
An article in the Financial Times, “This is how class wars start”, contrasts how rich Americans solve the first world problems caused by the pandemic, with summer camps costing several thousand dollars to give parents time away from their children, or very expensive private classes at home, while growing numbers of the 40% of the population who live in rented accommodation are facing eviction.

《金融时报》上的一篇文章“ 这就是阶级战争的开始 ”,与富裕的美国人如何解决由大流行引起的第一世界问题形成了鲜明对比,夏令营花费了数千美元,使父母有时间远离孩子,或者是非常昂贵的私人在家上课 ,而居住在出租房中的人口中有40%的人正面临越来越多的驱逐 。

The combination of growing inequality and the pandemic now threatens to tear our societies apart: Amazon and Facebook founders Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg are among the wealthiest of the approximately 640 multi-billionaires in the United States who collectively saw an increase of more than $713 billion in their fortunes in the four months following the lockdown that began in mid-March.

日益加剧的不平等和大流行之间的威胁现在威胁着我们的社会崩溃:亚马逊和Facebook创始人杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)和马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)是美国约640位亿万富翁中最富有的人,他们的财富总计增加了超过7,130亿美元在 3月中旬开始的封锁后的四个月中,他们的命运有所改善。

During that same four-month period, some 154,000 Americans died from coronavirus, and 50 million lost their jobs. One in 10 Americans surveyed in early July said they didn’t have enough to eat, and four in 10 people living in rented accommodation said they had trouble making their payments.

在同一四个月的时间里, 约有154,000名美国人死于冠状病毒 ,有5,000万人失业 。 7月初接受调查的美国人中有十分之一的人说他们没有足够的饭菜 ,住在租房的人中有十分之四的人说他们很难付款。

As the Financial Times says, citing a phrase commonly attributed to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, “when people have nothing else to eat, they will eat the rich.” Capitalist societies, which already had a tendency to concentrate wealth in fewer and fewer hands, have seen the development of technology increase inequality to unprecedented limits, not so much because of the abilities of billionaires to amass wealth or to create a minimally comparable level of wealth for society, but fundamentally because of the absence of policies that rationalize limitless accumulation.

正如《金融时报》所说,人们通常引用让·雅克·卢梭 ( Jean-Jacques Rousseau) 一词来形容 ,“当人们没有其他食物可吃时,他们就会吃掉有钱人。” 资本主义社会已经倾向于将财富集中在越来越少的人手中,它们已经看到了技术的发展。 增加 不等式 至 这是史无前例的限制 ,其主要原因不是亿万富翁有能力积累财富或为社会创造最低程度的可比财富,而是根本原因是缺乏合理化无限积累的政策 。

In countries like Chile, which has doggedly pursued the policies of the Chicago School, the government finally seems to be realizing that the long-standing social unrest there over growing inequality are not going to go away and that measures to address the huge income gap will be needed.

在像智利这样顽固地奉行芝加哥学校政策的国家 ,政府似乎终于意识到,由于不平等现象加剧而长期存在的社会动荡不会消失, 解决巨大收入差距的措施将需要 。

In poorer places, like Bangladesh, where a quarter of the country was recently flooded, a harsh paradox is also being played out: those who suffer most from the effects of the climate emergency are precisely those who contribute least to it. This is not bad luck, or about working harder: it is a structural problem. If governments can’t or won’t administrate to provide a fair chance for all, why should we respect the rules of society?

在较贫穷的地方,例如孟加拉国, 最近该国四分之一的洪水被淹没了 ,这也正产生着严峻的悖论:遭受气候紧急事件影响最大的人恰恰是对紧急情况贡献最小的人。 这不是运气不好,还是要加倍努力:这是一个结构性问题。 如果政府不能或不愿为所有人提供公平的机会,为什么我们要尊重社会规则?

The near future will be characterized by more and more natural disasters, which affect the poorest hardest, while the development of technology continues to increase inequality. Migration forced by weather, higher unemployment due to increasing automation, scarcity of resources due to the unviability of certain crops… under these conditions, a scenario of growing inequality becomes the greatest threat to human civilization.

在不远的将来,自然灾害将越来越多,这将影响最贫困的人,而技术的发展将继续加剧不平等现象。 由于天气原因造成的移民,由于自动化程度提高而导致的更高失业率,由于某些农作物无法生存造成的资源短缺……在这种情况下,不平等加剧的情况成为对人类文明的最大威胁。

Think about it. None of the links I have used come from publications that could be described as left-leaning: the Financial Times, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal or the MIT Tech Review, and this article was written by a professor at a business school, rather than some dangerous radical activist. If we can’t agree that inequality needs to be addressed out of solidarity, then perhaps our survival instinct will motivate us. Because unless we do something about inequality on a global and local scale, we’re going nowhere.

想一想。 我使用的链接都没有来自可以被描述为向左倾斜的出版物:《金融时报》,《福布斯》,《华尔街日报》或《麻省理工学院技术评论》,而本文并非由商学院的一位教授撰写,而是一些危险的激进主义者。 如果我们不同意需要不团结来解决不平等问题,那么我们生存的本能也许会激励我们。 因为除非我们在全球和地方范围内对不平等做些事情,否则我们将一事无成。

(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/inequality-and-a-global-pandemic-the-perfect-storm-175362c8d89f




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