#define PHYS_OFFSET  _AC(0, UL)

#ifdef CONFIG_32BIT

#define CAC_BASE  _AC(0x80000000, UL)
#define IO_BASE   _AC(0xa0000000, UL)
#define UNCAC_BASE  _AC(0xa0000000, UL)

#ifndef MAP_BASE
#define MAP_BASE  _AC(0xc0000000, UL)

 * Memory above this physical address will be considered highmem.
#define HIGHMEM_START  _AC(0x20000000, UL)

#endif /* CONFIG_32BIT */

#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT

#ifndef CAC_BASE
#define CAC_BASE  _AC(0x9800000000000000, UL)
#define CAC_BASE  _AC(0xa800000000000000, UL)

#ifndef IO_BASE
#define IO_BASE   _AC(0x9000000000000000, UL)

#ifndef UNCAC_BASE
#define UNCAC_BASE  _AC(0x9000000000000000, UL)

#ifndef MAP_BASE
#define MAP_BASE  _AC(0xc000000000000000, UL)

 * Memory above this physical address will be considered highmem.
 * Fixme: 59 bits is a fictive number and makes assumptions about processors
 * in the distant future.  Nobody will care for a few years :-)
#define HIGHMEM_START  (_AC(1, UL) << _AC(59, UL))

#define TO_PHYS(x)  (             ((x) & TO_PHYS_MASK))
#define TO_CAC(x)  (CAC_BASE   | ((x) & TO_PHYS_MASK))
#define TO_UNCAC(x)  (UNCAC_BASE | ((x) & TO_PHYS_MASK))

#endif /* CONFIG_64BIT */

 * This handles the memory map.

#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
#define _AC(X,Y) X
#define _AT(T,X) X
#define __AC(X,Y) (X##Y)
#define _AC(X,Y) __AC(X,Y)
#define _AT(T,X) ((T)(X))

 *     virt_to_phys    -       map virtual addresses to physical
 *     @address: address to remap
 *     The returned physical address is the physical (CPU) mapping for
 *     the memory address given. It is only valid to use this function on
 *     addresses directly mapped or allocated via kmalloc.
 *     This function does not give bus mappings for DMA transfers. In
 *     almost all conceivable cases a device driver should not be using
 *     this function
static inline unsigned long virt_to_phys(volatile const void *address)
 return (unsigned long)address - PAGE_OFFSET + PHYS_OFFSET;

 *     phys_to_virt    -       map physical address to virtual
 *     @address: address to remap
 *     The returned virtual address is a current CPU mapping for
 *     the memory address given. It is only valid to use this function on
 *     addresses that have a kernel mapping
 *     This function does not handle bus mappings for DMA transfers. In
 *     almost all conceivable cases a device driver should not be using
 *     this function
static inline void * phys_to_virt(unsigned long address)
 return (void *)(address + PAGE_OFFSET - PHYS_OFFSET);

 * Change "struct page" to physical address.
#define page_to_phys(page) ((dma_addr_t)page_to_pfn(page) << PAGE_SHIFT


 * __pa()/__va() should be used only during mem init.
#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
#define __pa(x)        \
({         \
    unsigned long __x = (unsigned long)(x);    \
    __x < CKSEG0 ? XPHYSADDR(__x) : CPHYSADDR(__x);   \
#define __pa(x)        \
    ((unsigned long)(x) - PAGE_OFFSET + PHYS_OFFSET)
#define __va(x)  ((void *)((unsigned long)(x) + PAGE_OFFSET - PHYS_OFFSET))


#if defined(CONFIG_FLATMEM)
#define ARCH_PFN_OFFSET  (0UL)

#if defined(CONFIG_FLATMEM)
#define __pfn_to_page(pfn) (mem_map + ((pfn) - ARCH_PFN_OFFSET))
#define __page_to_pfn(page) ((unsigned long)((page) - mem_map) + \

#define page_to_pfn __page_to_pfn
#define pfn_to_page __pfn_to_page

假如page的实际地址是 p1,   mem_map的地址是 p2;
那么这个宏结果就是  (p1-p2)/sizeof(struct page) + PHYS_PFN_OFFSET;
#define page_to_pfn(page) (((page) - mem_map) + PHYS_PFN_OFFSET)
//page - mem_map=表示从mem_map到page一共有多少个mem_map_t这种结构体,即:一共有多少个页

//对结构体指针进行"+"运算,如:mem_map + 3;结果为mem_map所在地址加上3个mem_map_t结构体大小结构块之后的最终地址
#define pfn_to_page(pfn) ((mem_map + (pfn)) - PHYS_PFN_OFFSET)
//变换一种形式可以更容易理解:(mem_map + (pfn - PHYS_PFN_OFFSET))
//其中index = pfn - PHYS_PFN_OFFSET表示物理页帧号pfn对应的偏移索引号index

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