" /> --><!-- If you want to start a new MBeanServer, specify the serviceUrl --><!-- <jmx serviceUrl="service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9999/solr"/>--><!-- The default high-performance update handler --><updateHandler class="solr.DirectUpdateHandler2"><!-- Enables a transaction log, used for real-time get, durability, andand solr cloud replica recovery.  The log can grow as big asuncommitted changes to the index, so use of a hard autoCommitis recommended (see below)."dir" - the target directory for transaction logs, defaults to thesolr data directory.  --> <updateLog><str name="dir">${solr.ulog.dir:}</str></updateLog><!-- AutoCommitPerform a hard commit automatically under certain conditions.Instead of enabling autoCommit, consider using "commitWithin"when adding documents. - Maximum number of documents to add since the lastcommit before automatically triggering a new commit.maxTime - Maximum amount of time in ms that is allowed to passsince a document was added before automaticallytriggering a new commit. openSearcher - if false, the commit causes recent index changesto be flushed to stable storage, but does not cause a newsearcher to be opened to make those changes visible.If the updateLog is enabled, then it's highly recommended tohave some sort of hard autoCommit to limit the log size.--><autoCommit> <maxTime>${solr.autoCommit.maxTime:15000}</maxTime> <openSearcher>false</openSearcher> </autoCommit><!-- softAutoCommit is like autoCommit except it causes a'soft' commit which only ensures that changes are visiblebut does not ensure that data is synced to disk.  This isfaster and more near-realtime friendly than a hard commit.--><autoSoftCommit> <maxTime>${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime:-1}</maxTime> </autoSoftCommit><!-- Update Related Event ListenersVarious IndexWriter related events can trigger Listeners totake actions.postCommit - fired after every commit or optimize commandpostOptimize - fired after every optimize command--><!-- The RunExecutableListener executes an external command from ahook such as postCommit or postOptimize.exe - the name of the executable to rundir - dir to use as the current working directory. (default=".")wait - the calling thread waits until the executable returns. (default="true")args - the arguments to pass to the program.  (default is none)env - environment variables to set.  (default is none)--><!-- This example shows how RunExecutableListener could be usedwith the script based replication...><!--<listener event="postCommit" class="solr.RunExecutableListener"><str name="exe">solr/bin/snapshooter</str><str name="dir">.</str><bool name="wait">true</bool><arr name="args"> <str>arg1</str> <str>arg2</str> </arr><arr name="env"> <str>MYVAR=val1</str> </arr></listener>--></updateHandler><!-- IndexReaderFactoryUse the following format to specify a custom IndexReaderFactory,which allows for alternate IndexReader implementations.** Experimental Feature **Please note - Using a custom IndexReaderFactory may preventcertain other features from working. The API toIndexReaderFactory may change without warning or may even beremoved from future releases if the problems cannot beresolved.** Features that may not work with custom IndexReaderFactory **The ReplicationHandler assumes a disk-resident index. Using acustom IndexReader implementation may cause incompatibilitywith ReplicationHandler and may cause replication to not workcorrectly. See SOLR-1366 for details.--><!--<indexReaderFactory name="IndexReaderFactory" class="package.class"><str name="someArg">Some Value</str></indexReaderFactory >--><!-- By explicitly declaring the Factory, the termIndexDivisor canbe specified.--><!--<indexReaderFactory name="IndexReaderFactory" class="solr.StandardIndexReaderFactory"><int name="setTermIndexDivisor">12</int></indexReaderFactory >--><!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Query section - these settings control query time things like caches~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --><query><!-- Max Boolean ClausesMaximum number of clauses in each BooleanQuery,  an exceptionis thrown if exceeded.** WARNING **This option actually modifies a global Lucene property thatwill affect all SolrCores.  If multiple solrconfig.xml filesdisagree on this property, the value at any given moment willbe based on the last SolrCore to be initialized.--><maxBooleanClauses>1024</maxBooleanClauses><!-- Solr Internal Query CachesThere are two implementations of cache available for Solr,LRUCache, based on a synchronized LinkedHashMap, andFastLRUCache, based on a ConcurrentHashMap.  FastLRUCache has faster gets and slower puts in singlethreaded operation and thus is generally faster than LRUCachewhen the hit ratio of the cache is high (> 75%), and may befaster under other scenarios on multi-cpu systems.--><!-- Filter CacheCache used by SolrIndexSearcher for filters (DocSets),unordered sets of *all* documents that match a query.  When anew searcher is opened, its caches may be prepopulated or"autowarmed" using data from caches in the old searcher.autowarmCount is the number of items to prepopulate.  ForLRUCache, the autowarmed items will be the most recentlyaccessed items.Parameters:class - the SolrCache implementation LRUCache or(LRUCache or FastLRUCache)size - the maximum number of entries in the cacheinitialSize - the initial capacity (number of entries) ofthe cache.  (see java.util.HashMap)autowarmCount - the number of entries to prepopulate fromand old cache.  --><filterCache class="solr.FastLRUCache"size="512"initialSize="512"autowarmCount="0"/><!-- Query Result CacheCaches results of searches - ordered lists of document ids(DocList) based on a query, a sort, and the range of documents requested.  --><queryResultCache class="solr.LRUCache"size="512"initialSize="512"autowarmCount="0"/><!-- Document CacheCaches Lucene Document objects (the stored fields for eachdocument).  Since Lucene internal document ids are transient,this cache will not be autowarmed.  --><documentCache class="solr.LRUCache"size="512"initialSize="512"autowarmCount="0"/><!-- custom cache currently used by block join --> <cache name="perSegFilter"class=""size="10"initialSize="0"autowarmCount="10"regenerator="solr.NoOpRegenerator" /><!-- Field Value CacheCache used to hold field values that are quickly accessibleby document id.  The fieldValueCache is created by defaulteven if not configured here.--><!--<fieldValueCache class="solr.FastLRUCache"size="512"autowarmCount="128"showItems="32" />--><!