
Have you ever tried to change the type of a section break in Word and only managed to ruin your sections and have to set them up and format them all over again?


You probably thought that you had to delete a section break and reinsert it to change its type. Fortunately, that is not the case. There is an easy way to change the type of a section while preserving the section at the same time.

您可能以为必须删除分节符并重新插入才能更改其类型。 幸运的是,事实并非如此。 有一种简单的方法可以更改节的类型,同时保留该节。

This trick is especially useful if you are working on a large document that is split into multiple files, being worked on by multiple authors. Each author creates their own section breaks using different types and you may find that you have to change the types of section breaks they inserted.

如果您正在处理一个由多个作者处理的分成多个文件的大型文档,则此技巧特别有用。 每个作者使用不同的类型创建自己的分节符,您可能会发现必须更改他们插入的分节符的类型。

For the example in this article, we will change a continuous section break to a next page section break. These steps work in both Word 2007 and Word 2010.

对于本文中的示例,我们将连续的分节符更改为下一页的分节符。 这些步骤适用于Word 2007和Word 2010。

Click inside the section that you want to change, below the section break marker, as pictured below.


Click the Page Layout tab on the ribbon and click the launch button in the lower, right corner of the Page Setup section.


The Page Setup dialog box displays. Click the Layout tab and select New page from the Section start drop-down list. Click OK.

显示页面设置对话框。 单击布局选项卡,然后从部分开始下拉列表中选择新建页面。 单击确定。

The type of section break changes to Next Page and the text in that section moves to the next page.


Now, wasn’t that a lot easier than deleting section breaks, moving content, and resetting up your sections?


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/73928/change-the-type-for-a-section-break-in-word-2007-and-2010/


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