PHP中使用OpenSSL来产生证书加密解密源代码- -


该程序在linux+Apache 2.0 + PHP Version 4.2.2 中运行通过。




* Class COPenSSLCrypt

* Author  : pigo chu

* Date    : 2004-11-12

* Version : 0.01

* Revision History:

* Lihui Lei 2005-05-18


class COpenSSLCrypt {

/* All member variable is private */

var $publicKey  = "";

var $privateKey = "";

var $resourcePubKey = NULL;

var $resourcePriKey = NULL;

var $lastError = "";

var $debugMode = false;

var $keyLength = 64;

var $config = NULL;


* Construct Method

* if $dn is not null , then this class will Generate CSR with $dn

* NOTE $dn is an array like this :

*     array(

*         "countryName" => "UK",

*         "stateOrProvinceName" => "Somerset",

*         "localityName" => "Glastonbury",

*         "organizationName" => "The Brain Room Limited",

*         "organizationalUnitName" => "PHP Documentation Team",

*         "commonName" => "Wez Furlong",

*         "emailAddress" => ""

*         );


function COpenSSLCrypt( $dn=NULL , $passphrase=NULL )


if(is_array( $dn ))


$this->GenerateKey($dn , $passphrase);




* Generate CSR and create all key , if $dn is NULL then use default dn to generate


function GenerateKey($dn=NULL , $config= NULL , $passphrase=NULL )




$dn = array(

"countryName" => "CN",

"stateOrProvinceName" => "BEIJING",

"localityName" => "BeiJing",

"organizationName" => "IVT Corporation",

"organizationalUnitName" => "BlueSoleil Group",

"commonName" => "",

"emailAddress" => ""



$privkey = openssl_pkey_new();

if (!$config)


$config = array(

"digest_alg" => "sha1",

"private_key_bits" => $keyLength,

"private_key_type" => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA,

"encrypt_key" => false



$csr = openssl_csr_new($dn, $privkey);

$sscert = openssl_csr_sign($csr, null, $privkey, 365);

echo "



openssl_csr_export($csr, $csrout);

echo "

Certificate: public key


openssl_x509_export($sscert, $certout);

echo "

private key:


if($passphrase != NULL){

openssl_pkey_export($privkey, $pkeyout, $passphrase);


openssl_pkey_export($privkey, $pkeyout);






* Generate CSR and create all key , if $dn is NULL then use default dn to generate


function GenerateKeyToFile($csrFile=NULL, $certFile=NULL, $privkeyFile=NULL )


if (!csrFile or !certFile or !privkeyFile)


echo "

Please set key files' name and path.


return false;




$dn = array(

"countryName" => "CN",

"stateOrProvinceName" => "BEIJING",

"localityName" => "BeiJing",

"organizationName" => "IVT Corporation",

"organizationalUnitName" => "BlueSoleil Group",

"commonName" => "",

"emailAddress" => ""



$privkey = openssl_pkey_new();

$csr = openssl_csr_new($dn, $privkey);

$sscert = openssl_csr_sign($csr, null, $privkey, 365);

openssl_csr_export_to_file($csr, $csrFile);//and debug_zval_dump($csrout);;

openssl_x509_export_to_file($sscert, $certFile);

if($passphrase != NULL){

openssl_pkey_export_to_file($privkey, $privkeyFile, $passphrase);


openssl_pkey_export_to_file($privkey, $privkeyFile);


return true;


function setPublicKey( $key )


$this->publicKey = $key;

if( !($this->resourcePubKey = @openssl_get_publickey($key)) )



return false;


return true;


function setPrivateKey( $key , $passphrase="" )


$this->privateKey = $key;

if( !($this->resourcePriKey = @openssl_get_privatekey($key , $passphrase)) )



return false;


return true;


function getPublicKey()


return $this->publicKey;


function getPrivateKey()


return $this->privateKey;


function encrypt( $source )




$this->setDebug("decrypt(string) error : No Public Key Resource.\n");

return false;


$ret = "";

$len = strlen($source);

echo "The encrypted source length is ". $len;


* Why encrypt each 64 bytes ?

* Because openssl_public_enrypt() can't encrypt large data

* Anyone know why ?






