cesium 默认展示2d

There’s no better opportunity to start a new page of your notepad and start sketching your games ideas because we are celebrating the recently released new 2D tools!


The new tools open up a new world of possibilities. You can import vector graphics to reduce sprite sizes and scale at any resolution, make pixel art or retro gaming camera component, organic & efficient environments with SpriteShape, new types of tilemaps, sprite rigging animation in 2D… we will love to see what you can create using these tools to design your 2D demo.

新工具开辟了可能性的新世界。 您可以导入矢量图形以缩小精灵大小并以任何分辨率缩放,使用SpriteShape制作像素艺术或复古游戏相机组件,有机高效的环境,新型图块地图,2D精灵绑定动画……我们将很乐意为您提供帮助使用这些工具来创建2D演示。

Join the Challenge


新的2D工具 (New 2D Tools)

The new suite of 2D tools can spark new game ideas, since you are no longer restricted to traditional 2D sprites for your game, side-scrolling or top-down grids. Even better, you can create your own tools using the new 2D tools APIs.

新的2D工具套件可以激发新的游戏创意,因为您不再局限于传统的2D精灵游戏,侧滚动或自上而下的网格。 更好的是,您可以使用新的2D工具API创建自己的工具。

We’re looking for demos making a great use of the new 2D tools, you can focus on original game mechanics, gorgeous graphics, or even better, a mix of all those. Just make us say Wow!

我们正在寻找充分利用新2D工具的演示,您可以专注于原始游戏机制,精美的图形,甚至更好地融合所有这些。 只是让我们说哇!

You must at least use one of the new 2D features in a prominent way in your project, but you don’t need to use all of them. Here’s a list, with links to resources:

您必须至少在项目中以醒目的方式使用一种新的2D功能,但是您不必使用所有这些功能。 这是带有资源链接的列表:

2D Animation


2D Inverse Kinematics


2D Cinemachine,


2D Tilemaps (square, hexagons or isometric),

2D Tilemaps (正方形,六边形或等距),

2D SpriteShape,

2D SpriteShape ,

2D Pixel Perfect,

2D Pixel Perfect ,

Vector Graphics (this package includes an SVG importer and generic vector graphics APIs).

矢量图形 (此软件包包括SVG导入器和通用矢量图形API)。


比赛是关于什么的? (What’s the contest about?)

Starting on 23rd October 2018 (during Unite LA’s keynote) until 17th December 2018 you can submit your game projects on Unity Connect.

从2018年10月23日(在Unite LA的主题演讲期间)开始,直到2018年12月17日,您可以在Unity Connect上提交您的游戏项目。

The project can’t have been published before or use copyrighted material.


For the submission, you should send a visual presentation of the project and some insight into the making of (sketches, clips using the editor, visual explanations of how you created an interesting part of the project with GIFs…).


Remember to use the hashtag #Unity2DChallenge when either submitting your project or while working on it and sharing the progress on social media, we will love to see what’s being cooked.


SpriteShape in action.


奖品 (Prizes)

A 1st prize of $2000, 2nd prize of $1000 and a 3rd prize of $500 will be awarded to the best projects submitted for our judges.


You can also opt for a special prize of $500 if you create an original editor tool that can help you create your game using the new 2D tools APIs

如果您创建一个可以使用新的2D工具API帮助您创建游戏的原始编辑器工具,则还可以选择获得$ 500的特别奖。

评委 (Judges)

这是给你的吗? (Is this for you?)

Are you new to Unity and need something to trigger your dormant game creation passion? YES.

您是Unity的新手,需要一些东西来激发您Hibernate的游戏创作激情吗? 是。

Are you a 2D artist and want to put your skills to test (and show-off) YES.


Are you a Unity fan eager to try the new Unity features? YES.

您是Unity粉丝急于尝试新的Unity功能吗? 是。

Are you an experienced developer busy working on complex projects? YES (have some fun on the side!)

您是一位经验丰富的开发人员,忙于复杂项目吗? 是(侧面有乐趣!)

You are on your own? Perfect.

你只能靠自己? 完善。

You are a team of 4 friends? Perfect, but no more please.

您是由4个朋友组成的团队吗? 完美,但是请不要再说了。

更多2D开发资源 (More resources for 2D Development)

Get started with Unity for 2D: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/s/2d-game-creation

Unity 2D入门: https : //unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/s/2d-game-creation

New 2D Game kit: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/s/2d-game-kit

新的2D游戏套件: https : //unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/s/2d-game-kit

Unity 2D documentation manual: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Unity2D.html

Unity 2D文档手册: https : //docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Unity2D.html

Nine 2D tools to make your life easier: https://unity3d.com/how-to/highlights-from-end-to-end-2D-toolset

九种2D工具使您的生活更轻松: https : //unity3d.com/how-to/highlights-from-end-to-end-2D-toolset

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/11/05/show-the-world-what-you-can-do-with-2d/

cesium 默认展示2d

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