RTFSC - Read The Fucking Source Code - 去读该死的源代码

RTFQ (read the fucking question)
RTFB (read the fucking binary) - 去读该死的已编译程序
RTFS (read the fucking source or read the fucking standard) - 去读该死的源代码
RTFC (read the fucking chart)
RTFW (read the fucking wiki)
RTFM41 (read the fucking manual for once)
RTFE (read the fucking error) - 去读该死的错误
WABM (write a better manual)
RTDM (read the damn menu) 
RTDM (read the damn manual)
RTDA (read the damn article) - 去看该死的文章
RTFA (read the fucking/featured article) - 去读天杀的文章。用于回应某些没有看清原文内容,就发表没有关系的留言的人。
RTBM (read the bloody manual) - 去读那些天杀的手册
RTFM (read the fucking manual) - 去读那些他妈的手册
STFW (search the fucking web) - 去搜索天杀的网站吧
GIYF (Google is your friend)
RTFM (read the fucking message)
LMGTFY (let me Google that for you) - 让我帮你 Google 你要的东西 - 问问题前请先 Google 搜索
RTFM (Read The Foolish Manual) - 去读那些愚蠢的手册
RTFM (Read The Friendly Manual) - 去读那些友善的手册
RTFM (Read The Fine Manual) - 去读那些写得不错的手册

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