-- Custom CacheExample of a generic cache.  These caches may be accessed byname through SolrIndexSearcher.getCache(),cacheLookup(), andcacheInsert().  The purpose is to enable easy caching ofuser/application level data.  The regenerator argument shouldbe specified as an implementation of solr.CacheRegenerator if autowarming is desired.  --><!--<cache name="myUserCache"class="solr.LRUCache"size="4096"initialSize="1024"autowarmCount="1024"regenerator="com.mycompany.MyRegenerator"/>--><!-- Lazy Field LoadingIf true, stored fields that are not requested will be loadedlazily.  This can result in a significant speed improvementif the usual case is to not load all stored fields,especially if the skipped fields are large compressed textfields.--><enableLazyFieldLoading>true</enableLazyFieldLoading><!-- Use Filter For Sorted QueryA possible optimization that attempts to use a filter tosatisfy a search.  If the requested sort does not includescore, then the filterCache will be checked for a filtermatching the query. If found, the filter will be used as thesource of document ids, and then the sort will be applied tothat.For most situations, this will not be useful unless youfrequently get the same search repeatedly with different sortoptions, and none of them ever use "score"--><!--<useFilterForSortedQuery>true</useFilterForSortedQuery>--><!-- Result Window SizeAn optimization for use with the queryResultCache.  When a searchis requested, a superset of the requested number of document idsare collected.  For example, if a search for a particular queryrequests matching documents 10 through 19, and queryWindowSize is 50,then documents 0 through 49 will be collected and cached.  Any furtherrequests in that range can be satisfied via the cache.  --><queryResultWindowSize>20</queryResultWindowSize><!-- Maximum number of documents to cache for any entry in thequeryResultCache. --><queryResultMaxDocsCached>200</queryResultMaxDocsCached><!-- Query Related Event ListenersVarious IndexSearcher related events can trigger Listeners totake actions.newSearcher - fired whenever a new searcher is being preparedand there is a current searcher handling requests (akaregistered).  It can be used to prime certain caches toprevent long request times for certain requests.firstSearcher - fired whenever a new searcher is beingprepared but there is no current registered searcher to handlerequests or to gain autowarming data from.--><!-- QuerySenderListener takes an array of NamedList and executes alocal query request for each NamedList in sequence. --><listener event="newSearcher" class="solr.QuerySenderListener"><arr name="queries"><!--<lst><str name="q">solr</str><str name="sort">price asc</str></lst><lst><str name="q">rocks</str><str name="sort">weight asc</str></lst>--></arr></listener><listener event="firstSearcher" class="solr.QuerySenderListener"><arr name="queries"><lst><str name="q">static firstSearcher warming in solrconfig.xml</str></lst></arr></listener><!-- Use Cold SearcherIf a search request comes in and there is no currentregistered searcher, then immediately register the stillwarming searcher and use it.  If "false" then all requestswill block until the first searcher is done warming.--><useColdSearcher>false</useColdSearcher><!-- Max Warming SearchersMaximum number of searchers that may be warming in thebackground concurrently.  An error is returned if this limitis exceeded.Recommend values of 1-2 for read-only slaves, higher formasters w/o cache warming.--><maxWarmingSearchers>2</maxWarmingSearchers></query><!-- Request DispatcherThis section contains instructions for how the SolrDispatchFiltershould behave when processing requests for this SolrCore.handleSelect is a legacy option that affects the behavior of requestssuch as /select?qt=XXXhandleSelect="true" will cause the SolrDispatchFilter to processthe request and dispatch the query to a handler specified by the "qt" param, assuming "/select" isn't already registered.handleSelect="false" will cause the SolrDispatchFilter toignore "/select" requests, resulting in a 404 unless a handleris explicitly registered with the name "/select"handleSelect="true" is not recommended for new users, but is the defaultfor backwards compatibility--><requestDispatcher handleSelect="false" ><!-- Request ParsingThese settings indicate how Solr Requests may be parsed, andwhat restrictions may be placed on the ContentStreams fromthose requestsenableRemoteStreaming - enables use of the stream.fileand stream.url parameters for specifying remote streams.multipartUploadLimitInKB - specifies the max size (in KiB) ofMultipart File Uploads that Solr will allow in a Request.formdataUploadLimitInKB - specifies the max size (in KiB) ofform data (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) sent viaPOST. You can use POST to pass request parameters notfitting into the URL.addHttpRequestToContext - if set to true, it will instructthe requestParsers to include the original HttpServletRequestobject in the context map of the SolrQueryRequest under the key "httpRequest". It will not be used by any of the existingSolr components, but may be useful when developing custom plugins.*** WARNING ***The settings below authorize Solr to fetch remote files, Youshould make sure your system has some authentication beforeusing enableRemoteStreaming="true"--> <requestParsers enableRemoteStreaming="true" multipartUploadLimitInKB="2048000"formdataUploadLimitInKB="2048"addHttpRequestToContext="false"/><!-- HTTP CachingSet HTTP caching related parameters (for proxy caches and clients).The options below instruct Solr not to output any HTTP Cachingrelated headers--><httpCaching never304="true" /><!-- If you include a <cacheControl> directive, it will be used togenerate a Cache-Control header (as well as an Expires headerif the value contains "max-age=")By default, no Cache-Control header is generated.You can use the <cacheControl> option even if you have setnever304="true"--><!--<httpCaching never304="true" ><cacheControl>max-age=30, public</cacheControl> </httpCaching>--><!-- To enable Solr to respond with automatically generated HTTPCaching headers, and to response to Cache Validation requestscorrectly, set the value of never304="false"This will cause Solr to generate Last-Modified and ETagheaders based on the properties of the Index.The following options can also be specified to affect thevalues of these headers...lastModFrom - the default value is "openTime" which means theLast-Modified value (and validation against If-Modified-Sincerequests) will all be relative to when the current Searcherwas opened.  