I just updated to iTunes 4.9. I was holding off, since I make backups of with jHymn and it's unclear how that will work in the future. But the podcasting support was too attractive to ignore.

我刚刚更新到iTunes 4.9 。 我推迟了,因为我使用jHymn进行了备份,目前尚不清楚将来该如何工作。 但是播客支持太诱人了,不容忽视。

(Yes, I know I said something about Podcastarrhea before, and I stand by that. But RSS Enclosures are a good way to get the content I do want brought to me and sync'ed transparently. And I don't have to wait until 2008 for it.)


I have started riding my (new) bike to work, 5 miles each way (don't laugh, it's hard and somehow uphill both ways!) and while I'm a massive fan of Audible.com and it's brilliant iTunes integration (I'm a "Light Listener" which means $12.95 a month for two books) I'd really like to listen to a few public radio stations on my time.

我已经开始骑着我的(新)骑自行车上班5英里每路(不要笑,这是很难,不知何故上坡两种方式!),虽然我是一个巨大的风扇Audible.com和它的辉煌iTunes的整合(我“我是一个“光听者”,每月要花两本书$ 12.95。)我真的很想听一些公共广播电台的节目。

There's a great list of non-commericial and public radio Podcasts at 43 Folders, and it looks like we can expect big things from NPR very soon around podcasting.

在43 Folders上有大量非商业性和公共广播的Podcast,看来我们很快就可以期待NPR在Podcasting方面的重大发展。

I'd love to subscribe to the many .NET Rocks Podcasts, but iTunes doesn't support BitTorrent and I'm not really interested in being a Torrent repeater. Seems my bandwidth always gets sucked up and I'm always pushing more than I'm pulling. NOTE TO SELF: I'll need to use my Sveasoft QoS support to lower the priority of BitTorrent. I hope .NET Rocks offers a conventional method soon.

我很想订阅许多.NET Rocks播客,但是iTunes不支持BitTorrent,而且我对成为Torrent中继器并不感兴趣。 似乎我的带宽总是被耗尽,并且我总是在推动更多的努力。 自我提示:我需要使用我的Sveasoft QoS支持来降低BitTorrent的优先级。 希望.NET Rocks尽快提供常规方法。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/podcasting-with-itunes-49

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