ISO is the short form of the International Organization for Standardization. ISO is an international standard-setting body that is the most powerful standardization organization in the world.

ISOInternational Organization for Standardization的简称。 ISO是国际标准制定机构,是世界上最强大的标准化组织。

ISO历史 (ISO History)

ISO is founded on 23 February 1947 in Switzerland. In order to be free and not depending any country Switzerland is selected. ISO headquarters are also located in the Geneva, Switzerland too.

ISO于1947年2月23日在瑞士成立。 为了自由,不依赖任何国家,选择了瑞士。 ISO总部也位于瑞士日内瓦。

The first body of ISO organization is created in 1920s with the name of ISA (International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations). But with the World War II it is suspended its operations.

ISO组织的第一机构成立于1920年代,名称为ISA(国家标准化协会国际联合会)。 但是随着第二次世界大战,它被暂停了运作。

In 1946 the ISA and UNSCC delegates from 25 countries met in London to join forces and create new International Organization for Standardization.


ISO组织和成员资格 (ISO Organization and Membership)

Event the ISO is founded with the 25 members currently there are 164 member countries worldwide. The 40 countries are correspondent and 4 countries are named as subscriber.

建立ISO的活动有25个成员,目前全球有164个成员国。 40个国家/地区是通讯员,其中4个国家/地区是订户。

ISO Member Contries

Member Countries are national bodies considered the most representative standards body in each country. Only member countries has the voting right.

Member Countries是被认为是每个国家中最具代表性的标准机构。 只有成员国拥有投票权。

Correspondent members are countries that do not have their own standards organizations. They are informed about the the work of ISO but do not participate in standard creation.

Correspondent members是没有自己的标准组织的国家。 他们了解ISO的工作,但不参与标准创建。

Subscriber members are countries with small economies. They pay reduced membership fees and follow the development of the ISO standards.

Subscriber members是经济较小的国家。 他们减少会员费并遵循ISO标准的制定。

ISO标准 (ISO Standards)

ISO standards are created by the technical committees which consist of field experts. There are about 250 technical committees to create and maintain ISO Standards.

ISO标准由由现场专家组成的技术委员会制定。 大约有250个技术委员会来制定和维护ISO标准。

The standards are named with the ISO[/IEC] [/ASTM] [IS] nnnnn[-p]:[yyyy] convention. nnnn is the number of the standard where yyyy is the year the standard published. p is the optional number of the standard if there are multiple parts.

这些标准以ISO [/ IEC] [/ ASTM] [IS] nnnnn [-p]:[yyyy]约定命名。 nnnn是标准的编号,其中yyyy是标准发布的年份。 如果有多个部分,则p是标准的可选编号。

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ISO标准化阶段 (ISO Standardization Stages)

Creating an ISO standard consist of multiple stages from scratch to the end of the standard.


  • Preliminary初步
  • Proposal提案
  • Preparatory预备
  • Committee委员会
  • Enquiry查询
  • Approval批准书
  • Publication出版物
  • Review评论
  • Withdrawal退出

ISO Standardization Stages

流行的ISO标准(Popular ISO Standards)

In our daily life we use a lot of different ISO standards. These standards makes goods and services more quality, cheap and reliable. Here a list of ISO standards popularly used in daily life.

在我们的日常生活中,我们使用许多不同的ISO标准。 这些标准使商品和服务的质量,价格和可靠性更高。 这里列出了日常生活中广泛使用的ISO标准。

ISO 9660 is a standard created to define file system of a CD-ROM media. CD-ROM media created with this standard can be used on any operating system like Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Unix etc.

ISO 9660是创建用于定义CD-ROM介质的文件系统的标准。 使用此标准创建的CD-ROM介质可以在任何操作系统上使用,例如Linux,Windows,MacOSX,Unix等。

ISO 27001 is another popular standard used to define a cybersecurity framework. ISO 27001 defines different requirements to make the organization more secure.

ISO 27001是另一个流行的标准,用于定义网络安全框架。 ISO 27001定义了不同的要求,以使组织更安全。



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