You can change it to lastModFrom="dirLastMod" ifyou want the value to exactly correspond to when the physicalindex was last modified.etagSeed="..." is an option you can change to force the ETagheader (and validation against If-None-Match requests) to bedifferent even if the index has not changed (ie: when makingsignificant changes to your config file)(lastModifiedFrom and etagSeed are both ignored if you usethe never304="true" option)--><!--<httpCaching lastModifiedFrom="openTime"etagSeed="Solr"><cacheControl>max-age=30, public</cacheControl> </httpCaching>--></requestDispatcher><!-- Request Handlers queries will be dispatched to a specific handler by namebased on the path specified in the request.Legacy behavior: If the request path uses "/select" but no RequestHandler has that name, and if handleSelect="true" has been specified inthe requestDispatcher, then the Request Handler is dispatched based onthe qt parameter.  Handlers without a leading '/' are accessed this waylike so: http://host/app/[core/]select?qt=name  If no qt isgiven, then the requestHandler that declares default="true" will beused or the one named "standard".If a Request Handler is declared with startup="lazy", then it willnot be initialized until the first request that uses it.--><!-- SearchHandler processing Search Queries, the primary Request Handlerprovided with Solr is "SearchHandler" It delegates to a sequentof SearchComponents (see below) and supports distributedqueries across multiple shards--><requestHandler name="/select" class="solr.SearchHandler"><!-- default values for query parameters can be specified, thesewill be overridden by parameters in the request--><lst name="defaults"><str name="echoParams">explicit</str><int name="rows">10</int><str name="df">title</str></lst><!-- In addition to defaults, "appends" params can be specifiedto identify values which should be appended to the list ofmulti-val params from the query (or the existing "defaults").--><!-- In this example, the param "fq=instock:true" would be appended toany query time fq params the user may specify, as a mechanism forpartitioning the index, independent of any user selected filteringthat may also be desired (perhaps as a result of faceted searching).NOTE: there is *absolutely* nothing a client can do to prevent these"appends" values from being used, so don't use this mechanismunless you are sure you always want it.--><!--<lst name="appends"><str name="fq">inStock:true</str></lst>--><!-- "invariants" are a way of letting the Solr maintainer lock downthe options available to Solr clients.  Any params valuesspecified here are used regardless of what values may be specifiedin either the query, the "defaults", or the "appends" params.In this example, the facet.field and facet.query params wouldbe fixed, limiting the facets clients can use.  Faceting isnot turned on by default - but if the client does specifyfacet=true in the request, these are the only facets theywill be able to see counts for; regardless of what otherfacet.field or facet.query params they may specify.NOTE: there is *absolutely* nothing a client can do to prevent these"invariants" values from being used, so don't use this mechanismunless you are sure you always want it.--><!--<lst name="invariants"><str name="facet.field">cat</str><str name="facet.field">manu_exact</str><str name="facet.query">price:[* TO 500]</str><str name="facet.query">price:[500 TO *]</str></lst>--><!-- If the default list of SearchComponents is not desired, thatlist can either be overridden completely, or components can beprepended or appended to the default list.  (see below)--><!--<arr name="components"><str>nameOfCustomComponent1</str><str>nameOfCustomComponent2</str></arr>--></requestHandler><!-- A request handler that returns indented JSON by default --><requestHandler name="/query" class="solr.SearchHandler"><lst name="defaults"><str name="echoParams">explicit</str><str name="wt">json</str><str name="indent">true</str><str name="df">title</str></lst></requestHandler><!-- realtime get handler, guaranteed to return the latest stored fields ofany document, without the need to commit or open a new searcher.  Thecurrent implementation relies on the updateLog feature being enabled.** WARNING **Do NOT disable the realtime get handler at /get if you are usingSolrCloud otherwise any leader election will cause a full sync in ALLreplicas for the shard in question. Similarly, a replica recovery willalso always fetch the complete index from the leader because a partialsync will not be possible in the absence of this handler.--><requestHandler name="/get" class="solr.RealTimeGetHandler"><lst name="defaults"><str name="omitHeader">true</str><str name="wt">json</str><str name="indent">true</str></lst></requestHandler><!--The export request handler is used to export full sorted result sets.Do not change these defaults.--><requestHandler name="/export" class="solr.SearchHandler"><lst name="invariants"><str name="rq">{!xport}</str><str name="wt">xsort</str><str name="distrib">false</str></lst><arr name="components"><str>query</str></arr></requestHandler><!-- A Robust Example This example SearchHandler declaration shows off usage of theSearchHandler with many defaults declaredNote that multiple instances of the same Request Handler(SearchHandler) can be registered multiple times with differentnames (and different init parameters)--><requestHandler name="/browse" class="solr.SearchHandler"><lst name="defaults"><str name="echoParams">explicit</str><!-- VelocityResponseWriter settings --><str name="wt">velocity</str><str name="v.template">browse</str><str name="v.layout">layout</str><str name="title">Solritas</str><!-- Query settings --><str name="defType">edismax</str><str name="qf">text^0.5 features^1.0 name^1.2 sku^1.5 id^10.0 manu^1.1 cat^1.4title^10.0 description^5.0 keywords^5.0 author^2.0 resourcename^1.0</str><str name="df">title</str><str name="mm">100%</str><str name="q.alt">*:*</str><str name="rows">10</str><str name="fl">*,score</str><str name="mlt.qf">text^0.5 features^1.0 name^1.2 sku^1.5 id^10.0 manu^1.1 cat^1.4title^10.0 description^5.0 keywords^5.0 author^2.0 resourcename^1.0</str><str name="mlt.fl">text,features,name,sku,id,manu,cat,title,description,keywords,author,resourcename</str><int name="mlt.count">3</int><!