
Jianbing is one of China's most popular street breakfasts. While all manner of Chinese buns and dumplings have spread well beyond the country's borders, it might be China's best-kept culinary secret.

The savory(风味极佳的,可口的) crisp-fried crêpes are all about bold contrasts of flavor and texture: eggs spreaded over the surface ofthe wheat and mung bean flour pancake as it cooks; crunchy puffed strips of fried wonton; a jumble of grassy cilantro, peppery scallions, and tangy pickles; and a sweet and spicy layer of hoisin and chili sauces. Each one is cooked fresh to order on a circular cast-iron grill, just the way you want it.

A thick, sticky wad of dough is deftly spread into a giant pancake, thin as a crêpe, using a thick wooden paddle. While the crêpe cooks, an egg or two are cracked onto its uncooked surface and spread evenly, and then topped with finely chopped mustard pickles, scallions, and coriander. The jianbing is folded in half like a fan, and hoisin sauce and  chili sauce spread on the back to taste. For crunch, the vendor folds the bing around a sheet of crispy-fried wonton and some lettuce, before chopping it in half to make it easier to eat.

Every metropolitan neighborhood across the People's Republic has its own jianbing vendor serving breakfast from dawn through mid-morning, satisfying hungry locals on their way to work.






Jianbing is one of China's most popular street breakfasts.


While all manner of Chinese buns and dumplings have spread well beyond the country's borders, it might be China's best-kept culinary secret.


The savory crisp-fried crêpes are all about bold contrasts of flavor and texture:



eggs spread over the surface of the wheat and mung bean flour pancake as it cooks;


crunchy puffed strips of fried wonton;


a jumble of grassy cilantro,


peppery scallions, and tangy pickles;


and a sweet and spicy layer of hoisin and chili sauces.


Each one is cooked fresh to order on a circular cast-iron grill, just the way you want it.


A thick, sticky wad of dough is deftly spread into a giant pancake, thin as a crêpe, using a thick wooden paddle.


While the crêpe cooks, an egg or two are cracked onto its uncooked surface and spread evenly,


The Jianbing is folded in half like a fan,


and hoisin sauce and  chili sauce spread on the back to taste.


and then topped with finely chopped mustard pickles, scallions, and coriander.


For crunch,


the vendor folds the bing around a sheet of crispy-fried wonton and some lettuce, before chopping it in half to make it easier to eat.


Every metropolitan neighborhood across the People's Republic has its own Jianbing vendor serving breakfast from dawn through mid-morning, satisfying hungry locals on their way to work.


中翻译 30分钟:

由于悠久的历史, 中国美食文化博大精深。中国地域辽阔,拥有大量少数民族。气候、地理环境、不同地区的历史和文化发展的差异形成了不同风格的美食,每种都有自己的特点。中国有徽菜、粤菜、闽菜、湘菜、苏菜、鲁菜、川菜、浙菜八大菜系。中国人民相信“食不厌精。”中国谚语认为“民以食为天”,“食色,性也”。中餐讲究酸甜苦辣咸五味平衡、色香味形俱全,注重选料,精于刀工,善于炊技。中国西北人民爱酸食物,西南部的喜欢辣的食物,南部和东部更喜欢甜的食物。北方人主要吃小麦制成的食物,如馒头,蒸花卷,煎饼和面条,南方人以大米为主食。


With a time-honored history, Chinese food culture is broad and profound. China has a vast territory and a large number of ethnic minorities(groups). The (great) differences between climate, geography and areas’ history and culture development contribute to various styles of delicacies(cuisine),  each of which owns its characteristic(each having its own distinct characteristics). There are eight culinary cuisines in China. The Eight Culinary Cuisines are Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Szechuan and Zhejiang cuisines. Chinese people believe(have always maintained) that “one does not object to the finest food”. And the Chinese proverb holds that(Old Chinese sayings go:) “bread is the staff of life” and “The desire for food and sex is part of human nature(are basic human instincts)”. Chinese food pays attention to the balance between sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty(Chinese cuisine features the harmonious blending of five flavors, namely...), excellence in cuisines’ color, aroma and taste(the integration of color, aroma, flavor and shape). Besides, Chinese people lay emphasis on ingredients, have proficiency in cutting techniques and cooking methods(名词写法 careful selection of ingredients, adept 熟练的 cutting methods and perfect cooking skills). People in northwest China like sour food, those in southwest China prefer spicy food, and those in south and east(southerners and easterners) favor sweet food. People in the north China mainly have wheat-based food(cooked wheaten food) such as steamed bun, Steamed Twisted Bread Roll, pancakes and noodles, while people in south regard(take) rice as their staple food.

由于悠久的历史, 中国美食文化博大精深。

With a time-honored history, Chinese cuisine culture is extensive and profound.


China has a vast territory and a large number of ethnic groups/minorities.


Thanks to the great differences in the climate, geographical environment, and historical and cultural development of different regions, various styles of cuisine have been formed, each having its own distinct characteristics.


The Eight Culinary Cuisines of China are Anhui cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Fujian cuisine,  Hunan cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, and Zhejiang cuisine.


Chinese people have always maintained that "One does not object to the finest food.”


Old Chinese sayings go: "People regard food as their prime want.“

Bread is the stall of life.(Prov. Food is necessary for people to survive.)


“Desires for food and sex are basic human instincts.”


Chinese cuisine features the harmonious blending of five flavors, namely sour, spicy, bitter, sweet and savory taste;

Chinese cuisine features the harmonious blending of sourness, spiciness, bitterness, sweetness and saltiness;


the integration of color, aroma, flavor and shape; careful selection of ingredients; adept cutting techniques and perfect cooking skills.


The people of northwest China love sour food; those of southwest China are fond of spicy food; while southerners and easterners prefer sweet food. Northern Chinese mainly eat cooked wheaten food, such as steamed buns, steamed twisted rolls, pancakes and noodles; and the people of south China take rice as their staple food.


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