Interpolator 被用来修饰动画效果,定义动画的变化率。在Android源码中对应的接口类为TimeInterpolator,通过输入均匀变化的0~1之间的值,可以得到匀速、正加速、负加速、无规则变加速等0~1之间的变化曲线

输入均匀变化0~1.0f之间浮点值,输出先加速超过临界值1.0f 再慢慢又回落到1.0f 连续变化的浮点值。



可以看到3D勋章 360度旋转时,旋转角度先超过了360度,然后慢慢又回到了360度位置,从而呈现一个回弹的视觉效果

了解 3D勋章具体实现,参考文章《3D勋章实现方案》:

  • Android 源码中的动画插值器
  • Easing 经典动画插值器


Android源码中使用 TimeInterpolator 接口修饰动画效果,定义动画的变化率。
代码位于android.animation包下,只包含一个抽象方法为getInterpolation(float input)

// 位于android.animation包下
package android.animation;
// Android源码中的 动画插值器
public interface TimeInterpolator {// 差值计算(输入为0~1.0f之间的浮点值,输出为连续的变化率曲线)float getInterpolation(float input);

TimeInterpolator接口类中,只有一个方法float getInterpolation(float input),根据输入的浮点值input(0~1.0f之间),输出为连续的变化率曲线。


// view 位移动画
AnimatorSet localAnimatorSet = new AnimatorSet();
float[] arrayOfFloat = new float[2];
arrayOfFloat[0] = y0;
arrayOfFloat[1] = y1;
// 位移动画使用了 DecelerateInterpolator() 动画插值器
// 动画效果:先位移超过临界值,再回到临界值
ObjectAnimator localObjectAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view,"translationY", arrayOfFloat);
localObjectAnimator.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());;


1.1 AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator

AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator 该插值器运动曲线 两边慢 中间快,其运动曲线如下图所示:

/*** An interpolator where the rate of change starts and ends slowly but* accelerates through the middle.* 两边慢 中间快*/
public class AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator extends BaseInterpolatorimplements NativeInterpolatorFactory {public AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator() {}public float getInterpolation(float input) {return (float)(Math.cos((input + 1) * Math.PI) / 2.0f) + 0.5f;}

1.2 AccelerateInterpolator

AccelerateInterpolator 该插值器运动曲线 先慢 后快,其运动曲线如下图所示(factor值为1):

/*** An interpolator where the rate of change starts out slowly and* and then accelerates.* 先慢 后快*/
public class AccelerateInterpolator extends BaseInterpolator implements NativeInterpolatorFactory {private final float mFactor;private final double mDoubleFactor;public AccelerateInterpolator() {mFactor = 1.0f;mDoubleFactor = 2.0;}/*** Constructor** @param factor Degree to which the animation should be eased. Seting*        factor to 1.0f produces a y=x^2 parabola. Increasing factor above*        1.0f  exaggerates the ease-in effect (i.e., it starts even*        slower and ends evens faster)*/public AccelerateInterpolator(float factor) {mFactor = factor;mDoubleFactor = 2 * mFactor;}public float getInterpolation(float input) {if (mFactor == 1.0f) {return input * input;} else {return (float)Math.pow(input, mDoubleFactor);}}

1.3 AnticipateInterpolator

AnticipateInterpolator 该插值器运动曲线 先向后超过临界值,再快速向前,像一个回荡的秋千,因此被称为回荡秋千插值器曲线图如下:

/*** An interpolator where the change starts backward then flings forward.* 先向后 再向前*/
public class AnticipateInterpolator extends BaseInterpolator implements NativeInterpolatorFactory {private final float mTension;public AnticipateInterpolator() {mTension = 2.0f;}/*** @param tension Amount of anticipation. When tension equals 0.0f, there is*                no anticipation and the interpolator becomes a simple*                acceleration interpolator.*/public AnticipateInterpolator(float tension) {mTension = tension;}public float getInterpolation(float t) {// a(t) = t * t * ((tension + 1) * t - tension)return t * t * ((mTension + 1) * t - mTension);}

1.4 AnticipateOvershootInterpolator

AnticipateOvershootInterpolator 该插值器运动曲线 先向后运动 超过临界值,再快速向前运动到达临界值,其运动曲线如下图所示:

/*** An interpolator where the change starts backward then flings forward and overshoots* the target value and finally goes back to the final value.* 先向后运动 超过临界值,再快速向前运动超过临界值,最后慢慢回到临界值*/
public class AnticipateOvershootInterpolator extends BaseInterpolatorimplements NativeInterpolatorFactory {private final float mTension;public AnticipateOvershootInterpolator() {mTension = 2.0f * 1.5f;}/*** @param tension Amount of anticipation/overshoot. When tension equals 0.0f,*                there is no anticipation/overshoot and the interpolator becomes*                a simple acceleration/deceleration interpolator.*/public AnticipateOvershootInterpolator(float tension) {mTension = tension * 1.5f;}/*** @param tension Amount of anticipation/overshoot. When tension equals 0.0f,*                there is no anticipation/overshoot and the interpolator becomes*                a simple acceleration/deceleration interpolator.* @param extraTension Amount by which to multiply the tension. For instance,*                     to get the same overshoot as an OvershootInterpolator with*                     a tension of 2.0f, you would use an extraTension of 1.5f.*/public AnticipateOvershootInterpolator(float tension, float extraTension) {mTension = tension * extraTension;}private static float a(float t, float s) {return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s);}private static float o(float t, float s) {return t * t * ((s + 1) * t + s);}public float getInterpolation(float t) {// a(t, s) = t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s)// o(t, s) = t * t * ((s + 1) * t + s)// f(t) = 0.5 * a(t * 2, tension * extraTension), when t < 0.5// f(t) = 0.5 * (o(t * 2 - 2, tension * extraTension) + 2), when t <= 1.0if (t < 0.5f) return 0.5f * a(t * 2.0f, mTension);else return 0.5f * (o(t * 2.0f - 2.0f, mTension) + 2.0f);}

1.5 BounceInterpolator

BounceInterpolator 该插值器运动曲线 快速运动到临界值后,进行几次回跳,类似一个从高空坠落篮球的运动曲线,其运动曲线如下图所示:

/*** An interpolator where the change bounces at the end.* 快速运动到临界值后,进行几次回跳,类似一个从高空坠落篮球的运动曲线。*/
public class BounceInterpolator extends BaseInterpolator implements NativeInterpolatorFactory {public BounceInterpolator() {}private static float bounce(float t) {return t * t * 8.0f;}public float getInterpolation(float t) {// _b(t) = t * t * 8// bs(t) = _b(t) for t < 0.3535// bs(t) = _b(t - 0.54719) + 0.7 for t < 0.7408// bs(t) = _b(t - 0.8526) + 0.9 for t < 0.9644// bs(t) = _b(t - 1.0435) + 0.95 for t <= 1.0// b(t) = bs(t * 1.1226)t *= 1.1226f;if (t < 0.3535f) return bounce(t);else if (t < 0.7408f) return bounce(t - 0.54719f) + 0.7f;else if (t < 0.9644f) return bounce(t - 0.8526f) + 0.9f;else return bounce(t - 1.0435f) + 0.95f;}

1.6 CycleInterpolator

CycleInterpolator 该插值器运动曲线 正弦变化曲线,其运动曲线如下图所示:

/*** Repeats the animation for a specified number of cycles. The* rate of change follows a sinusoidal pattern.* sin正弦变化曲线*/
public class CycleInterpolator extends BaseInterpolator implements NativeInterpolatorFactory {private float mCycles;public CycleInterpolator(float cycles) {mCycles = cycles;}public float getInterpolation(float input) {return (float)(Math.sin(2 * mCycles * Math.PI * input));}

1.7 DecelerateInterpolator

DecelerateInterpolator 该插值器运动曲线 减速插值器变化曲线,其算法为AccelerateInterpolator的完全倒置,同样有DecelerateInterpolator(float factor)构造函数来指定mFactor运动曲线如下图所示(factor值为1):