-- Faceting defaults --><str name="facet">on</str><str name="facet.missing">true</str><str name="facet.field">cat</str><str name="facet.field">manu_exact</str><str name="facet.field">content_type</str><str name="facet.field">author_s</str><str name="facet.query">ipod</str><str name="facet.query">GB</str><str name="facet.mincount">1</str><str name="facet.pivot">cat,inStock</str><str name="facet.range.other">after</str><str name="facet.range">price</str><int name="f.price.facet.range.start">0</int><int name="f.price.facet.range.end">600</int><int name="">50</int><str name="facet.range">popularity</str><int name="f.popularity.facet.range.start">0</int><int name="f.popularity.facet.range.end">10</int><int name="">3</int><str name="facet.range">manufacturedate_dt</str><str name="f.manufacturedate_dt.facet.range.start">NOW/YEAR-10YEARS</str><str name="f.manufacturedate_dt.facet.range.end">NOW</str><str name="">+1YEAR</str><str name="f.manufacturedate_dt.facet.range.other">before</str><str name="f.manufacturedate_dt.facet.range.other">after</str><!-- Highlighting defaults --><str name="hl">on</str><str name="hl.fl">content features title name</str><str name="hl.preserveMulti">true</str><str name="hl.encoder">html</str><str name="hl.simple.pre">&lt;b&gt;</str><str name="">&lt;/b&gt;</str><str name="f.title.hl.fragsize">0</str><str name="f.title.hl.alternateField">title</str><str name="">0</str><str name="">name</str><str name="f.content.hl.snippets">3</str><str name="f.content.hl.fragsize">200</str><str name="f.content.hl.alternateField">content</str><str name="f.content.hl.maxAlternateFieldLength">750</str><!-- Spell checking defaults --><str name="spellcheck">on</str><str name="spellcheck.extendedResults">false</str>       <str name="spellcheck.count">5</str><str name="spellcheck.alternativeTermCount">2</str><str name="spellcheck.maxResultsForSuggest">5</str>       <str name="spellcheck.collate">true</str><str name="spellcheck.collateExtendedResults">true</str>  <str name="spellcheck.maxCollationTries">5</str><str name="spellcheck.maxCollations">3</str>           </lst><!-- append spellchecking to our list of components --><arr name="last-components"><str>spellcheck</str></arr></requestHandler><!-- Update Request Handler. canonical Request Handler for Modifying the Index throughcommands specified using XML, JSON, CSV, or JAVABINNote: Since solr1.1 requestHandlers requires a valid contenttype header if posted in the body. For example, curl nowrequires: -H 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'To override the request content type and force a specificContent-type, use the request parameter:?update.contentType=text/csvThis handler will pick a response format to match the inputif the 'wt' parameter is not explicit--><requestHandler name="/update" class="solr.UpdateRequestHandler"><!-- See below for information on definingupdateRequestProcessorChains that can be used by nameon each Update Request--><!--<lst name="defaults"><str name="update.chain">dedupe</str></lst>--></requestHandler><!-- The following are implicitly added<requestHandler name="/update/json" class="solr.UpdateRequestHandler"><lst name="defaults"><str name="stream.contentType">application/json</str></lst></requestHandler><requestHandler name="/update/csv" class="solr.UpdateRequestHandler"><lst name="defaults"><str name="stream.contentType">application/csv</str></lst></requestHandler>--><!-- Solr Cell Update Request Handler --><requestHandler name="/update/extract" startup="lazy"class="solr.extraction.ExtractingRequestHandler" ><lst name="defaults"><str name="lowernames">true</str><str name="uprefix">ignored_</str><!-- capture link hrefs but ignore div attributes --><str name="captureAttr">true</str><str name="fmap.a">links</str><str name="fmap.div">ignored_</str></lst></requestHandler><!-- Field Analysis Request HandlerRequestHandler that provides much the same functionality asanalysis.jsp. Provides the ability to specify multiple fieldtypes and field names in the same request and outputsindex-time and query-time analysis for each of them.Request parameters are:analysis.fieldname - field name whose analyzers are to be usedanalysis.fieldtype - field type whose analyzers are to be usedanalysis.fieldvalue - text for index-time analysisq (or analysis.q) - text for query time analysisanalysis.showmatch (true|false) - When set to true and whenquery analysis is performed, the produced tokens of thefield value analysis will be marked as "matched" for everytoken that is produces by the query analysis--><requestHandler name="/analysis/field" startup="lazy"class="solr.FieldAnalysisRequestHandler" /><!-- Document Analysis Handler analysis handler that provides a breakdown of the analysisprocess of provided documents. This handler expects a (single)content stream with the following format:<docs><doc><field name="id">1</field><field name="name">The Name</field><field name="text">The Text Value</field></doc><doc>...</doc><doc>...</doc>...</docs>Note: Each document must contain a field which serves as theunique key. This key is used in the returned response to associatean analysis breakdown to the analyzed document.Like the FieldAnalysisRequestHandler, this handler also supportsquery analysis by sending either an "analysis.query" or "q"request parameter that holds the query text to be analyzed. Italso supports the "analysis.showmatch" parameter which when set totrue, all field tokens that match the query tokens will be markedas a "match". --><requestHandler name="/analysis/document" class="solr.DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler" startup="lazy" /><!-- Admin HandlersAdmin Handlers - This will register all the standard adminRequestHandlers.  --><requestHandler name="/admin/" class="solr.admin.AdminHandlers" /><!-- This single handler is equivalent to the following... --><!--<requestHandler name="/admin/luke"       class="solr.admin.LukeRequestHandler" /><requestHandler name="/admin/system"     class="solr.admin.SystemInfoHandler" /><requestHandler name="/admin/plugins"    class="solr.admin.PluginInfoHandler" /><requestHandler name="/admin/threads"    class="solr.admin.ThreadDumpHandler" /><requestHandler name="/admin/properties" class="solr.admin.PropertiesRequestHandler" /><requestHandler name="/admin/file"       class="solr.admin.ShowFileRequestHandler" >--><!-- If you wish to hide files under ${solr.home}/conf, explicitlyregister the ShowFileRequestHandler using the definition below. NOTE: The glob pattern ('*') is the only pattern supported at present, *.xml willnot exclude all files ending in '.xml'. Use it to exclude _all_ updates--><!