
项目地址: romandanylyk/PageIndicatorView
简介:An page indicator for Android ViewPager


PageIndicatorView will simplify your life while you working with Android ViewPager and need to indicate selected page. It's easy to setup and customize as you need with run-time preview rendering.


To add pageindicatorview to your project, first make sure in root build.gradle you have specified the following repository:

    repositories {jcenter()}

Note: by creating new project in Android Studio it will have jcenter repository specified by default, so you will not need to add it manually.

Once you make sure you have jcenter repository in your project, all you need to do is to add the following line independencies section of your project build.gradle.

See latest library version 

compile 'com.romandanylyk:pageindicatorview:X.X.X'

Keep in mind, that PageIndicatorView has min API level 14

Usage Sample

During implementation of PageIndicatorView I tried to make it's setup as easy as possible. After you set adapter to your ViewPager, all you need to do is to setViewPager() and that's it! PageIndicatorView will get count from your adapter and start working with instance of your ViewPager automatically.

ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;
//instance of adapterPageIndicatorView pageIndicatorView = (PageIndicatorView) view.findViewById(;

Keep in mind that all public methods are also exist as attributes, so you can even setup and customize page indicator without any java code.



One of the most important feature of every custom view is ability to customize its look as user need. By calling the following methods (or attributes) you will be able to customize PageIndicatorView as you need.

//set size
setCount(int count)
setDynamicCount(boolean dynamicCount)setRadius(int radiusDp)
setPadding(int paddingDp)//set color
setUnselectedColor(int color)
setSelectedColor(int color)//set animation
setAnimationDuration(long duration)
setAnimationType(AnimationType type)
setInteractiveAnimation(boolean isInteractive)//set selection
setProgress(int selectingPosition, float progress)
setSelection(int position)

Here you can see all the animations PageIndicatorView support.

Name Support version Preview
AnimationType.NONE 0.0.1
AnimationType.COLOR 0.0.1
AnimationType.SCALE 0.0.1
AnimationType.SLIDE 0.0.1
AnimationType.WORM 0.0.1

Release Note

See release notes on github releases or Bintray release notes.


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