css 按钮固定在右上交

With a mouse, you can “right-click” on your iPad—Apple calls this a “Secondary Click”. If you’re left-handed instead of right-handed (or simply prefer a different setup), it’s possible to swap the function of the two main mouse buttons. Here’s how.

使用鼠标,您可以在iPad上“右键单击”,Apple将其称为“第二次单击”。 如果您是惯用左手而不是惯用右手(或者只是喜欢使用其他设置),则可以交换两个主鼠标按钮的功能。 这是如何做。

To change this option, open the Settings app, and navigate to General, then tap on Trackpad & Mouse.


If you can’t find Trackpad & Mouse in Settings, that’s because the option only shows up if a mouse or trackpad is connected to the iPad. Connect a mouse and try again.

如果在“设置”中找不到“触控板和鼠标”,那是因为只有在将鼠标或触控板连接到iPad时才会显示该选项。 连接鼠标,然后重试。

In Trackpad & Mouse, you can change settings such as your mouse’s tracking speed and the direction of the scroll wheel. But for now, tap on “Secondary Click”.

在触控板和鼠标中,您可以更改设置,例如鼠标的跟踪速度和滚轮的方向。 但是现在,请点击“二次点击”。

You will be given an option to set the Secondary Click to the right or left mouse button. Choose the option you’d like by tapping on it. Most right-handed people use the right button by default.

您将获得一个选项,可以将“辅助单击”设置为鼠标右键或鼠标左键。 通过点击选择您想要的选项。 默认情况下,大多数惯用右手的人都使用右键。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/666293/how-to-swap-left-and-right-mouse-buttons-on-an-ipad/

css 按钮固定在右上交

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