/*** An interpolator where the rate of change starts out quickly and* and then decelerates.* 减速插值器变化曲线,其算法为AccelerateInterpolator的完全倒置。*/
public class DecelerateInterpolator extends BaseInterpolator implements NativeInterpolatorFactory {private float mFactor = 1.0f;public DecelerateInterpolator() {}/*** Constructor** @param factor Degree to which the animation should be eased. Setting factor to 1.0f produces*        an upside-down y=x^2 parabola. Increasing factor above 1.0f exaggerates the*        ease-out effect (i.e., it starts even faster and ends evens slower).*/public DecelerateInterpolator(float factor) {mFactor = factor;}public float getInterpolation(float input) {float result;if (mFactor == 1.0f) {result = (float)(1.0f - (1.0f - input) * (1.0f - input));} else {result = (float)(1.0f - Math.pow((1.0f - input), 2 * mFactor));}return result;}

1.8 LinearInterpolator

LinearInterpolator 该插值器运动曲线 为0~1之间匀速变化的一条直线,其运动曲线如下图所示:

/*** An interpolator where the rate of change starts out quickly and* and then decelerates.* 为0~1之间匀速变化的一条直线。*/
/*** An interpolator where the rate of change is constant*/
public class LinearInterpolator extends BaseInterpolator implements NativeInterpolatorFactory {public LinearInterpolator() {}public float getInterpolation(float input) {return input;}

1.9 OvershootInterpolator

OvershootInterpolator 该插值器运动曲线 先加速超过临界值1.0f 再慢慢又回落到1.0f,有一个回弹的效果

可使用OvershootInterpolator(float tension)构造函数设置mTension弹力值,mTension值越大,超出目标值的时间点越靠前,超出目标值的回弹距离越大,回弹越明显。


/*** An interpolator where the change flings forward and overshoots the last value* then comes back.* 先超过临界值 再慢慢回到临界值*/
public class OvershootInterpolator extends BaseInterpolator implements NativeInterpolatorFactory {private final float mTension;public OvershootInterpolator() {mTension = 2.0f;}/*** @param tension Amount of overshoot. When tension equals 0.0f, there is*                no overshoot and the interpolator becomes a simple*                deceleration interpolator.*/public OvershootInterpolator(float tension) {mTension = tension;}public float getInterpolation(float t) {// _o(t) = t * t * ((tension + 1) * t + tension)// o(t) = _o(t - 1) + 1t -= 1.0f;return t * t * ((mTension + 1) * t + mTension) + 1.0f;}

1.10 PathInterpolator

PathInterpolator 可以称之为万能插值器,可以通过PathInterpolator构造一个Path路径 或 通过传入点来构造一个贝塞尔曲线(通过这个贝塞尔曲线,我们可以构造任意的变化曲线)。

PathInterpolator(Path path)
PathInterpolator(float controlX, float controlY)
PathInterpolator(float controlX1, float controlY1, float controlX2, float controlY2)

贝塞尔曲线的构建,可以使用如下辅助工具 cubic-bezier:

