当我们做洋流或者风场 可视化时候 echart 虽然也能用 但是数据量过大会很卡


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1yQrIMBMJdSPwnnI8YOC1_Q 提取码: tnhc

import {VectorField} from ‘./VectorField’;
// this.map 为arcgis Map对象实例
let vectorField = new VectorField(this.map);
const options = {
url: “./static/data/2020081106.json”,
displayOptions: {
minVelocity: 0, // 最小速度
maxVelocity: 10, // 最大速度
velocityScale: 0.005, // 速度
particleAge: 90, // 粒子生存的帧数
lineWidth: 0.5, // 线宽
frameRate: 15, // 运动帧率
particleDensity: 10, // 每50x50像素块的粒子数
colorScale: ["#ffffff", “#e9ecfb”, “#d3d9f7”, “#bdc6f3”, “#a7b3ef”, “#91a0eb”, “#7b8de7”, “#657ae3”, “#4f67df”, “#3954db”]

AnimatedEnvironmentLayer 类

import esriLoader from 'esri-loader';
export const AnimatedEnvironmentLayer = {}AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.create = function () {let a = null;
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {const [asd, MapView, Map, Point, GraphicsLayer, SpatialReference, Basemap, esriRequest, on, dom, BaseLayerView2D, watchUtils, webMercatorUtils] = await (esriLoader.loadModules([
]));class AnimatedEnvironmentLayerView2D extends BaseLayerView2D {constructor(props) {super();
this.view = props.view;
this.layer = props.layer;this.view.on("resize", () => {if (!this.context) return;// resize the canvas
this.context.canvas.width = this.view.width;
this.context.canvas.height = this.view.height;
});watchUtils.watch(this.layer, "visible", (nv, olv, pn, ta) => {if (!nv) {this.clear();
} else {this.prepDraw();
}render(renderParameters) {this.viewState = renderParameters.state;if (!renderParameters.stationary) {// not stationary so clear if drawn and set to prep again
if (this.drawing) {this.clear();
this.drawing = false;
this.drawPrepping = false;
this.drawReady = false;
}if (!this.drawPrepping && !this.drawReady) {// prep the draw
this.drawPrepping = true;
if (this.windy && this.windy.gridData) {this.prepDraw();
}if (this.drawReady) {if (!this.drawing) {// this.animationLoop(); // haven't started drawing so kick off our animation loop
}// draw the custom context into this layers context
renderParameters.context.drawImage(this.context.canvas, 0, 0);
this.drawing = true;// call request render so we copy the draw again
}startWindy() {setTimeout(() => {this.windy.start(
[[0, 0], [this.context.canvas.width, this.context.canvas.height]],
[[this.southWest.x, this.southWest.y], [this.northEast.x, this.northEast.y]]
}, 500);
}attach() {// use attach to initilaize a custom canvas to draw on
// create the canvas, set some properties.
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.id = "ael-" + Date.now();
canvas.style.position = "absolute";
canvas.style.top = "0";
canvas.style.left = "0";
canvas.width = this.view.width;
canvas.height = this.view.height;
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");
this.context = context;
}initWindy(data) {this.windy = new Windy(
}clear(stopDraw = true) {if (stopDraw) {this.stopDraw();
}if (this.context) {this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.view.width, this.view.height);
}stopDraw() {this.windy.stop();
this.drawing = false;
}prepDraw(data) {if (data) this.windy.setData(data);this.setParticleDensity();
this.drawPrepping = false;
this.drawReady = true;
}startDraw() {// use the extent of the view, and not the extent passed into fetchImage...it was slightly off when it crossed IDL.
let extent = this.view.extent;
if (extent.spatialReference.isWebMercator) {extent = webMercatorUtils.webMercatorToGeographic(extent);
}this.northEast = new Point({x: extent.xmax, y: extent.ymax});
this.southWest = new Point({x: extent.xmin, y: extent.ymin});// resize the canvas
this.context.canvas.width = this.view.width;
this.context.canvas.height = this.view.height;// cater for the extent crossing the IDL
if (this.southWest.x > this.northEast.x && this.northEast.x < 0) {this.northEast.x = 360 + this.northEast.x;
}setParticleDensity() {if (!Array.isArray(this.layer.displayOptions.particleDensity)) {return; // not an array, so must be a number, exit out here as there's no calc to do
}const stops = this.layer.displayOptions.particleDensity;
const currentZoom = Math.round(this.view.zoom);
let density = -1;const zoomMap = stops.map((stop) => {return stop.zoom;
console.log("zoomMap", zoomMap);
// loop the zoomsfor (let i = 0; i < stops.length; i++) {const stop = stops[i];if (stop.zoom === currentZoom) {density = stop.density;
}const nextStop = i + 1 < stops.length ? stops[i + 1] : undefined;
if (!nextStop) {// this is the last one, so just set to this value
density = stop.density;
}if (nextStop.zoom > currentZoom) {density = stop.density;
}// if density still not found, set it to the last value in the stops array
if (density === -1) {density = stops[stops.length - 1].density;
