
//~~~~~~~ begin of program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#include <cairo.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <time.h>
static char buffer[256];
*  把buffer显示到窗口中

*  每次画窗口时调用

static gboolean
on_expose_event(GtkWidget *widget,
GdkEventExpose *event,
gpointer data)
cairo_t *cr;
cr = gdk_cairo_create(widget->window);
cairo_move_to(cr, 30, 30);
cairo_show_text(cr, buffer);
return FALSE;


*  把当前时间打印到buffer中,并且重画窗口

*  每次timeout后调用,即每秒调用一次

static gboolean
time_handler(GtkWidget *widget)
if (widget->window == NULL) return FALSE;
time_t curtime;
struct tm *loctime;
curtime = time(NULL);
loctime = localtime(&curtime);
strftime(buffer, 256, "%T", loctime);
return TRUE;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
GtkWidget *window;
GtkWidget *darea;
gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
darea = gtk_drawing_area_new();
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER (window), darea);
g_signal_connect(darea, "expose-event",
G_CALLBACK(on_expose_event), NULL);   // 每次画窗口时的callback
g_signal_connect(window, "destroy",
G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL);
gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(window), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), 170, 100);
gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), "timer");
g_timeout_add(1000, (GSourceFunc) time_handler, (gpointer) window);
return 0;

//~~~~~~~ end of program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




g_timeout_add ()

guint               g_timeout_add                       (guint interval,                                                         GSourceFunc function,                                                         gpointer data);

Sets a function to be called at regular intervals, with the default priority, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT. The function is called repeatedly until it returns FALSE, at which point the timeout is automatically destroyed and the function will not be called again. The first call to the function will be at the end of the first interval.

Note that timeout functions may be delayed, due to the processing of other event sources. Thus they should not be relied on for precise timing. After each call to the timeout function, the time of the next timeout is recalculated based on the current time and the given interval (it does not try to 'catch up' time lost in delays).

interval : the time between calls to the function, in milliseconds (1/1000ths of a second)
function : function to call
data : data to pass to function
Returns : the ID (greater than 0) of the event source.


gint timeout_callback(gpointer data);


void g_source_remove(gint tag);


更多的参考可见GTK+tutorial 相关章节:


g_timeout_add_full ()

guint               g_timeout_add_full                  (gint priority,                                                         guint interval,                                                         GSourceFunc function,                                                         gpointer data,                                                         GDestroyNotify notify);

Sets a function to be called at regular intervals, with the given priority. The function is called repeatedly until it returns FALSE, at which point the timeout is automatically destroyed and the function will not be called again. The notify function is called when the timeout is destroyed. The first call to the function will be at the end of the first interval.

Note that timeout functions may be delayed, due to the processing of other event sources. Thus they should not be relied on for precise timing. After each call to the timeout function, the time of the next timeout is recalculated based on the current time and the given interval (it does not try to 'catch up' time lost in delays).

priority : the priority of the idle source. Typically this will be in the range between G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE and G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE.
interval : the time between calls to the function, in milliseconds (1/1000ths of a second)
function : function to call
data : data to pass to function
notify : function to call when the idle is removed, or NULL
Returns : the ID (greater than 0) of the event source.

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