本文为瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(作者:Stephan M. Weiss)的博士论文,共222页。






In thisdissertation, we study the issues of vehicle state estimation and sensorself-calibration which arise while navigating a micro helicopter in large andinitially unknown environments. While proper vehicle state estimation allows long-term navigation, sensor self-calibrationrenders the vehicle a power-onand-go system without the need of prior and offlfflffline calibration steps. Dueto the inherent payload limitation of airborne vehicles like, and especially, amicro helicopter and the restricted availability of global localization informationin indoor or urban environments, we focus on vision based methods in order to achieve our goals. Despite this focus on processingvisual cues, we analyze a general and modular approach which allows the use ofa variety of difffferent sensor types.

In vision based methods, the camera needs special attention. In contrastto other sensors, vision sensors typically yield vast information that needscomplex strategies to permit use in real-time and on computationally constrainedplatforms. We show that our map-based visual odometry strategy derived from astate-of-the-art structure-from-motion framework is particularly suitable forlocally stable, pose controlled flflight. Issues concerning drifts androbustness are analyzed and discussed with respect to the original frame work.A map-less strategy based on optical flflow and inertial constraints ispresented in order to mitigate other map-related issues such as map losses andinitialization procedures. While in the map-based approach the camera acts as areal-time pose sensor, in the map-less approach it acts as a real-timebody-velocity sensor capable of velocity-control the airborne vehicle. We showthat both approaches can be combined in a unifying and complementary frameworkto mitigate each others weaknesses. In all cases, the algorithms are capable ofrunning in real-time on a computationally constrained platform. For aerialvehicle navigation we study a statistical and modular sensor fusion strategy.We focus on the optimal state estimation of the vehicle to avoid additional,computationally heavy control approaches. In particular, we discuss the metricrecovery of an arbitrarily scaled pose or body-velocity measured by the cameraas well as the recovery of difffferent drifts the vision based strategiessuffffer from. Our modular approach allows to treat the camera as a black boxsensor. This renders the computational complexity of our sensor-fusion strategyconstant and applicable to large environments and long-term navigation. Themodularity of our system also allows the addition of a variety of difffferentsensor types. Based on a concise non-linear observability analysis usingdifffferential geometry we isolate the drift states and unobservable modes of asystem with a given sensor setup and provide extensive insight to theobservable modes. We discuss the observability of both, the on-line stateestimation of the vehicle, and self-calibration of the system. The latterincludes all inter-sensor calibration states including the intrinsic inertialcharacteristics. For the unobservable modes, we highlight their dimensions inthe state space by analyzing the continuous symmetries and indistinguishableregions of the system. Based on this, we present the effffects of combining avariety of sensors in order to not only estimate the vehicle state but also torecover difffferent drift and (inter-)sensor calibration states of the system.

The theoreticalanalysis of the non-linear and time continuous multi-sensor system is necessary,but does not provide a suffiffifficient condition for the observability of theimplemented linearized and time discrete system. Thus, we analyze theconvergence behavior in extensive simulations. Our approach is furtherverifified and tested by implementing it on real hardware and testing it onreal data. We perform these tests indoor in a controlled way while havingaccurate ground truth for verifification. Furthermore we perform tests outdoorin a large environment. These outdoor tests prove the validity of the presentedreal-time and on-board vision algorithms converting the camera into black boxedsensor. Also, they show the capability of the entire sensor fusion framework toconvert an aerial vehicle into a power-on-and-go system for real-world,large-scale and long-term operations. The insights gained from the theoreticalanalysis are used to handle sensor drifts and sensor dropouts up to switchingbetween completely difffferent sensor suites in flflight as it is requiredduring indoor-outdoor transitions. This summarizes the dissertation as athorough work going from initial sensor preparation to detailed theory throughcareful implementation and down to successful real-world testing for tomorrowsautonomous aerial vehicles.

  1. 引言
  2. 作为运动传感器的摄像机
  3. 模块化传感器融合:状态估计与传感器自校准
  4. 结果:性能评估
  5. 讨论与结论
    附录A 真实平台上的定量结果



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