全球人工智能教育及研究领导者吴恩达教授最新来信:AI, GPU和芯片的未来


9月,支持以太加密货币的主要区块链以太坊(Ethereum)完成了一次转换,大大减少了所需的计算量。这种转变被称为“合并”(the Merge),它应该能够通过消耗更少的能源来造福自然环境。它还将减少对GPU进行加密货币挖掘的需求。(比特币区块链的计算成本仍然很高。)我预计较低的需求将有助于降低GPU价格。







Dear friends,
The rise of AI over the last decade has been powered by the increasing speed and decreasing cost of GPUs and other accelerator chips. How long will this continue? The past month saw several events that might affect how GPU prices evolve.In September, Ethereum, a major blockchain that supports the cryptocurrency known as ether, completed a shift that significantly reduced the computation it requires. This shift — dubbed the Merge — should benefit the natural environment by consuming less energy. It will also decrease demand for GPUs to carry out cryptocurrency mining. (The Bitcoin blockchain remains computationally expensive.) I expect that lower demand will help lower GPU prices.

On the other hand, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang declared recently that the era in which chip prices could be expected to fall is over. Moore’s Law, the longstanding trend that has doubled the number of transistors that could fit in a given area of silicon roughly every two years, is dead, he said. It remains to be seen how accurate his prediction is. After all, many earlier reports of the death of Moore’s Law have turned out to be wrong. Intel continues to bet that it will hold up.

That said, improvements in GPU performance have exceeded the pace of Moore’s Law as Nvidia has optimized its chips to process neural networks, while the pace of improvements in CPUs, which are designed to process a wider range of programming, has fallen behind. So even if chip manufacturers can’t pack silicon more densely with transistors, chip designers may be able to continue optimizing to improve the price/performance ratio for AI.

I’m optimistic that AI practitioners will get the processing power they need. While much AI progress has been — and a meaningful fraction still is — driven by using cheaper computation to train bigger neural networks on bigger datasets, other engines of innovation now drive AI as well. Data-centric AI, small data, more efficient algorithms, and ongoing work to adapt AI to thousands (millions?) of new applications will keep things moving forward.Semiconductor startups have had a hard time in recent years because, by the time they caught up with any particular offering by market leader Nvidia, Nvidia had already moved on to a faster, cheaper product. If chip prices stop falling, they’ll have a bigger market opportunity — albeit with significant technical hurdles — to build competitive chips. The industry for AI accelerators remains dynamic. Intel and AMD are making significant investments and a growing number of companies are duking it out on the MLPerf benchmark that measures chip performance. I believe the options for training and inference in the cloud and at the edge will continue to expand.

Keep learning!



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