
8.1 使用LSTM生成文本

8.1.1 生成式循环网络简史
8.1.2 如何生成序列数据
8.1.3 采样策略的重要性

8.1.4 实现字符级别的LSTM文本生成

# 准备下载语料,并将其转换为小写import keras
import numpy as nppath = keras.utils.get_file('nietzsche.txt', origin = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/text-datasets/nietzsche.txt')
text = open(path).read().lower()
print('Corpus length:',len(text))
Corpus length: 600893
# 提取60个字符组成的序列
maxlen = 60
# 每3个字符采样一个新序列
step = 3
# 保存所提取的序列
sentences = []
# 保存目标(即下一个字符)
next_chars = []for i in range(0,len(text) - maxlen,step):sentences.append(text[i:i + maxlen])next_chars.append(text[i + maxlen])print('Number of sequences:',len(sentences))# 语料中唯一字符组成的列表
chars = sorted(list(set(text)))
print('Unique characters:',len(chars))
char_indices = dict((char,chars.index(char)) for char in chars)print('Vectorization....')
x = np.zeros((len(sentences),maxlen,len(chars)),dtype = np.bool)
y = np.zeros((len(sentences),len(chars)),dtype = np.bool)# 进行one-hot编码
for i,sentence in enumerate(sentences):for t,char in enumerate(sentence):x[i,t,char_indices[char]] = 1y[i,char_indices[next_chars[i]]] = 1
Number of sequences: 200278
Unique characters: 58
# 2.构建网络from keras import layersmodel = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.LSTM(128,input_shape = (maxlen,len(chars))))
model.add(layers.Dense(len(chars),activation = 'softmax'))optimizer = keras.optimizers.RMSprop(lr = 0.01)
model.compile(loss = 'categorical_crossentropy',optimizer = optimizer)
# 3.训练语言模型并从中采样
'''def sample(preds,temperature = 1.0):preds = np.asarray(preds).astype('float64')preds = np.log(preds)/temperatureexp_preds = np.exp(preds)preds = exp_preds/np.sum(exp_preds)probas = np.random.multinomial(1,preds,1)return np.argmax(probas)
import random
import sysfor epoch in range(1,60):print('epoch:',epoch)
#     将模型先在数据上拟合一次model.fit(x, y,batch_size=128, epochs=1)start_index = random.randint(0, len(text) - maxlen - 1)generated_text = text[start_index: start_index + maxlen]print('--- Generating with seed: "' + generated_text + '"')for temperature in [0.2,0.5,1.0,1.2]:print('------ temperature:', temperature)sys.stdout.write(generated_text)# 从种子文本开始,生成400个字符,并且对目前生成的字符进行one-hot编码for i in range(400):sampled = np.zeros((1, maxlen, len(chars)))for t, char in enumerate(generated_text):sampled[0, t, char_indices[char]] = 1.# 对下一个字符进行采样preds = model.predict(sampled, verbose=0)[0]next_index = sample(preds, temperature)next_char = chars[next_index]generated_text += next_chargenerated_text = generated_text[1:]sys.stdout.write(next_char)sys.stdout.flush()print()
epoch: 1
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 216s 1ms/step - loss: 1.6261
--- Generating with seed: "oungest of all
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------ temperature: 0.2
oungest of all
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------ temperature: 0.5
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epoch: 2
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 209s 1ms/step - loss: 1.5358
--- Generating with seed: "ion gain credit in the dreaming
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------ temperature: 0.2
ion gain credit in the dreaming
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------ temperature: 0.5
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------ temperature: 1.0
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------ temperature: 1.2
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epoch: 3
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 225s 1ms/step - loss: 1.4908
--- Generating with seed: " relegated to the
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------ temperature: 0.5
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epoch: 4
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 222s 1ms/step - loss: 1.4611
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------ temperature: 0.2
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------ temperature: 1.0
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epoch: 5
Epoch 1/1
200278/200278 [==============================] - 221s 1ms/step - loss: 1.4399
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------ temperature: 0.2
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8.2 DeepDream