}this.windy.calculatedDensity = density;
}setDate() {if (this.windy) {if (this.windy.refTime && this.windy.forecastTime) {// assume the ref time is an iso string, or some other equivalent that javascript Date object can parse.
const d = new Date(this.windy.refTime);// add the forecast time as hours to the refTime;
d.setHours(d.getHours() + this.windy.forecastTime);
this.date = d;
}this.date = undefined;
}var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {var extendStatics = function (d, b) {extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function (d, b) {d.__proto__ = b;
}) ||
function (d, b) {for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {extendStatics(d, b);function __() {this.constructor = d;
}d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {var c = arguments.length,
r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") {r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
} else {for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function (k, v) {if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
var AnimatedEnvironmentLayer = /** @class */ (function (_super) {__extends(AnimatedEnvironmentLayer, _super);function AnimatedEnvironmentLayer(properties) {var _this = _super.call(this, properties) || this;
// If the active view is set in properties, then set it here.
_this.url = properties.url;
_this.displayOptions = properties.displayOptions || {};
if (Array.isArray(_this.displayOptions.particleDensity)) {// make sure the particle density stops array is is order by zoom level lowest zooms first
_this.displayOptions.particleDensity.sort(function (a, b) {return a.zoom - b.zoom;
_this.reportValues = properties.reportValues === false ? false : true; // default to true
// watch url prop so a fetch of data and redraw will occur.
watchUtils.watch(_this, "url", function (a, b, c, d) {return _this._urlChanged(a, b, c, d);
// watch visible so a fetch of data and redraw will occur.
watchUtils.watch(_this, "visible", function (a, b, c, d) {return _this._visibleChanged(a, b, c, d);
// watch display options so to redraw when changed.
watchUtils.watch(_this, "displayOptions", function (a, b, c, d) {return _this._displayOptionsChanged(a, b, c, d);
_this.dataFetchRequired = true;
return _this;
}AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype.createLayerView = function (view) {var _this = this;
// only supports 2d right now.
if (view.type !== "2d") {console.error("不支持3D(only supports 2d right now)", view.type)
// hook up the AnimatedEnvironmentLayerView2D as the layer view
this.layerView = new AnimatedEnvironmentLayerView2D({view: view,
layer: this
this.layerView.view.on("pointer-move", function (evt) {return _this.viewPointerMove(evt);
return this.layerView;
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype.draw = function (forceDataRefetch) {var _this = this;
if (forceDataRefetch != null) {this.dataFetchRequired = forceDataRefetch;
if (!this.url || !this.visible) {return;
} // no url set, not visible or is currently drawing, exit here.
// if data should be fetched, go get it now.
if (this.dataFetchRequired) {this.isErrored = false;
this.dataLoading = true;
esriRequest(this.url, {responseType: "json"
.then(function (response) {_this.dataFetchRequired = false;
_this.doDraw(response.data); // all sorted draw now.
_this.dataLoading = false;
.otherwise(function (err) {console.error("Error occurred retrieving data. " + err);
_this.dataLoading = false;
_this.isErrored = true;
else {// no need for data, just draw. no need for data, just draw.
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype.stop = function () {if (this.layerView) {this.layerView.stopDraw();
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype.start = function () {this.doDraw();
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype.doDraw = function (data) {this.layerView.prepDraw(data);
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype.viewPointerMove = function (evt) {if (!this.layerView.windy || !this.visible) {return;
var mousePos = this._getMousePos(evt);
var point = this.layerView.view.toMap({x: mousePos.x, y: mousePos.y});
if (point.spatialReference.isWebMercator) {point = webMercatorUtils.webMercatorToGeographic(point);
var grid = this.layerView.windy.interpolate(point.x, point.y);
var result = {point: point,
target: this
if (!grid || (isNaN(grid[0]) || isNaN(grid[1]) || !grid[2])) {// the current point contains no data in the windy grid, so emit an object with no speed or direction object
this.emit("point-report", result);
// get the speed and direction and emit the result 获得速度和方向,并发出结果
result.velocity = this._vectorToSpeed(grid[0], grid[1]);
result.degree = this._vectorToDegrees(grid[0], grid[1]);
this.emit("point-report", result);