--<requestHandler name="/admin/file" class="solr.admin.ShowFileRequestHandler" ><lst name="invariants"><str name="hidden">synonyms.txt</str> <str name="hidden">anotherfile.txt</str> <str name="hidden">*</str> </lst></requestHandler>--><!-- ping/healthcheck --><requestHandler name="/admin/ping" class="solr.PingRequestHandler"><lst name="invariants"><str name="q">solrpingquery</str></lst><lst name="defaults"><str name="echoParams">all</str></lst><!-- An optional feature of the PingRequestHandler is to configure the handler with a "healthcheckFile" which can be used to enable/disable the PingRequestHandler.relative paths are resolved against the data dir --><!-- <str name="healthcheckFile">server-enabled.txt</str> --></requestHandler><!-- Echo the request contents back to the client --><requestHandler name="/debug/dump" class="solr.DumpRequestHandler" ><lst name="defaults"><str name="echoParams">explicit</str> <str name="echoHandler">true</str></lst></requestHandler><!-- Solr ReplicationThe SolrReplicationHandler supports replicating indexes from a"master" used for indexing and "slaves" used for queries. It is also necessary for SolrCloud to function (in Cloud mode, thereplication handler is used to bulk transfer segments when nodes are added or need to recover).><requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler" > <!--To enable simple master/slave replication, uncomment one of the sections below, depending on whether this solr instance should bethe "master" or a "slave".  If this instance is a "slave" you will also need to fill in the masterUrl to point to a real machine.--><!--<lst name="master"><str name="replicateAfter">commit</str><str name="replicateAfter">startup</str><str name="confFiles">schema.xml,stopwords.txt</str></lst>--><!--<lst name="slave"><str name="masterUrl">http://your-master-hostname:8983/solr</str><str name="pollInterval">00:00:60</str></lst>--></requestHandler><!-- Search ComponentsSearch components are registered to SolrCore and used by instances of SearchHandler (which can access them by name)By default, the following components are available:<searchComponent name="query"     class="solr.QueryComponent" /><searchComponent name="facet"     class="solr.FacetComponent" /><searchComponent name="mlt"       class="solr.MoreLikeThisComponent" /><searchComponent name="highlight" class="solr.HighlightComponent" /><searchComponent name="stats"     class="solr.StatsComponent" /><searchComponent name="debug"     class="solr.DebugComponent" />Default configuration in a requestHandler would look like:<arr name="components"><str>query</str><str>facet</str><str>mlt</str><str>highlight</str><str>stats</str><str>debug</str></arr>If you register a searchComponent to one of the standard names, that will be used instead of the default.To insert components before or after the 'standard' components, use:<arr name="first-components"><str>myFirstComponentName</str></arr><arr name="last-components"><str>myLastComponentName</str></arr>NOTE: The component registered with the name "debug" willalways be executed after the "last-components" --><!-- Spell CheckThe spell check component can return a list of alternative spellingsuggestions.><searchComponent name="spellcheck" class="solr.SpellCheckComponent"><str name="queryAnalyzerFieldType">text_general</str><!-- Multiple "Spell Checkers" can be declared and used by thiscomponent--><!-- a spellchecker built from a field of the main index --><lst name="spellchecker"><str name="name">default</str><str name="field">text</str><str name="classname">solr.DirectSolrSpellChecker</str><!-- the spellcheck distance measure used, the default is the internal levenshtein --><str name="distanceMeasure">internal</str><!-- minimum accuracy needed to be considered a valid spellcheck suggestion --><float name="accuracy">0.5</float><!-- the maximum #edits we consider when enumerating terms: can be 1 or 2 --><int name="maxEdits">2</int><!-- the minimum shared prefix when enumerating terms --><int name="minPrefix">1</int><!-- maximum number of inspections per result. --><int name="maxInspections">5</int><!-- minimum length of a query term to be considered for correction --><int name="minQueryLength">4</int><!-- maximum threshold of documents a query term can appear to be considered for correction --><float name="maxQueryFrequency">0.01</float><!-- uncomment this to require suggestions to occur in 1% of the documents<float name="thresholdTokenFrequency">.01</float>--></lst><!-- a spellchecker that can break or combine words.  See "/spell" handler below for usage --><lst name="spellchecker"><str name="name">wordbreak</str><str name="classname">solr.WordBreakSolrSpellChecker</str>      <str name="field">name</str><str name="combineWords">true</str><str name="breakWords">true</str><int name="maxChanges">10</int></lst><!-- a spellchecker that uses a different distance measure --><!--<lst name="spellchecker"><str name="name">jarowinkler</str><str name="field">spell</str><str name="classname">solr.DirectSolrSpellChecker</str><str name="distanceMeasure"></str></lst>--><!-- a spellchecker that use an alternate comparator comparatorClass be one of:1. score (default)2. freq (Frequency first, then score)3. A fully qualified class name--><!--<lst name="spellchecker"><str name="name">freq</str><str name="field">lowerfilt</str><str name="classname">solr.DirectSolrSpellChecker</str><str name="comparatorClass">freq</str>--><!-- A spellchecker that reads the list of words from a file --><!--<lst name="spellchecker"><str name="classname">solr.FileBasedSpellChecker</str><str name="name">file</str><str name="sourceLocation">spellings.txt</str><str name="characterEncoding">UTF-8</str><str name="spellcheckIndexDir">spellcheckerFile</str></lst>--></searchComponent><!-- A request handler for demonstrating the spellcheck component.  NOTE: This is purely as an example.  The whole purpose of theSpellCheckComponent is to hook it into the request handler thathandles your normal user queries so that a separate request isnot needed to get suggestions.IN OTHER WORDS, THERE IS REALLY GOOD CHANCE THE SETUP BELOW ISNOT WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOUR PRODUCTION SYSTEM!See for detailson the request parameters.--><requestHandler name="/spell" class="solr.SearchHandler" startup="lazy"><lst name="defaults"><str name="df">title</str><!