
We’ve already shown you some great ways to get your keyboard clean. For geeks that aren’t faint of heart, check out how to make your keyboard dishwasher safe and clean it with half the work and in half the time.

我们已经向您展示了一些清洁键盘的好方法 。 对于不怕麻烦的极客,请查看如何使键盘洗碗机安全并用一半的工作和一半的时间清洁它。

Keyboards can be, and often are, literally dirtier than toilets. But taking off keys and swabbing with alcohol can really be time consuming and painstaking work, where making a keyboard dishwasher safe is a simple ten or fifteen minute job. Here’s how to clean and sanitize your keyboard the How-To Geek way!

键盘实际上经常比马桶脏。 但是,取下键并用酒精擦拭确实是耗时且费力的工作,而使键盘洗碗机安全仅需10到15分钟即可完成。 这是如何使用极客方法清洁和消毒键盘的方法!

This is a very common PS2 keyboard, as you can see from the prominent Dell logo. You may have a slightly different keyboard, but the fundamentals of this how-to are going to be the same for virtually all readers.

从显眼的Dell徽标中可以看出,这是一种非常常见的PS2键盘。 您可能会使用略有不同的键盘,但是对于几乎所有读者而言,此操作方法的基础都是相同的。

(Author’s Note: As with any how-to involving opening up equipment, you’re risking damaging it if you don’t know what you’re doing. However, most keyboards are extremely simple, so this is more or less safe for anyone with enough skill to operate a screwdriver. Still, DIY is only for the brave at heart!)


Start with a dirty keyboard, full of caked on food, drink, bacteria, sneeze, and whatever else you might have done to it over the years since you either bought it or—ahem—cleaned it last.

开始用脏的键盘,充满结块食品,饮料,细菌,打喷嚏,和其他任何你可能会做它多年来是因为您上次买它或- 啊哈 -cleaned它。

Don’t’ worry about all the dust bunnies, etc that live between the keys. Pretty much, for our purposes, the dirtier, the better. But, if you like, you can always give it a quick blast with a can of compressed air, or spend some time pre-treating it to get it extra clean.

不要担心钥匙之间存在的所有灰尘兔子等。 就我们的目的而言,几乎更好。 但是,如果愿意,您总是可以用一罐压缩空气对其进行快速喷砂处理,或者花一些时间对其进行预处理以使其更加清洁

Flip the keyboard around to the back, where we’ll need to pop out several of the screws holding the keyboard case together.


You’ll find there are rather a lot of them. Check all of the visible screw holes, including some of the deeper, counter sunk ones hidden beneath the outer surface.

您会发现其中有很多。 检查所有可见的螺丝Kong,包括隐藏在外表面下的一些更深的,沉没的螺丝Kong。

An ordinary Philips head screwdriver will get the job done for nearly all keyboards. You may find that some Apple models or various other keyboards may use less common screw heads like hex or torx, in which case you’ll need an allen key, or some other tool. However, most keyboards should be assembled with basic screws and require only basic screwdrivers.

普通的飞利浦螺丝起子几乎可以完成所有键盘的工作。 您可能会发现某些Apple型号或其他键盘可能使用了不太常见的螺丝头(例如六角或梅花形),在这种情况下,您将需要六角扳手或其他工具。 但是,大多数键盘使用基本螺钉组装,并且仅需要基本螺丝起子即可。

They keyboard assembly should basically fall apart without the screws. Your keyboard may have a snap or other catch that allows the assembly to fall apart, but most likely if it does not immediately come open, you’ve still got screws holding it together.

它们的键盘组件基本上应该在没有螺丝的情况下散开。 键盘上可能有一个卡扣或其他卡扣,使组件散开,但最有可能的是,如果没有立即将其打开,则仍然会有螺钉将其固定在一起。

Let’s take a quick look at the parts inside the keyboard. This is the back of the actual “keyboard” part of the keyboard, made with purely mechanical buttons and keys. Nothing but plastic and metal here.

让我们快速看一下键盘内部的部件。 这是键盘的实际“键盘”部分的背面,该部分由纯机械按钮和按键制成。 这里只有塑料和金属。

This is the controller and the dome-switch membrane. You can easily reach in and pull out the membrane with your hands—it is likely not attached to anything.

这是控制器和薄膜开关膜。 您可以轻松地用手伸入和拉出膜-膜可能没有附着在任何东西上。

The controller will be held in by several screws and attached to the PS2 or USB cable that leads out of the case. Your same screwdriver should remove them without issue.

控制器将由几颗螺钉固定,并连接到从机箱中引出的PS2或USB电缆。 您的同一把螺丝刀应该可以毫无问题地将其卸下。

Gently remove the cable and controller in one piece, then remove the flexible circuit board beneath. These are the only parts of the keyboard that are water sensitive. Put them away where they’ll be safe, so you can put them back together in this same order.

轻轻地将电缆和控制器拆成一件,然后拆下下面的柔性电路板。 这些是键盘上唯一对水敏感的部分。 将它们放到安全的地方,以便按相同顺序将它们放回去。

Here is the disassembled, disgusting keyboard case.


And your various parts, including the flexible circuit board, controller and cable, dome-switch membrane, and all the various screws. Again, keep these in a safe place. You won’t be cleaning these.

以及您的各种零件,包括柔性电路板,控制器和电缆,圆顶开关膜以及所有各种螺钉。 同样,请将其保存在安全的地方。 您不会清洗这些。

And—yecch—here’s a bunch of the dirt that fell off during this process.


Toss the board in the dishwasher just as if it was a ketchup-covered plate, and wash away. Once it is dry, simply re-assemble it the same way we took it apart, taking care to install the flexible circuit board, controller, dome-switch membrane, and finally keyboard top properly. Not re-installing any single part will cause your keyboard to not work. However, it’s not terribly sensitive, so simply try again until it does.

像将其盖在番茄酱中一样,将板子扔进洗碗机,然后洗净。 干燥后,只需按照拆开包装的方式重新组装,请小心安装柔性电路板,控制器,薄膜开关膜,最后正确安装键盘顶部。 不重新安装任何单个部件都会导致键盘无法正常工作。 但是,它并不是非常敏感,因此只需重试一次即可。

It may seem sort of risky, but this method is no more likely to ruin your keyboard than spilling alcohol on it while swabbing the keys. The total time taken, apart from the time it takes to run it through the dishwasher, is around 15 minutes, and that is if you’re really taking your time. All things considered, this is quite a fun way to learn about how keyboards work, and get it clean and sanitized without a lot of effort.

看起来有些冒险,但是这种方法不会像擦拭按键时在键盘上洒些酒精那样破坏键盘。 除了通过洗碗机运行所需的时间外,总时间约为15分钟,也就是说,您是否真的在花时间。 考虑到所有因素,这是学习键盘工作方式的一种非常有趣的方法,并且无需花费大量精力即可对其进行清洁和消毒。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/65915/how-to-clean-your-filthy-keyboard-in-the-dishwasher-without-ruining-it/



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