
As per the stats, there were around 6 billion mobile app users in 2018-19. With increased demand for mobile apps, the number of mobile users has increased exponentially as compared to last years. Hence, it becomes necessary for every mobile app development company to follow some best app development practices in order to deliver the best mobility solution their users.

根据统计数据,2018-19年约有60亿移动应用程序用户。 随着对移动应用程序需求的增加,与去年相比,移动用户数量呈指数增长。 因此,每个移动应用程序开发公司都必须遵循一些最佳应用程序开发实践,以便为其用户提供最佳移动解决方案。

When we talk about best app development practices, it doesn't mean to leave the traditional approaches and start with new strategies. Actually, it requires to rely on the best old practices using modern app development tools and technologies. Before discussing in the technical terms, we first look at some best app development methodologies to come with a perfect mobile app in this competitive era.

当我们谈论最佳应用程序开发实践时,并不意味着要离开传统方法而开始采用新策略。 实际上,它需要依靠使用现代应用程序开发工具和技术的最佳最佳实践。 在讨论技术术语之前,我们首先研究一些最佳的应用程序开发方法,以在这个竞争激烈的时代与完美的移动应用程序一起使用。

让我们快速浏览一下: (Let's have a quick look:)

->提出一个易于理解的应用程序创意 (-> Come up with a comprehensible app idea)

Your mobile application should be easy for users to understand. You can build apps in any specific domain viz. Education apps, healthcare app, social apps etc.

您的移动应用程序应该易于用户理解。 您可以在任何特定域中构建应用程序。 教育应用, 医疗应用 ,社交应用等。

Also be sure to include clear instructions whenever necessary. Keep a balance of text and images and provide concise instructions.Includes text to accompany the graphics. Avoid making the common mistake of relying only on images to tell the story. If your application has too many graphics, users may not be able to discover the real purpose of the application.

另外,请确保在必要时包括明确的说明。 保持文本和图像的平衡,并提供简洁的说明。图形中随附文本。 避免犯仅依靠图像讲故事的常见错误。 如果您的应用程序有太多的图形,则用户可能无法发现应用程序的真正目的。

->将重点转移到核心应用开发上 (-> Shift focus on core app development)

First, develop the main application. Focus on creating the most important features that will form the core of your application. Additional functionality may be available later in the form of add-ons, which users can purchase when necessary. This ensures that your application is light.

首先,开发主要应用程序。 专注于创建将构成应用程序核心的最重要的功能。 以后可能会以附件的形式提供其他功能,用户可以在需要时购买。 这样可以确保您的应用程序轻巧。

->照顾目标受众 (-> Take care of target audience)

Before creating an application, it is important to know your target audience. Who are you creating the application for? How will they use this application? Is there any particular feature that can generate more appeal than the others? It is important and beneficial to answer these questions in advance.

在创建应用程序之前,了解您的目标受众很重要。 您要为谁创建应用程序? 他们将如何使用此应用程序? 有没有可以比其他功能更具吸引力的特定功能? 事先回答这些问题是重要且有益的。

->选择正确的设计方法 (-> Choose a right design methodology )

Designing the correct design methodology is the key to developing a successful mobile application. You can list the full functionality and future components of your application on a sheet of paper and eliminate any problems that may arise at this stage. It is also a good idea to involve potential users in the design process. Your comments will help you improve the design in a way that is well accepted by the end user.

设计正确的设计方法是开发成功的移动应用程序的关键。 您可以在一张纸上列出应用程序的全部功能和将来的组件,并消除在此阶段可能出现的任何问题。 让潜在用户参与设计过程也是一个好主意。 您的评论将帮助您以最终用户认可的方式改进设计。

->引入安全功能 (-> Induce security features )

Mobile devices are vulnerable to multiple threats, since they upload and download data wirelessly in a potentially insecure environment. Therefore, when developing an application, you not only need to incorporate the inherent security capabilities of the platform, but also use tools such as encryption to protect sensitive data. Cleaning data remotely from a lost device is essential. Having an automatic backup mechanism also helps users not have to worry about data backup.