-- Solr will use suggestions from both the 'default' spellcheckerand from the 'wordbreak' spellchecker and combine them.collations (re-written queries) can include a combination ofcorrections from both spellcheckers --><str name="spellcheck.dictionary">default</str><str name="spellcheck.dictionary">wordbreak</str><str name="spellcheck">on</str><str name="spellcheck.extendedResults">true</str>       <str name="spellcheck.count">10</str><str name="spellcheck.alternativeTermCount">5</str><str name="spellcheck.maxResultsForSuggest">5</str>       <str name="spellcheck.collate">true</str><str name="spellcheck.collateExtendedResults">true</str>  <str name="spellcheck.maxCollationTries">10</str><str name="spellcheck.maxCollations">5</str>         </lst><arr name="last-components"><str>spellcheck</str></arr></requestHandler><searchComponent name="suggest" class="solr.SuggestComponent"><lst name="suggester"><str name="name">mySuggester</str><str name="lookupImpl">FuzzyLookupFactory</str>      <!-- org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.fst --><str name="dictionaryImpl">DocumentDictionaryFactory</str>     <!-- org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.HighFrequencyDictionaryFactory --> <str name="field">cat</str><str name="weightField">price</str><str name="suggestAnalyzerFieldType">string</str></lst></searchComponent><requestHandler name="/suggest" class="solr.SearchHandler" startup="lazy"><lst name="defaults"><str name="suggest">true</str><str name="suggest.count">10</str></lst><arr name="components"><str>suggest</str></arr></requestHandler><!-- Term Vector Component><searchComponent name="tvComponent" class="solr.TermVectorComponent"/><!-- A request handler for demonstrating the term vector componentThis is purely as an example.In reality you will likely want to add the component to your already specified request handlers. --><requestHandler name="/tvrh" class="solr.SearchHandler" startup="lazy"><lst name="defaults"><str name="df">title</str><bool name="tv">true</bool></lst><arr name="last-components"><str>tvComponent</str></arr></requestHandler><!-- Clustering ComponentYou'll need to set the solr.clustering.enabled system propertywhen running solr to run with clustering enabled:java -Dsolr.clustering.enabled=true -jar start.jar><searchComponent name="clustering"enable="${solr.clustering.enabled:false}"class="solr.clustering.ClusteringComponent" ><lst name="engine"><str name="name">lingo</str><!-- Class name of a clustering algorithm compatible with the Carrot2 framework.Currently available open source algorithms are:* org.carrot2.clustering.lingo.LingoClusteringAlgorithm** org.carrot2.clustering.kmeans.BisectingKMeansClusteringAlgorithmSee for more information.A commercial algorithm Lingo3G (needs to be installed separately) is defined as:* com.carrotsearch.lingo3g.Lingo3GClusteringAlgorithm--><str name="carrot.algorithm">org.carrot2.clustering.lingo.LingoClusteringAlgorithm</str><!-- Override location of the clustering algorithm's resources (attribute definitions and lexical resources).A directory from which to load algorithm-specific stop words,stop labels and attribute definition XMLs. For an overview of Carrot2 lexical resources, see: an overview of Lingo3G lexical resources, see:><str name="carrot.resourcesDir">clustering/carrot2</str></lst><!-- An example definition for the STC clustering algorithm. --><lst name="engine"><str name="name">stc</str><str name="carrot.algorithm"></str></lst><!-- An example definition for the bisecting kmeans clustering algorithm. --><lst name="engine"><str name="name">kmeans</str><str name="carrot.algorithm">org.carrot2.clustering.kmeans.BisectingKMeansClusteringAlgorithm</str></lst></searchComponent><!-- A request handler for demonstrating the clustering componentThis is purely as an example.In reality you will likely want to add the component to your already specified request handlers. --><requestHandler name="/clustering"startup="lazy"enable="${solr.clustering.enabled:false}"class="solr.SearchHandler"><lst name="defaults"><bool name="clustering">true</bool><bool name="clustering.results">true</bool><!-- Field name with the logical "title" of a each document (optional) --><str name="carrot.title">name</str><!-- Field name with the logical "URL" of a each document (optional) --><str name="carrot.url">id</str><!-- Field name with the logical "content" of a each document (optional) --><str name="carrot.snippet">features</str><!-- Apply highlighter to the title/ content and use this for clustering. --><bool name="carrot.produceSummary">true</bool><!-- the maximum number of labels per cluster --><!--<int name="carrot.numDescriptions">5</int>--><!-- produce sub clusters --><bool name="carrot.outputSubClusters">false</bool><!-- Configure the remaining request handler parameters. --><str name="defType">edismax</str><str name="qf">text^0.5 features^1.0 name^1.2 sku^1.5 id^10.0 manu^1.1 cat^1.4</str><str name="q.alt">*:*</str><str name="rows">10</str><str name="fl">*,score</str></lst><arr name="last-components"><str>clustering</str></arr></requestHandler><!-- Terms Component component to return terms and document frequency of thoseterms--><searchComponent name="terms" class="solr.TermsComponent"/><!-- A request handler for demonstrating the terms component --><requestHandler name="/terms" class="solr.SearchHandler" startup="lazy"><lst name="defaults"><bool name="terms">true</bool><bool name="distrib">false</bool></lst>     <arr name="components"><str>terms</str></arr></requestHandler><!-- Query Elevation Component search component that enables you to configure the topresults for a given query regardless of the normal lucenescoring.--><!-- pick a fieldType to analyze queries <searchComponent name="elevator" class="solr.QueryElevationComponent" ><str name="queryFieldType">string</str><str name="config-file">elevate.xml</str></searchComponent>--><!-- A request handler for demonstrating the elevator component --><requestHandler name="/elevate" class="solr.SearchHandler" startup="lazy"><lst name="defaults"><str name="echoParams">explicit</str><str name="df">title</str></lst><arr name="last-components"><str>elevator</str></arr></requestHandler><!-- Highlighting Component><searchComponent class="solr.HighlightComponent" name="highlight"><highlighting><!-- Configure the standard fragmenter --><!-- This could most likely be commented out in the "default" case --><fragmenter name="gap" default="true"class="solr.highlight.GapFragmenter"><lst name="defaults"><int name="hl.fragsize">100</int></lst></fragmenter><!