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype._vectorToSpeed = function (uMs, vMs) {var speedAbs = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(uMs, 2) + Math.pow(vMs, 2));
return speedAbs;
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype._vectorToDegrees = function (uMs, vMs) {var abs = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(uMs, 2) + Math.pow(vMs, 2));
var direction = Math.atan2(uMs / abs, vMs / abs);
var directionToDegrees = direction * 180 / Math.PI + 180;
directionToDegrees += 180;
if (directionToDegrees >= 360) {directionToDegrees -= 360;
return directionToDegrees;
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype._getMousePos = function (evt) {// container on the view is actually a html element at this point, not a string as the typings suggest.
var container = this.layerView.view.container;
var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
return {x: evt.x - rect.left,
y: evt.y - rect.top
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype._urlChanged = function (a, b, c, d) {this.stop();
this.dataFetchRequired = true;
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype._visibleChanged = function (visible, b, c, d) {if (!visible) {this.stop();
else {this.draw();
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype._displayOptionsChanged = function (newOptions, b, c, d) {if (!this.layerView.windy) {return;
__metadata("design:type", String)
], AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype, "url", void 0);
__metadata("design:type", Object)
], AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype, "displayOptions", void 0);
__metadata("design:type", Boolean)
], AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype, "reportValues", void 0);
__metadata("design:type", Boolean)
], AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype, "dataLoading", void 0);
__metadata("design:type", Boolean)
], AnimatedEnvironmentLayer.prototype, "isErrored", void 0);
AnimatedEnvironmentLayer = __decorate([
__metadata("design:paramtypes", [Object])
], AnimatedEnvironmentLayer);
return AnimatedEnvironmentLayer;
var Windy = /** @class */ (function () {function Windy(canvas, options, data) {this.NULL_WIND_VECTOR = [NaN, NaN, null]; // singleton for no wind in the form: [u, v, magnitude]
this.canvas = canvas;
this.gridData = data;
}Windy.prototype.setData = function (data) {this.gridData = data;
Windy.prototype.setDisplayOptions = function (options) {this.displayOptions = options;
// setup some defaults
this.displayOptions.minVelocity = this.displayOptions.minVelocity || 0;
this.displayOptions.maxVelocity = this.displayOptions.maxVelocity || 10;
this.displayOptions.particleDensity = this.displayOptions.particleDensity || 10;
this.calculatedDensity = Array.isArray(this.displayOptions.particleDensity) ? 10 : this.displayOptions.particleDensity;
this.displayOptions.velocityScale = (this.displayOptions.velocityScale || 0.005) * (Math.pow(window.devicePixelRatio, 1 / 3) || 1); // scale for velocity (completely arbitrary -- this value looks nice)
this.displayOptions.particleAge = this.displayOptions.particleAge || 90;
this.displayOptions.lineWidth = this.displayOptions.lineWidth || 1;
this.displayOptions.particleReduction = this.displayOptions.particleReduction || (Math.pow(window.devicePixelRatio, 1 / 3) || 1.6); // multiply particle count for mobiles by this amount
this.displayOptions.frameRate = this.displayOptions.frameRate || 15;
var defaultColorScale = ["rgb(61,160,247)", "rgb(99,164,217)", "rgb(138,168,188)", "rgb(177,173,158)", "rgb(216,177,129)", "rgb(255,182,100)", "rgb(240,145,87)", "rgb(225,109,74)", "rgb(210,72,61)", "rgb(195,36,48)", "rgb(180,0,35)"];
this.colorScale = this.displayOptions.colorScale || defaultColorScale;
this.FRAME_TIME = 1000 / this.displayOptions.frameRate; // desired frames per second
Windy.prototype.start = function (bounds, width, height, extent) {var _this = this;
var mapBounds = {south: this.deg2rad(extent[0][1]),
north: this.deg2rad(extent[1][1]),
east: this.deg2rad(extent[1][0]),
west: this.deg2rad(extent[0][0]),
width: width,
height: height
// build grid
this.buildGrid(this.gridData, function (gridResult) {var builtBounds = _this.buildBounds(bounds, width, height);
_this.interpolateField(gridResult, builtBounds, mapBounds, function (bounds, field) {// animate the canvas with random points
Windy.field = field;
_this.animate(bounds, Windy.field);
Windy.prototype.stop = function () {if (Windy.field) {Windy.field.release();
if (Windy.animationLoop) {cancelAnimationFrame(Windy.animationLoop);
* Get interpolated grid value from Lon/Lat position
* @param lon {Float} Longitude更多消息参考https://xiaozhuanlan.com/topic/2178340659

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