Lady General Hua Mu-lan花木兰剧本
Scene 0:
Narrator (N):Oh, come here little girl, tell me, do you want to become a woman as brave as Mulan?
Kid(K):Mulan?But who is Mulan?
N:Oh? You don’t know Mulan? Then do you want to listen to the story about the brave women,Hua Mulan?
K:Sure!Tell me,tell me,Please
N:Ok,ok,long long ago……
K:Must every story begin with a “long long ago”?
N:No,it needn’t,but this story really happened in ancient China……
Scene I
( 战争中李翔之父与胡人首领正在进行殊死搏斗)
General(将军)Li 【GL】: Go back to your land! This land doesn’t belong to you. It’s ours!
Head of Hu 【H】: Yours? (回头对兵,由甲乙丙客串) Hey, he said it’s their land! (兵大笑) We just want to get our land back!
GL: Go to HELL!(去死吧)(15s)(GL受重伤)
H: Hahaha~ Poor man, you’re dying, you know? Fire! Kill them all!!!
GL:You are in the trap. I will die with you.
GL: You will be published.God bless our country.My son, Li Xiang, will kill you himself! (死)
K:So is the story over?
N:Of course not. This just beginning.
Scene II
Father 【F】: En~~ good good~ my daughter is doing just the right thing! Mulan, time for lunch~ have a rest!
Mulan 【M】: (继续打瞌睡) Zzzzz……
F: Mulan~ Mu… (发现木兰在打瞌睡) Mulan!!!
M: (被惊醒) Oh dad? Look I’m doing embroidery~ (低头胡乱绣两针)
F: And this is your work? (拿起木兰手里的东西,两人定格)
N: This girl is Mulan, the heroine of the story.
K: But it seems that she’s not good at doing girl’s stuffs.
N: Actually, she’s much braver than you think.
Leader of Soldier 【L】: Ouch! Hey, be careful! Is this the Hua family? This is the imperial edict. Your family must send a male to the battlefield to protect our motherland!
F: What?
M: Dad, What’s an imperial edict? You look so pale, are you OK? What’s up?
F: Nothing. (背对木兰) Oh, what shall I do? I really want to go to the battlefield to protect
my motherland, but I’m too old to fight! And my son is too young. He’s even too weak to hold a sword!
M: (假装有什么东西) Oh what’s that?
F: (上当) What?
M: (抢过圣旨,看) What? (声音颤抖着) My father is dying. He’s too old to go to the war! But
My brother is too young (随便指个人). (What can I do?低声细语)
L:I’m sorry sir.Oh,I mean lady Mu-lan.You are so beautiful.But your family should send a male to the battlefield to protect our motherland!
M:I had to make a great decition.
N:In order to join the army.Mulan did a great deal of things to make herself look like a soilder.
K: So she disguised herself as a man?
N:Of course. She did it very well.
Scene III
L: Hey, don’t cut in. Line up.
L: Attention! This is our general, Li Xiang! (大家鼓掌)
Li Xiang 【G】:I just want you to follow three "A"s. Tell them what three "A"s are.
L: Yes sir. Action, ability, and agility.
G: Good!..Dismiss~
L: Soldiers, follow me! (带领士兵跑步)
All: (Running)
M: (咬紧牙,但还是掉队) Can I do it well?But, I just a woman.
L: Hey! Are you out of breath for running just one kilometer? You are so weak!
Soldier A: Look! He is so thin and weak. How can our country depend on him?
Soldier B: (表示赞同)I agree with you.
Soldier C: (表示同情)However,how sad is.
L:Hey you three there is no time for chat.
M: (觉得很没面子) I’m just a lady.However, I can surmount you one day.
G: Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree.
M (心里一颤,产生好感,自言自语) He is quite different from others.
G Hey, soldiers. It’s time for dinner.
All: Oh…food! Food! (木兰挤不进去,仍然保留大小姐的态度)
G (叹气,表惋惜) I have to say, they are right, you’re too weak…
G:拿出一份吃的) This is for you.
M: Thank ……. You sir.
G:Enjoy youself.
M: (拿着吃的,感激) He is really a good man. Mulan, don’t let him down! Do your best to become stronger!
K:What a good man he is!
N:I agree with you.
Scene IV
N:One month ago.Mulan still couldn’t do it well.But she worked hard.
SA:I can do it.
SB:I am better than you.
SC:But,I am the best~.How about you weak soilder?
M:Sorry,I can’t do it.
M:(自言自语)If I am as strong as Li Xiang,I can better than them.Nonetheless,why he is so strong.
N:The second day……(外面很嘈杂)
M:Who made such a loud noise.Who got up so early to practice sword.(打哈欠)
G:Good morning Mu-lan.Does my sword practice affect you?Oh,I’m really sorry.
M:No,no,nothing.I mean it’s ok.(拖着下巴,看着李翔练剑,直到黎明)
M:What a good man he is! If our country were peaceful,I would love to marry with him.(陶醉到自言自语)
M:Sir……?Can I join you tommorrow?
