
python下进行lda主题挖掘(一)——预处理(英文) python下进行lda主题挖掘(二)——利用gensim训练LDA模型 python下进行lda主题挖掘(三)——计算困惑度perplexity

本篇是我的LDA主题挖掘系列的第二篇,介绍如何利用gensim包提供的方法来训练自己处理好的语料。 gensim提供了多种方法: ###速度较慢的: 具体参数说明及使用方法请参照官网:models.ldamodel – Latent Dirichlet Allocation

from gensim.models.ldamodel import LdaModel

# 利用处理好的语料训练模型

lda = LdaModel(corpus, num_topics=10)

# 推断新文本的主题分布

doc_lda = lda[doc_bow]

# 用新语料更新模型


###速度较快,使用多核心的: 具体参数说明及使用方法请参照官网:models.ldamulticore – parallelized Latent Dirichlet Allocation

>>> from gensim import corpora, models

>>> lda = LdaMulticore(corpus, id2word=id2word, num_topics=100)  # train model

>>> print(lda[doc_bow]) # get topic probability distribution for a document

>>> lda.update(corpus2) # update the LDA model with additional documents

>>> print(lda[doc_bow])


Wall-clock performance on the English Wikipedia (2G corpus positions, 3.5M documents, 100K features, 0.54G non-zero entries in the final bag-of-words matrix), requesting 100 topics: (Measured on this i7 server with 4 physical cores, so that optimal workers=3, one less than the number of cores.) | algorithm| training time| | ------------- |:-------------? | LdaMulticore(workers=1) | 2h30m | | LdaMulticore(workers=2) | 1h24m | | LdaMulticore(workers=3) | 1h6m | | oldLdaModel | 3h44m | | simply iterating over input corpus = I/O overhead | 20m | workers的值需要比电脑的核心数小1 本文代码使用多核心的方法。 有问题欢迎留言交流。 本文在将语料转化为corpus后,进行了如下操作:

tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus)

corpusTfidf = tfidf[corpus]



import sys



import os

import codecs

from gensim.corpora import Dictionary

from gensim import corpora, models

from datetime import datetime

import platform

import logging

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s : ', level=logging.INFO)

platform_info = platform.platform().lower()

if 'windows' in platform_info:

code = 'gbk'

elif 'linux' in platform_info:

code = 'utf-8'

path = sys.path[0]

class GLDA(object):

"""docstring for GdeltGLDA"""

def __init__(self, stopfile=None):

super(GLDA, self).__init__()

if stopfile:

with codecs.open(stopfile, 'r', code) as f:

self.stopword_list = f.read().split(' ')

print ('the num of stopwords is : %s'%len(self.stopword_list))


self.stopword_list = None

def lda_train(self, num_topics, datafolder, middatafolder, dictionary_path=None, corpus_path=None, iterations=5000, passes=1, workers=3):

time1 = datetime.now()

num_docs = 0

doclist = []

if not corpus_path or not dictionary_path: # 若无字典或无corpus,则读取预处理后的docword。一般第一次运行都需要读取,在后期调参时,可直接传入字典与corpus路径

for filename in os.listdir(datafolder): # 读取datafolder下的语料

with codecs.open(datafolder+filename, 'r', code) as source_file:

for line in source_file:

num_docs += 1

if num_docs%100000==0:

print ('%s, %s'%(filename, num_docs))

#doc = [word for word in doc if word not in self.stopword_list]

doclist.append(line.split(' '))

print ('%s, %s'%(filename, num_docs))

if dictionary_path:

dictionary = corpora.Dictionary.load(dictionary_path) # 加载字典



dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(doclist)

dictionary.save(middatafolder + 'dictionary.dictionary')

if corpus_path:

corpus = corpora.MmCorpus(corpus_path) # 加载corpus


corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in doclist]

corpora.MmCorpus.serialize(middatafolder + 'corpus.mm', corpus) # 保存corpus

tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus)

corpusTfidf = tfidf[corpus]

time2 = datetime.now()

lda_multi = models.ldamulticore.LdaMulticore(corpus=corpusTfidf, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=num_topics, \

iterations=iterations, workers=workers, batch=True, passes=passes) # 开始训练

lda_multi.print_topics(num_topics, 30) # 输出主题词矩阵

print ('lda training time cost is : %s, all time cost is : %s '%(datetime.now()-time2, datetime.now()-time1))

#模型的保存/ 加载

lda_multi.save(middatafolder + 'lda_tfidf_%s_%s.model'%(num_topics, iterations)) # 保存模型

# lda = models.ldamodel.LdaModel.load('zhwiki_lda.model') # 加载模型

# save the doc-topic-id

topic_id_file = codecs.open(middatafolder + 'topic.json', 'w', 'utf-8')

for i in range(num_docs):

topic_id = lda_multi[corpusTfidf[i]][0][0] # 取概率最大的主题作为文本所属主题

topic_id_file.write(str(topic_id)+ ' ')

if __name__ == '__main__':

datafolder = path + os.sep + 'docword' + os.sep # 预处理后的语料所在文件夹,函数会读取此文件夹下的所有语料文件

middatafolder = path + os.sep + 'middata' + os.sep

dictionary_path = middatafolder + 'dictionary.dictionary' # 已处理好的字典,若无,则设置为False

corpus_path = middatafolder + 'corpus.mm' # 对语料处理过后的corpus,若无,则设置为False

# stopfile = path + os.sep + 'rest_stopwords.txt' # 新添加的停用词文件

num_topics = 50

passes = 2 # 这个参数大概是将全部语料进行训练的次数,数值越大,参数更新越多,耗时更长

iterations = 6000

workers = 3 # 相当于进程数

lda = GLDA()

lda.lda_train(num_topics, datafolder, middatafolder, dictionary_path=dictionary_path, corpus_path=corpus_path, iterations=iterations, passes=passes, workers=workers)

在训练好模型后该如何对模型进行评价,以选取合适的参数? 可参照下一篇博客python下进行lda主题挖掘(三)——计算困惑度



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