
int getInt(const char *arg, int flags, const char *name);

long getLong(const char *arg, int flags, const char *name);






FUNC_NAME: get_num.h

FUNC_DESC: Header file for get_num.c.


#ifndef GET_NUM_H

#define GET_NUM_H

#define GN_NONNEG 01 /* Value must be >= 0 */

#define GN_GT_0 02 /* Value must be > 0 */

/* By default, integers are decimal */

#define GN_ANY_BASE 0100 /* Can use any base - like strtol(3) */

#define GN_BASE_8 0200 /* Value is expressed in octal */

#define GN_BASE_16 0400 /* Value is expressed in hexadecimal */

long getLong(const char *arg, int flags, const char *name);

int getInt(const char *arg, int flags, const char *name);




FUNC_NAME: get_num.h

FUNC_DESC: Functions to process numeric command-line arguments.







#include "get_num.h"

/* Print a diagnostic message that contains a function name ('fname'),

the value of a command-line argument ('arg'), the name of that

command-line argument ('name'), and a diagnostic error message ('msg'). */

static void gnFail(const char *fname, const char *msg, const char *arg, const char *name)


fprintf(stderr, "%s error", fname);

if (name != NULL)

fprintf(stderr, " (in %s)", name);

fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", msg);

if (arg != NULL && *arg != '\0')

fprintf(stderr, " offending text: %s\n", arg);



/* Convert a numeric command-line argument ('arg') into a long integer,

returned as the function result. 'flags' is a bit mask of flags controlling

how the conversion is done and what diagnostic checks are performed on the

numeric result; see get_num.h for details.

'fname' is the name of our caller, and 'name' is the name associated with

the command-line argument 'arg'. 'fname' and 'name' are used to print a

diagnostic message in case an error is detected when processing 'arg'. */

static long getNum(const char *fname, const char *arg, int flags, const char *name)


long res;

char *endptr;

int base;

if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0')

gnFail(fname, "null or empty string", arg, name);

base = (flags & GN_ANY_BASE) ? 0 : (flags & GN_BASE_8) ? 8 :

(flags & GN_BASE_16) ? 16 : 10;

errno = 0;

res = strtol(arg, &endptr, base);

if (errno != 0)

gnFail(fname, "strtol() failed", arg, name);

if (*endptr != '\0')

gnFail(fname, "nonnumeric characters", arg, name);

if ((flags & GN_NONNEG) && res < 0)

gnFail(fname, "negative value not allowed", arg, name);

if ((flags & GN_GT_0) && res <= 0)

gnFail(fname, "value must be > 0", arg, name);

return res;


/* Convert a numeric command-line argument string to a long integer. See the

comments for getNum() for a description of the arguments to this function. */


getLong(const char *arg, int flags, const char *name)


return getNum("getLong", arg, flags, name);


/* Convert a numeric command-line argument string to an integer. See the

comments for getNum() for a description of the arguments to this function. */


getInt(const char *arg, int flags, const char *name)


long res;

res = getNum("getInt", arg, flags, name);

if (res > INT_MAX || res < INT_MIN)

gnFail("getInt", "integer out of range", arg, name);

return (int) res;


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