$errorText = "encrypt(string) error : " . openssl_error_string() . "\n";

$errorText.= "Data Dump : \n" . strtoupper(bin2hex($source)) ."\n";

$this->setDebug( $errorText );

return false;


$ret .= $new_out;


return $ret;


function publicEncrypt_keyFromFile($data, $publicKeyFile, $passphrase=NULL)


$fp=fopen($publicKeyFile, "r");



// $passphrase is required if your key is encoded (suggested)

if($passphrase != NULL)

$res = openssl_get_publickey($public_key);


$res = openssl_get_publickey($public_key);

openssl_public_encrypt($data, $encrypted, $res);

return $encrypted;


function privateDecrypt_keyFromFile($data, $privateKeyFile, $passphrase=NULL)


$fp=fopen ($privateKeyFile,"r");



if($passphrase != NULL)

openssl_get_privatekey($private_key, $passphrase);



openssl_private_decrypt($data, $decrpted, $private_key);

return $decrpted;


function decrypt( $cryptedData )




$this->setDebug("decrypt(string) error : No Private Key Resource.\n");

return false;


$ret = "";

$len = strlen($cryptedData);


* Why decrypt each 128 bytes?

* Because openssl_private_decrypt can't decrypt large data.

* And when use openssl_public_enrypt to crypt data . It will create a 128 bytes string(Encoded)






$errorText = "decrypt(string) error : " . openssl_error_string() . "\n";

$errorText.= "Data Dump : \n" . strtoupper(bin2hex($cryptedData)) ."\n";

$this->setDebug( $errorText );

return false;


$ret .= $new_out;


return $ret;


function setKeyLength( $bitNum=64 )


$keyLength = $bitNum;


function getLastError()


return $this->lastError;


function setDebugMode( $bl=false )


$this->debugMode = $bl;


function setDebug( $msg="" )



$this->lastError = openssl_error_string();


$this->lastError = $msg;

if( $this->debugMode )

echo $this->lastError;



//echo phpinfo();

echo "

Openssl Encrypt/Decrypt Example:


// use a large data for test

$testStr= <


// Now I am server

$server_ssl = new COpenSSLCrypt;


//Generate Key File.

$ret = $server_ssl->GenerateKeyToFile("/home/test/cert.csr",



if (!$ret)

echo "

Error to generate key.";

echo "

The plain text is:".$testStr;

// Start Encrpt process at the server end.

echo "

The encrpyted result is:";

$cryptedData = $server_ssl->publicEncrypt_keyFromFile($testStr, "/home/test/cert.pem");

echo $cryptedData;

// Start Decrpt process at the client end.

echo "

The decrpyted result is:";

$decryptedData = $server_ssl->privateDecrypt_keyFromFile($cryptedData, "/home/test/privkey.pem");

echo $decryptedData;

/*// Now I ma client

$client_ssl = new COpenSSLCrypt;





// Now I am server , and client send a public key to me

$client_public_key = $client_ssl->getPublicKey();

$server_ssl->setPublicKey( $client_public_key );

$cryptedText = $server_ssl->encrypt($testStr);

// Now I am client , and I will decrypt $cryptedText

echo "The encrypted length is ". strlen($cryptedText) . "


$dumpData = strtoupper(bin2hex($cryptedText));

echo "Dump CryptedText :".  $dumpData. "


echo "The encrypted length is ". strlen($dumpData) . "


echo "Decrypt Text : ". $client_ssl->decrypt( $cryptedText ) . "


// Now I am server

$server_ssl = new COpenSSLCrypt;


// Now I ma client

$client_ssl = new COpenSSLCrypt;





// Now I am server , and client send a public key to me

$client_public_key = $client_ssl->getPublicKey();

$server_ssl->setPublicKey( $client_public_key );

$cryptedText = $server_ssl->encrypt($testStr);

// Now I am client , and I will decrypt $cryptedText

echo "The encrypted length is ". strlen($cryptedText) . "


$dumpData = strtoupper(bin2hex($cryptedText));

echo "Dump CryptedText :".  $dumpData. "


echo "The encrypted length is ". strlen($dumpData) . "


echo "Decrypt Text : ". $client_ssl->decrypt( $cryptedText ) . "




- 作者: Goooder 2005年05月31日, 星期二 14:47 加入博采

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