CA:证书颁发机构 (CA: Certificate Authority)

CA is an abbreviation of the "Certificate Authority".


It is also known as a "certification authority", is a trusted corporation or organization that issues electronic documents known as digital certificates by authorizing the identities of websites, devices, email addresses, companies, businesses, or individual persons and linking them cryptographically with a public key.

它也被称为“ 证书颁发机构” ,是通过授权网站,设备,电子邮件地址,公司,企业或个人的身份并将其与个人计算机进行密码链接的方式颁发电子证书(称为数字证书)的受信任的公司或组织。公钥。

In the Digital certificates, the authorized data is submitted about the entity that issued the certificate by the side of the cryptographic link with a public key that can be used to authenticate or validate the identity of the entity attached to the digital certificate.


A digital certificate offers:


  • Validation: It offers validation by providing as an official document to authenticate the identity of the entity that gets issued by the certification authority.

    验证 :它通过提供官方文件来验证证书颁发机构颁发的实体的身份,从而提​​供验证。

  • Encryption: It offers encryption through the cryptographic link with a public key for safe and secure communication above unsafe and unprotected networks such as the Internet.

    加密 :它通过带有公共密钥的加密链接提供加密,以在不安全和不受保护的网络(例如Internet)上进行安全可靠的通信。

  • Document reliability: It offers the reliability of documents which are signed with the certificate so that they cannot be misused or distorted by a third party in transferring documents.

    单据可靠性 :它提供了使用证书签名的单据的可靠性,因此在传输单据时不会被第三方滥用或扭曲。

基本安全和业务标准 (Fundamental security and business standards)

Certificate Authority offers the highly fundamental security and business development progression standard in public key communication by establishing reliance associations and interactions between business enterprises and entities. The Certificates provided by CAs put up reliance among the business enterprises and the entities for the reason that they both can make sure the legitimacy of each other’s identities and establishment.

证书颁发机构通过在企业与实体之间建立依赖关系和交互作用,在公钥通信中提供了高度基础的安全性和业务发展进度标准。 CA所提供的证书在商业企业和实体之间建立了依赖关系,因为它们可以确保彼此的身份和机构的合法性。

The established reliance through CAs can help in allowing specific kind of associations at the same time as restraining some other association, which comprise:


  • In the process of establishing reliance, a business enterprise can consistently put in an application of issuance policies for certificates.


  • A business enterprise can consistently put in an application format arrangement for a given name in issued certificates.


  • A business enterprise can put a stop to issued certificates from being used in a variety of applications.


  • A business enterprise can put a stop to execute some specific unofficial subsidiary CAs.


Algo tagged in: Dictionary – 'C'

Algo标签在: 词典 –'C '



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