

const int analogPin=A0; //the AO of the module attach to A0
const int digitalPin=7;  //D0 attach to pin7
const int ledPin=13;  //pin 13 built-in led
int Astate=0; //store the value of A0
boolean Dstate=0;  //store the value of D0void setup()
{pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); //set the ledPin as OUTPUT pinMode(digitalPin,INPUT);  //set digitalPin as INPUTSerial.begin(9600);  //initialize the serial monitor
}void loop()
{Astate=analogRead(analogPin);  //read the value of A0Serial.print("A0: ");Serial.println(Astate);  //print the value in the serial monitorDstate=digitalRead(digitalPin);  //read the value of D0Serial.print("D0: ");Serial.println(Dstate);if(Dstate==HIGH)  {digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);}else //if the value of D0 is LOW{digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); //turn on the led}


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