# 使用keras来实现deepdream,我们使用一个预训练过的卷积神经网络,例如VGG16,VGG19,Xception等from keras.applications import inception_v3
from keras import backend as K# 禁用所有与训练有关的操作,因为我们不用训练模型
# 构建不包括全连接层的Inception V3 网络,使用预训练的imagenet权重来加载模型
model = inception_v3.InceptionV3(weights = 'imagenet',include_top = False)
# 这个字典将层的名称映射为一个系数,这个系数定量表示该层激活对你要最大化的损失的贡献大小。
# 注意,层的名称硬编码在内置的Inception V3应用中,可使用summary函数查看
layer_contributions = {'mixed2':0.2,'mixed3':3.,'mixed4':2.,'mixed':1.5
# 定义一个损失函数,就是上边挑选出来的层的激活值的l2范数的加权求和layer_dic = dict([(layer.name,layer) for layer in model.layers])# 在定义损失时,将层的贡献添加到这个标量变量中
loss = K.variable(0.)for layer_name in layer_contributions:coeff = layer_contributions[layer_name]activation = layer_dict[layer_name].outputscaling = K.prod(K.cast(K.shape(activation),'float32'))
#     将该层的l2范数添加到loss中,为了避免出现边界伪影,损失中仅包含非边界的像素loss += coeff * K.sum(K.square(activation[:,2:-2,2:-2,:]))/ scaling
# 设置梯度上升的过程# 这个张量用于保存生成的图像(梦境图片)
dream = model.input# 计算损失相对于梦境图像的梯度
grads = K.gradients(loss,dream)[0]# 将梯度标准化(重要技巧)
grads /= K.maximum(K.mean(K.abs(grads)),le-7)# 给定一张输入图像,设置一个keras函数来获取损失值和梯度值
outputs = [loss,grads]
fetch_loss_and_grads = K.function([dream],outputs)def eval_loss_and_grads(x):outs = fetch_loss_and_grads([x])loss_value = outs[0]grad_values = outs[1]return loss_value,grad_values# 这个函数运行,iterations次梯度上升
def gradient_ascent(x,iterations,step,max_loss =None):for i in range(iterations):loss_value,grad_values = eval_loaa_and_grads(x)if max_loss is not None and loss_value > max_loss:breakprint('...Loss value at ',i,':',loss_value)x += step * grad_valuesreturn x
# 辅助函数
import scipy
from keras.preprocessing import imagedef resize_img(img,size):img = np.copy(img)factors = (1,float(size[0])/img.shape[1],float(size[1])/img.shape[2],1)return scipy.ndimage.zoom(img,factors,order = 1)def svae_img(img,fname):pil_img = deprocess_image(np.copy(img))scipy.misc.imsave(fname,pil_img)# 通用函数,用于打开图像,改变图像大小以及将图像格式转换为Inception v3 模型能够处理的张量
def preprocess_image(image_path):img = image.load_img(image_path)img = image.img_to_array(img)img = np.expend_dims(dim,axis = 0)img = inception_v3.preprocess_input(img)return imgdef deprocess_image(x):if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':x = x.reshape((3,x.shape[2],x.shape[3]))x = x.transpose((1,2,0))else:x = x.reshape((x.shape[1],x.shape[2],3))x /= 2x += 0.5x *= 255.x = np.clip(x,0,255),astype('uint8')return x
# 下来定义实际的deepdream算法,首先定义一个列表,里面包含的是处理图像的尺度,
# 每个连续的尺度都是前一个的1.4倍,及首先处理小图像,然后逐渐增大图像尺寸import numpy as np # 改变以下参数可以得到新的结果
# 梯度上升的步长
step = 0.01
# 运行梯度上升的尺度个数
num_octave = 3
# 两个尺度之间的大小比例
octave_scale = 1.4
# 在每个尺度上运行梯度上升的步数
iterations = 20max_loss = 10
base_image_path = r'D:\study\Python\Deeplearning\ch5\sampledata\train\cats\cat.1.jpg'
# 将基础图像加载成一个numpy数组
img = preprocess_image(base_image_path)original_shape = img.shape[1:3]
successive_shapes = [original_shape]
for i in range(1,num_octave):shape = tuple([int(dim/(octave_scale **i)) for dim in original_shape])successive_shapes.append(shape)successive_shapes = successive_shaes[::-1]  # 将形状列表反转,变为升序original_img = np.copy(img)
# 将图像numpy数组的大小缩放到最小尺寸
shrunk_original_img = resize_img(img,successive_shapes[0])for shape in successive_shapes:print('Processing image shape',shape)# 将梦境图像放大img = resize_img(img,shape)
#     运行梯度上升,改变梦境图像img = gradient_ascent(img,iterations = iterations,step = step,max_loss = max_loss)
#     将原始图像的较小版本放大,它会变得像素化upscaled_shrunk_original_img = resize_img(shrunk_original_ims,shape)
#     在这个尺寸上计算原始图像的高质量版本same_size_original = resize_img(original_img,shape)
#     二者的差别就是在放大过程中丢失的细节lost_detail =same_size_original - upscaled_shrunk_original_img#     将丢失的细节重新注入到梦境图片中img += lost_detailshrunk_original_img = resize_img(original_img,shape)save_img(img,fname = 'dream_at_scale_'+ str(shape)+'.png')save_img(img,fname = 'final_dream.png')