由于移动设备在潜在的不安全环境中以无线方式上传和下载数据,因此它们容易受到多种威胁的攻击。 因此,在开发应用程序时,您不仅需要合并平台固有的安全性功能,还需要使用诸如加密之类的工具来保护敏感数据。 从丢失的设备远程清除数据至关重要。 拥有自动备份机制还可以帮助用户不必担心数据备份。

->需要适当的测试 (-> Proper testing required)

Testing your application before launch is crucial. Although it is recommended to test the application at each stage of development, it is equally important to test the final product. And be sure to do this not with one but with several different users. In case there are problems, correct them and try the application again.

在启动之前测试应用程序至关重要。 尽管建议在开发的每个阶段测试应用程序,但测试最终产品同样重要。 并确保不要对一个用户而是对几个不同的用户执行此操作。 如果有问题,请纠正它们,然后重试该应用程序。

Android应用开发最佳做法 (Android app development best practices)

The great popularity of android has increased the demand for android applications. It is the responsibility of all mobile app development companies to ensure high user experience always. For this, developers need to follow some best practices for android app development:

android的广泛流行增加了对android应用程序的需求。 所有移动应用开发公司都有责任确保始终提供高用户体验。 为此,开发人员需要遵循一些关于Android应用程序开发的最佳做法:

让我们通过各种编码示例来理解这一点: (Lets understand this with various coding examples:)

-> Use strings.xml


Adding text as String resources can be useful when support for new languages that are need to be added.


-> Avoid deep levels in layouts


For having a deep hierarchy of Views actually makes the UI slow, in order to manage layout.


Using the correct ViewGroup, deep hierarchies can mostly be avoided


However, it can be created in either of the following ways:


<LinearLayoutandroid:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:orientation="horizontal"><ImageViewandroid:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:src="@drawable/magnifying_glass" /><LinearLayoutandroid:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:orientation="vertical"><TextViewandroid:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:text="top text" /><TextViewandroid:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:text="bottom text" /></LinearLayout>

There is a second way which can be preferred since it has a single level hierarchy.


<RelativeLayoutandroid:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"><ImageViewandroid:id="@+id/image"android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:src="@drawable/magnifying_glass" /><TextViewandroid:id="@+id/top_text"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:layout_toRightOf="@id/image"android:text="top text" /><TextViewandroid:id="@+id/bottom_text"android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:layout_below="@id/top_text"android:layout_toRightOf="@id/image"android:text="bottom text" />

-> Use an AsyncTaskLoader instead of an AsyncTask


可以如下创建一个简单的AsyncTaskLoader: (A simple AsyncTaskLoader can be created like below:)

class SyncLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<String> {public SyncLoader(Context context) {super(context);}public String loadInBackground() {String result = null;return result;}

iOS应用开发最佳实践 (Ios app development best practices)

Xcode is the IDE of choice for most iOS developers, and the only one officially compatible with Apple. There are some alternatives, of which AppCode is possibly the most famous, but unless you are already a person with iOS experience, choose Xcode. Despite its flaws, it is actually quite usable today!

Xcode是大多数iOS开发人员选择的IDE,并且是唯一与Apple正式兼容的IDE。 有一些替代方法,其中AppCode可能是最著名的,但是除非您已经是具有iOS经验的人,否则请选择Xcode。 尽管有缺陷,但实际上今天仍然可以使用!

->添加CocoaPods (-> Adding CocoaPods)

If you're planning to include external dependencies for example third-party libraries in your project, CocoaPods provides easy and fast integration. You can install like below:

如果您打算在项目中包括外部依赖关系(例如第三方库),则CocoaPods提供了便捷的集成。 您可以如下安装:

sudo gem install cocoapods

首先,运行以下代码: (To start, run the below code:)

pod init

This will create a Podfile holding all your dependencies in one place. After adding your dependencies to the Podfile, you can run

这将创建一个Podfile,将所有依赖项放在一个位置。 将依赖项添加到Podfile之后,即可运行

pod install

->控制器 (-> Controllers)

Use dependency injection meaning passing any required objects in as parameters, instead of keeping all state around in singletons. The latter is fine only if the state really is global.