G:Of course.If you are willing to.
N:The third day……
G:Here are your sword.Follow me.
G:It’s Ok take your time.
N:Mu-lan and Li xiang practice sword daily basic.Mu-lan has made a great progress.
K:How hard Mulan is!
N:In my opinion, she is one of the most hardworking soilders.
Scene V
L: Sir! Sir! Our enemies (敌人)are coming back again.
G:What? Hey, soldiers! Take up your weapon and follow me. It’s time to fight.
All: Fight!
G:Do you still remember General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I’m his son, Li Xiang.
H: (不屑地) I’ve killed too many people. How can I remember such a guy? It doesn’t bother
me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.
G :It’s depend on whether you can do it or not.Now it is my chance to take revenge on you.
H: You? (哈哈大笑) Impossible!
G:Watch out, I’ll kill you all!
H:Come on little boy.
G:No ,watch out.Run away,fast,fast.
H: See? You’re still a little kid. How can you kill me? I said it’s impossible!
K:What a bad guy head of Hu is.
N:But Justice endures forever.
Scene VI
H:Don’t struggle for nothing.
G:Our army will take you out
N:Mulan is very tangled
M:I’m just a lady.Should I go to save Li xiang?
N:five minutes later
M:Why can’t women advance bravely?Don’t women have the right to judge alone? Don’t women have the power to protect others? Don’t women make something for this country?I must go to save LI XIANG!
M:Li xiang saved us,we must save Lixiang this time
L:I agree with you.
All:save Lixiang! Let the Hu down!
N:Mulan is discussing the plan with you as a temporary general.
K:So now Mulan is the general?
N:Yes,my little kid.
Scene VII
SD: Sir! Sir! Our enemies (敌人)are coming back again.
H:What, again? They’re annoying.Go and beat them back. I have to sleep.
N:Outside the soldiers are fighting, Mulan quietly sneaked into the Hu army leader’s tent.
And Mulan put the knife around the head of Hu master.The Hu leader felt something and opened his eyes.
H:What are you up to?
M:Where is LI XIANG? If you don’t tell me,I will kill you!
N:The leader of Hu people beat Mulan’s sword off.
H:Soldier, get him!
N:The soldier comes in.
M:I am sorry.
N:The soldier points a spear at him.The scene of Li Xiang teaching him in Mulan’s mind coincides with this moment(30s)
N:The lead is dead.
G:Who is there? Is that Mulan? Help me!
H:I’m here. I’ll save you!
N:Hua Mulan and Li Xiang finally occupied the enemy camp, attacked the enemy on both sides with the soldiers, and finally won.
K:They won?(激动!!!)
N:Yeah,they won.
Scene IIX:
Empire (E): My brave(勇敢的)soldiers. Congratulations! You, Li Xiang, I’m proud of you, for my country has such a general like you. And I’m sure your father will be proud of you,too! And you, Hua Mulan, (变得很严肃) you deceived everybody!
G&M:Thank you.
E:Let’s have a victory banquet.
M:Sir,I must go home to take care of my parents.
G:Of course.This is your freedom.
(15s)E: (喝醉之后)My general,our hero.I will betroth Hua Mulan to you.
G:Pardon?Your majesty,are you drunk?
E:No,I’m telling the truth?Where she is?
G:She?Are you kidding me?He went back home just now.
E:Just listen to me! In fact,Mulan hided the truth that she is a girl, she tried to lie
to me! (提高音量) As a result (停顿,突然很和蔼), she save the country! She is our heroine! (大家欢呼)
E:Go and catch up with her .If you are willing to,I can throw you a wedding.
G:I believe your majesty.(一脸懵逼)
K:Will they married?How sweet they are!
Scene IX:
M: Father, I’m back.
F: Mulan, it’s really you?
M: Yes. It’s a long time. But I am back now.
F:Oh my little girl.Go to take a shower and put on your new coat. I believe you will love it.
M:Ok , ok, I’m so tired? Let me have a rest.
Scene X:
G: Excuse me ,Is Mulan here?
N:Here comes a beautiful lady.
G:How beautiful she is!(小声嘀咕)
G:Excuse me lady. Could you tell me where Mulan is .
M:Yes,sir.I’m truly Mulan.
G:I’m sorry lady, please tell me the truth.
M:I’m telling the truth. Here are my helmet and armor.
G:Ok, I trust you. I’m sorry Mulan. I mean, I mean, I fall in love with you.
M:I’m so glad to hear that.
F:Mulan,where is that?Who is the gentleman?
M:This is General Li.
G:Sir,can I have the honor to ask your permission to marry your daughter?
F:En~Just one thing: Take my daughter seriously.
G:I promise!
F:When are you going to get married.
F:How soon?
G:How about now? Let’s go to palace for wedding.
G:Though this is a sudden proposal, would you marry me?
E:Would you like to get married to Li Xiang, Mulan?
M:Oh~~~,I’m so glad to hear that. I proposal.
All: Great!(婚礼,集体)
K:Wow,what a happy ending!
All(全体上台):Thank you!

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