8.3 神经风格迁移



8.3.1 内容损失(只使用一个更靠近顶层的层)


8.3.2 风格损失(使用卷积神经网络的多个层)


8.3.3 用keras实现神经风格迁移




# 定义初始变量
from keras.preprocessing.image import load_img,img_to_arraytarget_image_path = r'D:\study\Python\Deeplearning\Untitled Folder\portrait.jpg'
style_reference_image_path = r'D:\study\Python\Deeplearning\Untitled Folder\style.jpg'width,height = load_img(target_image_path).size
img_height = 400
img_width = int(width*img_height/height)
# 辅助函数
import numpy as np
from keras.applications import vgg19def preprocess_image(image_path):img = load_img(image_path,target_size = (img_height,img_width))img = img_to_array(img)img = np.expand_dims(img,axis = 0)img = vgg19.preprocess_input(img)return imgdef deprocess_image(x):x[:,:,0] += 103.939x[:,:,1] += 116.779x[:,:,2] += 123.68x = x[:,:,::-1]x = np.clip(x,0,255).astype('uint8')return x
from keras import backend as Ktarget_image = K.constant(preprocess_image(target_image_path))
style_reference_image = K.constant(preprocess_image(style_reference_image_path))
combination_image = K.placeholder((1,img_height,img_width,3))# 将三张图片合并为一个批量
input_tensor = K.concatenate([target_image,style_reference_image,combination_image],axis = 0)model = vgg19.VGG19(input_tensor = input_tensor,weights = 'imagenet',include_top = False)
print('load  model')


# 内容损失
def content_loss(base,combination):return K.sum(K.suqare(combination-base))# 风格损失
def gram_matrix(x):features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x,(2,0,1)))gram = K.dot(features,K.transpose(features))return gramdef style_loss(style,combination):S = gram_matrix(style)C = gram_matrix(combination)channels = 3size = img_height * img_widthreturn K.sum(K.square(S-C))/(4. * (channels**2)*(size**2))# 除了内容损失和风格损失,我们还定义了第三个损失--总变差损失,它对生成的组合图象的像素进行操作,使生成的图像具有空间连续性def total_variation_loss(x):a = K.square(x[:,:img_height - 1,:img_width - 1,:] - x[:,1:,:img_width - 1,:])b = K.square(x[:,:img_height - 1,:img_width - 1,:] - x[:,:img_height - 1,1:,:])return K.sum(K.pow(a+b,1.25))
# 定义需要最小化的最终损失
outputs_dict = dict([(layer.name,layer.output) for layer in model.layers])# 用于内容损失的层
content_layer = 'block_conv2'# 用于风格损失的层
style_layers = ['block1_conv1','block2_conv1','block3_conv1','block4_conv1','block5_conv1',]# 损失分量加权平均所使用的权重
total_variation_weight = 1e-4
style_weight = 1.
content_weight = 0.025# 添加内容损失
loss = K.variable(0.)
layer_features = outputs_dict[content_layer]
target_image_features = layer_features[0,:,:,:]
combination_features = layer_features[2,:,:,:]
loss += content_weight * content_loss(target_image_features,combination_features)# 添加每个目标层的风格损失变量
for layer_name in style_layers:layer_features = outputs_dict[layer_name]style_reference_features = layer_features[1,:,:,:]combination_features = layer_features[2,:,:,:]sl = style_loss(style_reference_features,combination_features)loss += (style_weight / len(style_layers)) * sl#  添加总变差损失
loss += total_variation_weight * total_variation_loss(combination_image)
# 使用L-BFGS方法进行优化,创建一个python类,可以同时计算损失值和梯度值,在第一次调用时会返回损失值,同时缓存梯度值用于下一次调用
grads = K.gradients(loss,combination_image)[0]fetch_loss_and_grads = K.function([combination_image],[loss,grads])class Evaluator(object):def __init__(self):self.loss_value = Noneself.grads_values = Nonedef loss(self,x):assert self.loss_values is Nonex = x.reshape((1,image_height,img_width,3))outs = fetch_loss_and_grads([x])loss_value= outs[0]grad_values = outs[1].flaten().astype('float64')self.loss_value = loss_valueself.grad_values = grad_valuesreturn self.loss_valuedef grads(self,x):assert self.loss_value is not Nonegrad_values = np.copy(self.grad_values)self.loss_value =Noneself.grad_values = Nonereturn grad_valuesevaluator = Evaluator()
# 风格迁移循环
from scipy.optimize import fmin_1_bfgs_b
from scipy.misc import imsave
import time result_prefix = 'my_result'
iterations = 20# 将初始图片展开成向量
x = preprocess_image(target_image_path)
x = x.flatten()for i in range(iterations):#     # 对生成图像的像素运行L-BFGS最优化,以将神经风格损失最小化print('Start of iterations:',i)start_time = time.time()x,min_val,info = fmin_1_bfgs_b(evaluator.loss,x,fprime = evaluator.grads,maxfun)#     保存当前生成的图片print('Current loss value:',min_val)img = x.copy().reshape((img_height,img_width,3))img = deprocess_image(img)fname = result_prefix+ '_at_iteration_%d.png' % iimsave(fname,img)print('Image saved as',fname)end_time = time.time()print('Iteration %d completed in %ds' % (i,ent_time - start_time))