使用依赖注入意味着将任何必需的对象作为参数传递,而不是使所有状态保持单调状态。 仅当国家确实是全球性的时,后者才是好的。

要在Swift中编码: (To code in Swift:)

let fooView_Controller = FooView_Controller(withView_Model: fooView_Model)

要在Objective-C中进行编码: (To code in Objective-C:)

FooView_Controller *fooView_Controller = [[FooView_Controller alloc] initWithView_Model:fooView_Model];

Try to avoid swelling your sight controllers with logic that can reside safely in other places. Soroush Khanlou has a good description of how to achieve this, and architectures like MVVM treat view controllers as views, which greatly reduces their complexity.

尽量避免使用可以安全地放置在其他地方的逻辑来破坏视觉控制器。 Soroush Khanlou很好地描述了如何实现此目标,像MVVM这样的体系结构将视图控制器视为视图,这大大降低了它们的复杂性。

->包括分析框架 (->Include analytics framework )

It is strongly recommended to include an analysis framework in your application, as it allows you to obtain information on how people actually use it. A good practice is to create a thin auxiliary class, e.g. AnalyticsHelper, which handles the translation of internal application models and data formats (FooModel, NSTimeInterval, ...) to the data layer based primarily on strings:

强烈建议您在应用程序中包含一个分析框架,因为它使您可以获取有关人们实际使用它的信息。 一个好的做法是创建一个瘦辅助类,例如AnalyticsHelper,该类主要根据字符串处理内部应用程序模型和数据格式(FooModel,NSTimeInterval等)到数据层的转换:

func pushAddItem_Event(with item: Item, editMode: EditMode) {let editModeString = name(for: editMode)pushToDataLayer(["event": "addItem","itemIdentifier": item.identifier,"editMode": editModeString])

This has the additional advantage of allowing you to swap out the entire Analytics framework behind the scenes if needed, without the rest of the app noticing.


->调试供应 (-> Debug provisioning )

Sometimes you need to debug a provisioning problem. For example, Xcode may refuse to install the compilation on a connected device, because the latter is not in the list of devices in the profile (development or ad-hoc). In those cases, you can use Craig Hockenberry's excellent provisioning add-on by browsing to ~ / Library / MobileDevice / Provisioning Profiles, selecting a .mobileprovision file and pressing the spacebar to start the Finder quick search function. It will show you a lot of information, such as devices, rights, certificates and the application ID.

有时您需要调试配置问题。 例如,Xcode可能拒绝在连接的设备上安装编译,因为后者不在配置文件中的设备列表中(开发或临时)。 在这些情况下,您可以使用Craig Hockenberry出色的配置附件,方法是浏览至〜/ Library / MobileDevice / Provisioning Profiles,选择.mobileprovision文件,然后按空格键以启动Finder快速搜索功能。 它会向您显示很多信息,例如设备,权限,证书和应用程序ID。

When it is an existing application file (.ipa), you can inspect your provisioning profile in a similar way: simply rename * .ipa to * .zip, unzip it and look for the .app package inside. In the Finder context menu, choose «Show package content» to see a file called embedded.mobileprovision that you can examine with the previous method.

当它是现有应用程序文件(.ipa)时,您可以通过类似的方式检查您的配置文件:只需将* .ipa重命名为* .zip,解压缩并在其中查找.app软件包。 在Finder上下文菜单中,选择“显示包内容”以查看一个名为Embedded.mobileprovision的文件,您可以使用先前的方法进行检查。

After developing an app, you need to perform the following checks:


Authenticity: It implies that the receipt comes from Apple


App match: It says that the app bundle ID in the receipt matches your app’s bundle identifier


Product match: That the product ID in the receipt matches your expected product identifier


Integrity: It says that the receipt has not been tampered with


Freshness: You haven’t seen the same receipt ID before.


尾注 (Ending Notes)

Mobile application development implies strategic thinking using the appropriate mobile application development technology. Taking these best practices into account will help you create a highly functional mobile application without much hassle.

移动应用程序开发意味着使用适当的移动应用程序开发技术进行战略思考。 考虑这些最佳实践将帮助您轻松创建功能强大的移动应用程序。

Do you plan to build a mobile application? Do you want to know an estimated cost of mobile application development? Talk to our mobile application development experts to find out how much it costs to build a mobile application.

您打算构建一个移动应用程序吗? 您是否想知道移动应用程序开发的估计成本? 与我们的移动应用程序开发专家联系,以了解构建移动应用程序的成本。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/477504/



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