-- A regular-expression-based fragmenter (for sentence extraction) --><fragmenter name="regex" class="solr.highlight.RegexFragmenter"><lst name="defaults"><!-- slightly smaller fragsizes work better because of slop --><int name="hl.fragsize">70</int><!-- allow 50% slop on fragment sizes --><float name="hl.regex.slop">0.5</float><!-- a basic sentence pattern --><str name="hl.regex.pattern">[-\w ,/\n\&quot;&apos;]{20,200}</str></lst></fragmenter><!-- Configure the standard formatter --><formatter name="html" default="true"class="solr.highlight.HtmlFormatter"><lst name="defaults"><str name="hl.simple.pre"><![CDATA[<em>]]></str><str name=""><![CDATA[</em>]]></str></lst></formatter><!-- Configure the standard encoder --><encoder name="html" class="solr.highlight.HtmlEncoder" /><!-- Configure the standard fragListBuilder --><fragListBuilder name="simple" class="solr.highlight.SimpleFragListBuilder"/><!-- Configure the single fragListBuilder --><fragListBuilder name="single" class="solr.highlight.SingleFragListBuilder"/><!-- Configure the weighted fragListBuilder --><fragListBuilder name="weighted" default="true"class="solr.highlight.WeightedFragListBuilder"/><!-- default tag FragmentsBuilder --><fragmentsBuilder name="default" default="true"class="solr.highlight.ScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder"><!-- <lst name="defaults"><str name="hl.multiValuedSeparatorChar">/</str></lst>--></fragmentsBuilder><!-- multi-colored tag FragmentsBuilder --><fragmentsBuilder name="colored" class="solr.highlight.ScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder"><lst name="defaults"><str name="hl.tag.pre"><![CDATA[<b style="background:yellow">,<b style="background:lawgreen">,<b style="background:aquamarine">,<b style="background:magenta">,<b style="background:palegreen">,<b style="background:coral">,<b style="background:wheat">,<b style="background:khaki">,<b style="background:lime">,<b style="background:deepskyblue">]]></str><str name=""><![CDATA[</b>]]></str></lst></fragmentsBuilder><boundaryScanner name="default" default="true"class="solr.highlight.SimpleBoundaryScanner"><lst name="defaults"><str name="">10</str><str name="">.,!?  

</str></lst></boundaryScanner><boundaryScanner name="breakIterator" class="solr.highlight.BreakIteratorBoundaryScanner"><lst name="defaults"><!-- type should be one of CHARACTER, WORD(default), LINE and SENTENCE --><str name="">WORD</str><!-- language and country are used when constructing Locale object.  --><!-- And the Locale object will be used when getting instance of BreakIterator --><str name="">en</str><str name="">US</str></lst></boundaryScanner></highlighting></searchComponent><!-- Update ProcessorsChains of Update Processor Factories for dealing with UpdateRequests can be declared, and then used by name in UpdateRequest Processors> <!-- DeduplicationAn example dedup update processor that creates the "id" fieldon the fly based on the hash code of some other fields.  Thisexample has overwriteDupes set to false since we are using theid field as the signatureField and Solr will maintainuniqueness based on that anyway.  --><!--<updateRequestProcessorChain name="dedupe"><processor class="solr.processor.SignatureUpdateProcessorFactory"><bool name="enabled">true</bool><str name="signatureField">id</str><bool name="overwriteDupes">false</bool><str name="fields">name,features,cat</str><str name="signatureClass">solr.processor.Lookup3Signature</str></processor><processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" /><processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" /></updateRequestProcessorChain>--><!-- Language identificationThis example update chain identifies the language of the incomingdocuments using the langid contrib. The detected language iswritten to field language_s. No field name mapping is done.The fields used for detection are text, title, subject and description,making this example suitable for detecting languages form full-textrich documents injected via ExtractingRequestHandler.See more about langId at><!--<updateRequestProcessorChain name="langid"><processor class="org.apache.solr.update.processor.TikaLanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessorFactory"><str name="langid.fl">text,title,subject,description</str><str name="langid.langField">language_s</str><str name="langid.fallback">en</str></processor><processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" /><processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" /></updateRequestProcessorChain>--><!-- Script update processorThis example hooks in an update processor implemented using JavaScript.See more about the script update processor at><!--<updateRequestProcessorChain name="script"><processor class="solr.StatelessScriptUpdateProcessorFactory"><str name="script">update-script.js</str><lst name="params"><str name="config_param">example config parameter</str></lst></processor><processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" /></updateRequestProcessorChain>--><!-- Response Writers responses will be written using the writer specified bythe 'wt' request parameter matching the name of a registeredwriter.The "default" writer is the default and will be used if 'wt' isnot specified in the request.--><!-- The following response writers are implicitly configured unlessoverridden...--><!--<queryResponseWriter name="xml" default="true"class="solr.XMLResponseWriter" /><queryResponseWriter name="json" class="solr.JSONResponseWriter"/><queryResponseWriter name="python" class="solr.PythonResponseWriter"/><queryResponseWriter name="ruby" class="solr.RubyResponseWriter"/><queryResponseWriter name="php" class="solr.PHPResponseWriter"/><queryResponseWriter name="phps" class="solr.PHPSerializedResponseWriter"/><queryResponseWriter name="csv" class="solr.CSVResponseWriter"/><queryResponseWriter name="schema.xml" class="solr.SchemaXmlResponseWriter"/>--><queryResponseWriter name="json" class="solr.JSONResponseWriter"><!-- For the purposes of the tutorial, JSON responses are written asplain text so that they are easy to read in *any* browser.If you expect a MIME type of "application/json" just remove this override.--><str name="content-type">text/plain; charset=UTF-8</str></queryResponseWriter><!--Custom response writers can be declared as needed...--><queryResponseWriter name="velocity" class="solr.VelocityResponseWriter" startup="lazy"/><!-- XSLT response writer transforms the XML output by any xslt file foundin Solr's conf/xslt directory.  Changes to xslt files are checked forevery xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds.  --><queryResponseWriter name="xslt" class="solr.XSLTResponseWriter"><int name="xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds">5</int></queryResponseWriter><!-- Query Parsers QParserPlugins can be registered by name, and thenused in either the "defType" param for the QueryComponent (usedby SearchHandler) or in LocalParams--><!-- example of registering a query parser --><!--<queryParser name="myparser" class="com.mycompany.MyQParserPlugin"/>--><!-- Function Parsers ValueSourceParsers can be registered by name, and thenused as function names when using the "func" QParser.--><!-- example of registering a custom function parser  --><!--<valueSourceParser name="myfunc" class="com.mycompany.MyValueSourceParser" />--><!-- Document Transformers><!--Could be something like:<transformer name="db" class="com.mycompany.LoadFromDatabaseTransformer" ><int name="connection">jdbc://....</int></transformer>To add a constant value to all docs, use:<transformer name="mytrans2" class="org.apache.solr.response.transform.ValueAugmenterFactory" ><int name="value">5</int></transformer>If you want the user to still be able to change it with _value:something_ use this:<transformer name="mytrans3" class="org.apache.solr.response.transform.ValueAugmenterFactory" ><double name="defaultValue">5</double></transformer>If you are using the QueryElevationComponent, you may wish to mark documents that get boosted.  TheEditorialMarkerFactory will do exactly that:<transformer name="qecBooster" class="org.apache.solr.response.transform.EditorialMarkerFactory" />--><requestHandler name="/dataimport" class="org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler"><lst name="defaults">  <str name="config">dih-config.xml</str>  </lst>  </requestHandler><!-- Legacy config for the admin interface --><admin><defaultQuery>*:*</defaultQuery></admin></config>


<dataConfig> <dataSource type="JdbcDataSource" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://" user="root" password="123456"batchSize="100"autoCommit="false" /> <document name="item"> <entity name="item" pk="id" query="SELECT id,title,sell_point,price,num,barcode,image,cid,`status`,created,updated FROM tb_item"deltaQuery="SELECT id,title,sell_point,price,num,barcode,image,cid,`status`,created,updated FROM tb_item WHERE updated &gt; date_add(str_to_date('${dih.last_index_time}','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'),interval 8 hour)" transformer="RegexTransformer"></entity> </document>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<schema name="example" version="1.5"><field name="_version_" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true"/><field name="_root_" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false"/><field name="id" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" multiValued="false" /> <field name="title" type="text_ik" indexed="true" stored="true"/><field name="sellPoint" type="text_ik" indexed="true" stored="true"/><field name="price" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true"/><field name="num" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true"/><field name="image" type="string" indexed="false" stored="true" multiValued="true"/><field name="created" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true"/><field name="updated" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true"/><uniqueKey>id</uniqueKey><fieldType name="string" class="solr.StrField" sortMissingLast="true" /><fieldType name="boolean" class="solr.BoolField" sortMissingLast="true"/><fieldType name="int" class="solr.TrieIntField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0"/><fieldType name="float" class="solr.TrieFloatField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0"/><fieldType name="long" class="solr.TrieLongField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0"/><fieldType name="double" class="solr.TrieDoubleField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0"/><fieldType name="date" class="solr.TrieDateField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0"/><fieldType name="text_ik" class="solr.TextField"><analyzer class="org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKAnalyzer"/></fieldType></schema>


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--><!-- -->
<li><a href="#" style="background-image: url(img/ico/construction.png);">LAST ITEM</a>

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--><!-- -->
<li><a href="#" style="background-image: url(img/ico/construction.png);">FIRST ITEM</a>

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--><!-- The content of this page will be statically included into the top-
right box of the cores overview page. Uncomment this as an example to
see there the content will show up.<img src="img/ico/construction.png"> This line will appear at the top-
right box on collection1's Overview











      文件:ik_ext.dic         允许索引的词,自定义

         ik_stopwords.dic  禁止创建索引的词,自定义

         IKAnalyzer.cfg.xml   配置文件

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
<properties>  <comment>IK Analyzer 扩展配置</comment><!--用户可以在这里配置自己的扩展字典 --><entry key="ext_dict">ik_ext.dic;</entry> <!--用户可以在这里配置自己的扩展停止词字典--><entry key="ext_stopwords">ik_stopwords.dic;</entry> </properties>






    2、需要开放mysql远程访问权限 grant all privileges  on *.* to root@'%' identified by "root";




<beans xmlns=""xmlns:context="" xmlns:p=""xmlns:aop="" xmlns:tx=""xmlns:xsi=""xsi:schemaLocation=""><bean id="httpSolrServer" class="org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer"><constructor-arg index="0" value="${SOLR.URL}"/><!-- 设置响应解析器,solrj没有提供json解析器,所以通常用xml解析器 --><property name="parser"><bean class="org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.XMLResponseParser"/></property><!-- 设置重试次数,推荐设置为1 --><property name="maxRetries" value="1"/><!-- 建立连接的最长时间 ,单位是:毫秒--><property name="connectionTimeout" value="500"/></bean></beans>





@Autowiredprivate HttpSolrServer httpSolrServer;@Overridepublic List<Item> findItemListByKey(String keyword) {//准备全文检索的对象SolrQuery querySolr = new SolrQuery(keyword);//实现分页querySolr.setStart(0);    //起始位置querySolr.setRows(20);    //每次查询数量    try {//获取返回值对象QueryResponse  response = httpSolrServer.query(querySolr);List<Item> itemList = response.getBeans(Item.class);return itemList;} catch (Exception e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch block
            e.printStackTrace();}return null;}










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