A. The Fair Nut and Elevator

time limit per test : 1 second
memory limit per test : 256 megabytes
input : standard input
output : standard output

The Fair Nut lives in ? story house. ?? people live on the ?-th floor of the house. Every person uses elevator twice a day: to get from the floor where he/she lives to the ground (first) floor and to get from the first floor to the floor where he/she lives, when he/she comes back home in the evening. It was decided that elevator, when it is not used, will stay on the ?-th floor, but ? hasn’t been chosen yet. When a person needs to get from floor ? to floor ?, elevator follows the simple algorithm: Moves from the ?-th floor (initially it stays on the ?-th floor) to the ?-th and takes the passenger.Moves from the ?-th floor to the ?-th floor and lets out the passenger (if ? equals ?, elevator just opens and closes the doors, but still comes to the floor from the ?-th floor).Moves from the ?-th floor back to the ?-th. The elevator never transposes more than one person and always goes back to the floor ? before transposing a next passenger. The elevator spends one unit of electricity to move between neighboring floors. So moving from the ?-th floor to the ?-th floor requires |?−?| units of electricity.
Your task is to help Nut to find the minimum number of electricity units, that it would be enough for one day, by choosing an optimal the ?-th floor. Don’t forget than elevator initially stays on the ?-th floor.


The first line contains one integer ? (1≤?≤100) — the number of floors.
The second line contains ? integers ?1,?2,…,?? (0≤??≤100) — the number of people on each floor.


In a single line, print the answer to the problem — the minimum number of electricity units.


3 0 2 1




1 1




In the first example, the answer can be achieved by choosing the second floor as the ?-th floor. Each person from the second floor (there are two of them) would spend 4 units of electricity per day (2 to get down and 2 to get up), and one person from the third would spend 8 units of electricity per day (4 to get down and 4 to get up). 4⋅2+8⋅1=16
In the second example, the answer can be achieved by choosing the first floor as the ?-th floor.




#define N 1001
using namespace std;
long long a[N],n,ans=0x7fffffff;
long long _abs(long long k)
{if(k>=0) return k;else return (0-k);
long long f1(long long x,long long k)
{long long ret=_abs(x-k)+k+x-2;ret*=(2*a[k]);return ret;
int main()
{scanf("%lld",&n);for(long long i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%lld",&a[i]);for(long long i=1;i<=n;i++){long long ls=0;for(long long j=1;j<=n;j++) ls+=f1(i,j);if(ls<ans) ans=ls;}printf("%lld\n",ans);return 0;

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