/*** An interpolator that can traverse a Path that extends from <code>Point</code>* <code>(0, 0)</code> to <code>(1, 1)</code>. The x coordinate along the <code>Path</code>* is the input value and the output is the y coordinate of the line at that point.* This means that the Path must conform to a function <code>y = f(x)</code>.** <p>The <code>Path</code> must not have gaps in the x direction and must not* loop back on itself such that there can be two points sharing the same x coordinate.* It is alright to have a disjoint line in the vertical direction:</p>* <p><blockquote><pre>*     Path path = new Path();*     path.lineTo(0.25f, 0.25f);*     path.moveTo(0.25f, 0.5f);*     path.lineTo(1f, 1f);* </pre></blockquote></p>* 构造一个普通Path路径或者贝塞尔曲线的插值器*/
public class PathInterpolator extends BaseInterpolator implements NativeInterpolatorFactory {// This governs how accurate the approximation of the Path is.private static final float PRECISION = 0.002f;private float[] mX; // x coordinates in the lineprivate float[] mY; // y coordinates in the line/*** Create an interpolator for an arbitrary <code>Path</code>. The <code>Path</code>* must begin at <code>(0, 0)</code> and end at <code>(1, 1)</code>.** @param path The <code>Path</code> to use to make the line representing the interpolator.*/public PathInterpolator(Path path) {initPath(path);}public PathInterpolator(float controlX, float controlY) {initQuad(controlX, controlY);}/*** Create an interpolator for a cubic Bezier curve.  The end points* <code>(0, 0)</code> and <code>(1, 1)</code> are assumed.** @param controlX1 The x coordinate of the first control point of the cubic Bezier.* @param controlY1 The y coordinate of the first control point of the cubic Bezier.* @param controlX2 The x coordinate of the second control point of the cubic Bezier.* @param controlY2 The y coordinate of the second control point of the cubic Bezier.*/public PathInterpolator(float controlX1, float controlY1, float controlX2, float controlY2) {initCubic(controlX1, controlY1, controlX2, controlY2);}private void initQuad(float controlX, float controlY) {Path path = new Path();path.moveTo(0, 0);path.quadTo(controlX, controlY, 1f, 1f);initPath(path);}private void initCubic(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {Path path = new Path();path.moveTo(0, 0);path.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1f, 1f);initPath(path);}private void initPath(Path path) {float[] pointComponents = path.approximate(PRECISION);int numPoints = pointComponents.length / 3;if (pointComponents[1] != 0 || pointComponents[2] != 0|| pointComponents[pointComponents.length - 2] != 1|| pointComponents[pointComponents.length - 1] != 1) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Path must start at (0,0) and end at (1,1)");}mX = new float[numPoints];mY = new float[numPoints];float prevX = 0;float prevFraction = 0;int componentIndex = 0;for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {float fraction = pointComponents[componentIndex++];float x = pointComponents[componentIndex++];float y = pointComponents[componentIndex++];if (fraction == prevFraction && x != prevX) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Path cannot have discontinuity in the X axis.");}if (x < prevX) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Path cannot loop back on itself.");}mX[i] = x;mY[i] = y;prevX = x;prevFraction = fraction;}}/*** Using the line in the Path in this interpolator that can be described as* <code>y = f(x)</code>, finds the y coordinate of the line given <code>t</code>* as the x coordinate. Values less than 0 will always return 0 and values greater* than 1 will always return 1.** @param t Treated as the x coordinate along the line.* @return The y coordinate of the Path along the line where x = <code>t</code>.* @see Interpolator#getInterpolation(float)*/@Overridepublic float getInterpolation(float t) {if (t <= 0) {return 0;} else if (t >= 1) {return 1;}// Do a binary search for the correct x to interpolate startIndex = 0;int endIndex = mX.length - 1;while (endIndex - startIndex > 1) {int midIndex = (startIndex + endIndex) / 2;if (t < mX[midIndex]) {endIndex = midIndex;} else {startIndex = midIndex;}}float xRange = mX[endIndex] - mX[startIndex];if (xRange == 0) {return mY[startIndex];}float tInRange = t - mX[startIndex];float fraction = tInRange / xRange;float startY = mY[startIndex];float endY = mY[endIndex];return startY + (fraction * (endY - startY));}

1.11 OvershootInterpolator

OvershootInterpolator 该插值器运动曲线 先加速超过临界值1.0f 再慢慢又回落到1.0f,有一个回弹的效果

可使用OvershootInterpolator(float tension)构造函数设置mTension弹力值,mTension值越大,超出目标值的时间点越靠前,超出目标值的回弹距离越大,回弹越明显。


/*** An interpolator where the change flings forward and overshoots the last value* then comes back.* 先超过临界值 再慢慢回到临界值*/
public class OvershootInterpolator extends BaseInterpolator implements NativeInterpolatorFactory {private final float mTension;public OvershootInterpolator() {mTension = 2.0f;}/*** @param tension Amount of overshoot. When tension equals 0.0f, there is*                no overshoot and the interpolator becomes a simple*                deceleration interpolator.*/public OvershootInterpolator(float tension) {mTension = tension;}public float getInterpolation(float t) {// _o(t) = t * t * ((tension + 1) * t + tension)// o(t) = _o(t - 1) + 1t -= 1.0f;return t * t * ((mTension + 1) * t + mTension) + 1.0f;}


二、Easing 插值器


easings 官方网址:


举例一个动画插值器 easeInOutBounce。Easing官方对于每一个动画插值器,均给出了完整的算法实现动画运动曲线,开发者可以根据自己的需要自行选择对应的插值器算法,构造自己的动画插值器。

function easeInOutBounce(x: number): number {return x < 0.5? (1 - easeOutBounce(1 - 2 * x)) / 2: (1 + easeOutBounce(2 * x - 1)) / 2;



wolframalpha 调试动画插值器:*3%29%280%3Cx%3C%3D1%29




easings 插值器:



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