  1. python深度神经网络文本二分类代码_如何用Python和深度神经网络识别图像?

    只需要10几行Python代码,你就能自己构建机器视觉模型,对图片做出准确辨识和分类.快来试试吧! 视觉 进化的作用,让人类对图像的处理非常高效. 这里,我给你展示一张照片. 如果我这样问你: 你能否 ...

  2. Python初学者零碎基础笔记(一)

    Python初学者零碎基础笔记 一行代码输入多个参数 方法1.) a,b,c=map(类型,input("请输入").split()) #默认空格分隔,若要转其他类型,把类型换成需 ...

  3. python structure_GitHub - CYZYZG/Data_Structure_with_Python: 这是我在学习《基于Python的数据结构》的时候的笔记与代码...

    Data_Structure_with_Python 这是我在学习<基于Python的数据结构>的时候的笔记与代码 主要参考:数据结构与算法(Python) 对于算法的时间效率,我们可以用 ...

  4. 新建网站了!Github标星过万的吴恩达机器学习、深度学习课程笔记,《统计学习方法》代码实现,可以在线阅读了!...

    吴恩达机器学习.深度学习,李航老师<统计学习方法>,可以说是机器学习入门的宝典.本文推荐一个网站"机器学习初学者",把以上资源的笔记.代码实现做成了网页版,可以在线阅读 ...

  5. 《Python 深度学习》刷书笔记 Chapter 3 预测房价:回归问题

    文章目录 波士顿房价数据集 3-24 加载波士顿房价数据 3-25 数据标准化 3-26 模型定义 3-27 K折验证 3-28 训练500轮,保存每折的验证结果 3-29 计算所有轮次茨种的K折验证 ...

  6. 《Python 深度学习》刷书笔记 Chapter 8 Part-1 生成式深度学习

    文章目录 生成式深度学习 8-1 对于不同的softmax温度,对概率进行重新加权 实现字符级的LSTM文本生成 8-2 下载并解析初始文本文件 8-3 将字符序列向量化 8-4 用于预测下一个字符的 ...

  7. 《Python 深度学习》刷书笔记 Chapter 4 关于电影评论模型的进一步探讨

    文章目录 电影评论模型的进一步改进 4-3 原始模型 4-4 容量更小的模型 4-5 容量更大的模型 4-6 向模型中添加L2权重正则化 写在最后 电影评论模型的进一步改进 我们将在这一节使用实验的方 ...

  8. 《Python深度学习》第五章-5(可视化过滤器)读书笔记

    5.4 卷积神经网络的可视化 卷积神经网络学到的表示非常适合可视化,很大程度上是因为它们是视觉概念的表示\color{red}视觉概念的表示视觉概念的表示.接下来介绍3种可视化方法. 事中\color ...

  9. 《Python 深度学习》刷书笔记 Chapter 5 Part-4 卷积神经网络的可视化(Fillter)

    文章目录 可视化卷积神经网络 2-25 读入模组 5-26 观察图像 观察卷积层特征提取 5-27 建立多输出模型观察输出 5-28 显示图像 5-29 打印全部的识别图 5-32 为过滤器的可视化定 ...


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